The close environments of accreting supermassive black holes
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Claudio Ricci
Núcleo de Astronomía, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, Chile
**** NEW TIME AND ROOM - 15:00, Auditorium 0.02 ****
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are powered by accretion onto supermassive
black holes and, besides being among the most luminous sources of
radiation in the Universe, are also thought to play an important role in
the evolution of their host galaxies. X-ray emission is an
ubiquitous property of AGN and, being produced within a few
gravitational radii from the supermassive black hole, it can provide
fundamental information about the structure and geometry of its
circumnuclear material, as well as on the characteristics of its
accretion flow. In my talk I will discuss the obscuration and accretion
properties of local AGN, focussing on the results obtained by the
Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey.
Millisecond pulsars in the era of sensitive radio telescopes
Tasha Gautam
Pulsars are highly magnetised rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation. Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are a class of recycled pulsars that rotate with exceptionally small spin periods. They are extremely stable in their rotation which makes them exceptional probes to a plethora of multifaceted applications to science. These include understanding the nature of the pulsar binary, testing General Relativity, and constraining alternative gravity theories. In this talk, I explore two crucial aspects of science with MSPs: a) discovering exotic MSP systems, and b) exploiting MSP binaries with long-term radio pulsar timing to constrain the nature of binary and explore their potential as gravitational laboratory. In the first half of my talk, I will discuss two pulsar search surveys carried out with upgraded GMRT and MeerKAT radio telescopes in Globular Clusters (GCs). I present the new pulsar discoveries in these surveys and discuss their timing solutions. In the survey with GMRT, we also looked for steep spectrum radio sources in the images of all the GCs observed. We found previously un-identified sources in these images that may likely be pulsars. In the search survey with MeerKAT, which is the first pulsar search survey performed with the MeerKAT radio telescope, we targeted nine GCs in the southern hemisphere. I will discuss how the discoveries in this survey corroborate the existing divide in the pulsar population of core-collapse and non core-collapse GCs. The second half of the talk will focus on the timing analysis of two MSP binaries: PSR J1952+2630 and PSR J1012-4235. In both the projects, I present the long-term timing solutions and show for the first time the detection of relativistic effects in these systems. I present constraints on the masses of the pulsar and the companion obtained from these detections, and discuss the exciting future potential in testing GR and constraining alternative gravity theories in both the systems.
The Multi-messenger Hunt for the Biggest Binary Black Holes
Main Colloquium
Prof. Sarah Burke-Spolaor
West Virginia University Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology, USA
Binary black holes store enormous energy, and in turn can be the
brightest sources in the universe of electromagnetic and gravitational
radiation. When galaxies merge, these giant binaries can form in rich
environments with extended interactions with gas, stars, dust in their
vicinity. If they turn on as AGN, we can potentially identify them via a
large number of smoking-gun signatures. During their inspiral and
coalescence phases, they will produce intense gravitational radiation,
which we expect to detect with gravitational-wave observatories like
Pulsar Timing Arrays and LISA in the coming decade. So why haven't we
detected any yet, definitively? This talk will discuss emission
signatures from binary supermassive black holes, the exciting latest
results from pulsar timing arrays, and efforts to discover both
gravitational and electromagnetic waves from these massive systems.
German Opportunities for the ngVLA - Informational Meeeting
Special Colloquium
- Various Speakers
MPIfR, NRAO, MPIA, mtex antenna technology
Informational meeting to address science and technology opportunities
for the German community on the new-generation Very Large Array (ngVLA)
10:00 Welcome / Goals of this meeting / Introductions (Anton Zensus,
Fabian Walter, all)
10:15 ngVLA project update (Tony Beasley, NRAO)
10:35 ngVLA key science (Eric Murphy, ngVLA project scientist, NRAO)
11:00 ngVLA prototype (Lutz Stenvers, CEO, mtex)
11:15 ngVLA Science Working Groups (Fabian Walter)
11:25 ngVLA Long Baseline Opportunities (Eduardo Ros, Matthias Kadler,
Anton Zensus)
11:40 DZA (Michael Kramer)
12:00 Discussion, contributions by individuals, next steps (all)
Searching for radio and gamma-ray pulsars with Einstein@Home
Main Colloquium
Dr. Colin Clark
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics/Leibniz Universität Hannover
Searching for continuous gravitational waves from spinning deformed
neutron stars is an extremely
computationally demanding task, a result of incredibly faint signals,
long data sets and a
multi-dimensional parameter space to search over. The distributed
volunteer computing system
Einstein@Home was built to tackle this problem by aggregating the
donated power from hundreds of
thousands of CPUs and GPUs across the globe. While the discovery of
continuous gravitational waves
remains elusive, the efficient methods and computing resources
for these searches can also
be used to search for new radio and gamma-ray pulsars. In this seminar,
I will describe how these
methods can improve the sensitivity of pulsar searches, and the pulsar
search projects that our
group are performing on Einstein@Home using these techniques. These
include searches for new
black-widow and redback binary millisecond pulsars in data from the
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope,
and searches for the most relativistic binary pulsar systems in Arecibo
and MeerKAT radio telescope
data. I will also present science highlights from among the nearly 100
pulsars that Einstein@Home
has discovered, including a new black-widow system with the shortest
known orbital period.
Magnetic fields and jets: a love-hate relationship?
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Manel Perucho
Universitat de València, Spain
I will review a series of relevant processes involving magnetic fields
in relativistic jets from the basis of new simulations and the role the
field can play in jet evolution at the sub-pc to sub-kpc scales. In
particular, I will discuss different aspects of jet acceleration and
collimation, the implications of jet magnetization for long-term
stability, and the interplay between the magnetic energy flux and the
other main outflow energy channels, namely, internal and kinetic energy
Exploring the transient landscape with MeerKAT: from FRBs to ultra-long period neutron stars
Main Colloquium
Dr. Manisha Caleb
University of Sydney
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) have a story which has been told and retold
many times over the past few years as they have sparked excitement and
controversy since the pioneering discovery in 2007. The FRB class
encompasses a number of microsecond to millisecond duration pulses
occurring at Galactic to cosmological distances with energies spanning
several orders of magnitude. Many radio telescopes around the world are
currently undertaking wide area surveys and targeted searches to
discover and localise FRBs, as their true potential can only be realised
up host galaxy identification and association. Significant effort is
being put into localising FRBs to sub-arcsecond precision by radio
interferometers around the globe. The MeerTRAP project at the MeerKAT
telescope in South Africa has been operational since 2019 and has
discovered ~35 FRBs and localised a handful of them to host galaxies,
including an FRB localised to sub-arcsecond precision at z~1. In this
talk, I will present the recent discoveries from the MeerTRAP project,
their multi-wavelength follow-up efforts and the possibility of
ultra-long period magnetars being FRB progenitors.
The effects of stellar feedback on molecular clumps in the Lagoon nebula (M8)
Master Colloquium
Angelique Kahle
The Lagoon nebula (M8) is known as one of the brightest HII regions in
the sky, which hosts several O-stars and regions of recent and ongoing
star formation. With M8-Main and M8 East, two prominent regions of
massive star formation have been studied in detail in recent years,
while large parts of the nebula have remained mostly unexplored to this
date. Aiming to analyze the effects of stellar feedback from massive
stars on the remnant molecular gas in M8, we conducted spectroscopic
observations on all 37 known molecular clumps using the Atacama
Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) and the IRAM 30 meter telescope. We observe
a large chemical variety and interesting kinematic differences between
the molecular clumps, which are largely composed of multiple physical
components. Signs of star formation are detected at the majority of the
clumps, while we also trace the presence of photon dominated regions
the entire nebula. Spectral energy distributions derived from archival
continuum maps suggest that the observed clumps are less massive and
warmer compared to the ATLASGAL sample of clumps in the inner galaxy.
While the increased clump temperatures may be caused by external heating
from the nearby O-stars, this feedback does not prevent the nebula from
forming a new generation of stars.
Sagittarius A* in its natural habitat
Main Colloquium
Dr. Elena Murchikova
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
The Milky Way’s Galactic Center black hole Sagittarius A* is the
closest to us supermassive black hole. It is an ideal candidate to
explore near horizon effects, to test alternative theories of gravity,
and to learn the mechanics of black hole feeding, accretion, and
feedback -- forces shaping galaxies and the Universe as a whole.
Despite its proximity, the accretion flow onto it is not well
understood. At large scales (10^5 R_sch and beyond), the primary
source of information about accretion flow comes from observations of
hot X-ray emitting gas. At near horizon scales, the density of the
flow is constrained by polarization measurements and EHT. At
intermediate scales, there are too few model-independent probes to
reliably determine physical properties of the gas, which complicates
the search for the right model for the black hole accretion model. In
2019, using ALMA observations I discovered a disk of cool gas at
intermediate distances (10^4 R_sch) from the black hole, which
provides new clues to the physics of the inner accretion flow of the
Sagittarius A*. In this talk, I will review what is known about the
structure of the accretion flow around the black hole. I will discuss
the properties of the cool disk and what we can learn from it about
the structure of the accretion flow. I will show our new realistic
simulations of the inner two parsecs of the Galactic Center which, for
the first time, captures Sagittarius A*’s multiphase accretion
physics, and discuss the so-called submm variability crisis.
MeerKAT observations of star-forming galaxies active galactic nuclei up to z=5
Special Colloquium
Dr. Sthabile Kolwa
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
The South African MeerKAT radio telescope's inauguration in July 2018
marked the beginning of science operations for the 64 antenna array.
Since then, MeerKAT data has been accessible to the astronomy community
through MeerKAT Open Calls every two years. Additionally, eight
large-scale survey projects (LSPs), each with their own distinct science
goals, have been established with the aim of exploiting MeerKAT's full
potential in producing noteworthy scientific results. One such LSP is
MIGHTEE (MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration)
which uses deep (~10 microJy sensitivity), wide-field radio continuum
surveys to investigate galaxy formation and evolution. Early science
images of the XMM-LSS and COSMOS fields in the MeerKAT L-band in
addition to multiwavelength ancillary detections from legacy surveys in
the optical, infrared and X-ray, are instrumental in constraining the
physical properties of radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) and
star-forming galaxies (SFG) over redshifts of 0 < z < 5. In this talk,
we will go over recent Early Science results from the MIGHTEE group and
demonstrate their impact in enhancing our understanding of galaxy
evolution at cosmic noon and approaching the epoch of reionisaiton.
Diverse and puzzling radio nature of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
Special Colloquium
Dr. Emilia Järvelä
Narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies are a subclass of active galactic
nuclei (AGN) identified more than 30 years ago, but still not well
understood. Their most distinctive feature is the narrowness of their
permitted lines, attributed to low rotational velocity around a
relatively low-mass supermassive black hole. With luminosities
comparable to those of typical broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, they
consequently have high Eddington ratios, indicating that their central
black holes are growing fast. Some NLS1s have also been detected in
gamma-rays, proving that they are able to harbour powerful relativistic
jets. In this talk I will focus on the properties of NLS1s' radio
emission, with emphasis on the recent studies about its diverse nature,
and the surprising discovery of relativistic jets that seem to be
totally absorbed at low radio frequencies. I will discuss how the
presence of relativistic jets in NLS1s affects our understanding of jet
phenomena, and what possible implications the existence of absorbed
might have in the grand AGN scheme.
Galactic contribution to the high-energy neutrino flux found in track-like IceCube events
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Yuri Y. Kovalev
MPI für Radioastronomie
Context: Astrophysical sources of neutrinos detected by large-scale
neutrino telescopes remain uncertain. While there exist statistically
significant observational indications that a part of the neutrino flux
is produced by blazars, numerous theoretical studies suggest also the
presence of potential Galactic point sources. Some of them have been
observed in gamma rays above 100 TeV. Moreover, cosmic-ray interactions
in the Galactic disk guarantee a diffuse neutrino flux. However, these
Galactic neutrinos have not been unambiguously detected so far. Aims:
Here we examine whether such a Galactic component is present among the
observed neutrinos of the highest energies. Methods: We analyze public
track-like IceCube events with estimated neutrino energies above 200
TeV. We examine the distribution of arrival directions of these
neutrinos in the Galactic latitude b with the help of a simple
non-parametric test statistics, the median |b| over the sample.
This distribution deviates from that implied by the null hypothesis of
the neutrino flux isotropy, and is shifted towards lower |b| with the
p-value of 4*10^{-5}, corresponding to the statistical significance of
4.1 sigma. Conclusions: There exists a significant component of the
high-energy neutrino flux of Galactic origin, matching well the
multi-messenger expectations from Tibet-ASgamma observations of diffuse
Galactic gamma rays at hundreds of TeV. Together with the previously
established extragalactic associations, the Galactic component we
here implies that the neutrino sky is rich and is composed of
contributions from various classes of sources.
The key role of astrochemistry in driving planet formation and habitability
SFB Colloquium
Prof. L. Ilsedore Cleeves
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
Historically, our perspective on how planets form and obtain their
compositions has been motivated by our Solar System. However, we are
just one system, and missions like Kepler and TESS have revealed a
variety of planetary types and architectures. How do we fit in? In the
last five years, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array has revolutionized
our understanding of planet formation by observing the process at high
spatial resolution (reaching in some cases ~au scales) matched with
unprecedented sensitivity at radio wavelengths. In this presentation, I
will review recent highlights from the TW Hya as a Chemical Rosetta
Stone ALMA project and discuss how these findings both confirm and, in
some ways, challenge our current picture of the chemistry of planet
Harnessing the opportunities in the approaching radio astronomy renaissance.
Main Colloquium
Prof. Jessica Dempsey
Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON)
ASTRON, and MPifR, stand on an exciting new horizon as we all face the
upcoming opportunities in radio astronomy. ASTRON leading the
Netherlands partnership in SKA and the upcoming ERIC for LOFAR. We are
also looking to the challenges and opportunities in overcoming the
daunting data bottlenecks from collection, processing to providing
easily accessible science-ready data products to our community. In
these ways, ASTRON and MPifR have more in common in our future goals
than perhaps ever before. ASTRON is taking the coming year to develop
its mid- and long-term vision, strategic plan and technology and science
development needs. I will present the preliminary shape of these
discussions, and where we hope to further strengthen our collaborations
with MPifR as we step into this decade of radio astronomy renaissance.
Automation of VLBI
Special Colloquium
Dr. Leonid Petrov
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
VLBI technique emerged over 50 years ago, but it still cannot be viewed
as mature as other space geodesy techniques, because its scheduling,
operation, and data analysis still requires a great deal of manual work.
I will talk about my work on automation of VLBI scheduling, automation
of post-processing, automation of geodesy/astrometry analysis, and
automation of imaging.
Resolve: Polarimetric, time-variable and multi-frequency Bayesian imaging of VLBI data
Special Colloquium
Dr. Philipp Arras
MPI for Astrophysics
Radio-interferometric observations are inherently incomplete, as they
only sparsely probe the Fourier components of a source on the sky.
In order to recover the original source structure from noisy and
incomplete data it is necessary to solve an inverse problem.
Unfortunately there is an infinite number of images that are compatible
with the data. The Resolve algorithm approaches the problem from a
probabilistic perspective by imposing a prior model over plausible
source configurations and combines this information with the likelihood
of the data in order to obtain a probability distribution of possible
source configurations that are a priori plausible and compatible with
the data. The method is based on Gaussian processes with adaptive
kernels and can be extended to multi-frequency, dynamic, as well as
polarisation imaging tasks. It can make use of regular visibility data,
as well as closure quantities and can also accommodate for
self-calibration. We will showcase several examples, including
reconstructions of M87* EHT 2017 data and ngEHT imaging Challenge
The dense interstellar medium and star formation across the nearby galaxies NGC 3627 and NGC 253
Ivana Bešlić
Argelander Institute for Astronomy
The star formation process is an essential aspect of galaxy evolution.
Observations of star-forming regions from sub-pc to kpc scales revealed
a tight correlation between star formation and the emission of
high-critical density molecules (HCN, HNC and HCO+). However, it is
still unclear whether stars can form in regions where gas is overall
denser or whether this gas is notably more efficient at producing stars.
The missing piece in the star formation puzzle lies in understanding the
properties of dense molecular gas at giant molecular cloud scales.
Compared to the CO emission, high-critical density lines are faint,
making them difficult to detect and approaching the sensitivity limits
of current observing facilities. Despite recent major efforts to map
molecular emission traced by the CO molecule at cloud scales, we still
lack an equivalent study of high-critical molecular lines at these
scales, covering a set of environments across nearby galaxies. In this
doctoral thesis, we expand the previous efforts in recent extragalactic
studies to bridge the gap between our knowledge of star formation in the
Milky Way and across unresolved systems at high redshifts. This study
presents the first attempt to constrain the role of dense molecular gas
at a few hundred pc and its relation to star formation across two nearby
galaxies, NGC 3627 and NGC 253, using observations of high-critical
density molecular lines within the 3 mm regime obtained by NOEMA and
ALMA. The major results of this doctoral thesis are that the intensity
ratio of high-critical density lines (i.e. HCN) to the CO(2-1) appears
sensitive to molecular cloud surface density changes, which makes them
an excellent tool for constraining the density contrast. In studying the
star formation efficiency of dense molecular gas, we found that
environmental conditions play a crucial role. For example, the centres
of NGC 3627 and NGC 253 contain the largest amount of dense molecular
gas, yet their star formation efficiency is significantly reduced,
whereas we found more efficient gas in other regions of these galaxies,
such as in the bar ends, ring and spiral arms. Our results could be a
result of the kinematics of dense molecular gas playing a critical role
in setting the ability of gas to form stars. The complex kinematics
observed in the centre and bar of NGC 253 show that it can significantly
decrease this dense gas star formation efficiency while converging dense
gas flows can further enhance the star formation process, as seen in the
bar ends of NGC 3627. The results presented in this doctoral thesis
further support the importance of understanding the properties of dense
molecular gas in nearby galaxies. Together with the turbulent theory of
star formation, the emission of these high-critical density lines
relative to the mean gas densities and the role of the environment are
essential drivers of local star formation at scales of molecular clouds.
This work outlines the importance of obtaining a clearer picture of the
dense interstellar medium, which is the major contributor to the baryon
cycle of galaxies that ultimately dominates their cosmic evolution.
The Galactic centre: structure, dynamics and star formation of a unique astrophysical target
Main Colloquium
Dr. Mattia Sormani
Universität Heidelberg
I will give an introduction to the structure, dynamics and star
formation in the centre of the Milky Way. After reviewing the basic
theoretical tools, I will discuss several topics including (i) how can
we interpret large-scale spectral line datacubes of CO, HI and other
interstellar gas tracers in the context of gas flowing in the strongly
non-axisymmetric gravitational potential of the Galactic bar; (ii) how
can we use the gas dynamics to constrain the properties of the Galactic
bar; (iii) what physical processes transport the gas inwards from the
Galactic disc (R~3 kpc) to the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ, R~120 pc)
and then to the central black hole SgrA*; (iv) what is the spatial and
temporal distribution of star formation in the Galactic centre; (v)
are the structure, dynamics and secular evolution of the Nuclear
Disc, the flattened stellar structure that dominates the gravitational
potential at Galactocentric radii R between 30 pc and 300 pc. Finally,
will highlight some open questions and directions of future research.
Molecular diversity in early stage high-mass protostars
Laure Bouscasse
The physical processes at the origin of high-mass stars are still
constrained. ALMA has been extremely successful to identify a large
sample of high-mass protostars in early evolutionary stages (high-mass
equivalents of Class 0 protostars) in the frame of the SPARKS survey
(Csengeri et al. 2018, 2019). From these, six sources have been found
to be isolated down to 400au, which were selected to study the early
warm-up phase chemistry leading to the emergence of hot cores. These
sources have been studied using an unbiased spectral survey between
and 374 GHz with the APEX telescope and revealed a rich molecular
emission even towards the youngest sources. Towards all the sources,
average 40 species were identified including molecular ions, complex
organic molecules (COMs) and several deuterated species. We located
these species within the envelope by combining a detailed analysis of
the line profiles with local thermodynamic equilibrium modeling. While
some objects exhibit a clear structure with a well-defined warm gas
phase, some remain mostly cold with warm gas traced only by methanol
and methyl cyanide. Although the sources have a common molecular
reservoir composed of the simplest molecules, we detect COMs in the
cold component of the envelope for all objects. We find that one of
main differences in the molecular emission of our sources is for the
COMs. We pinpoint a gradual emergence of the warm component and an
increasing molecular complexity along the evolutionary sequence of the
targets. The comparison of the molecular composition of our objects to
that of a sample of hot cores and hot corinos suggests strong
similarities for O-bearing COMs. Overall, we propose a new
stage prior to the emergence of hot cores, where molecular abundances
of COMs are lower than that of hot cores and resemble more that of hot
corinos. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl M. Menten, Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa,
Prof. Dr. Klaus Desch, Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters]
A shocking shift in paradigm for classical novae
Main Colloquium
Prof. Laura Chomiuk
Michigan State University, USA
Over the last decade, our understanding of classical novae has been
turned on its head with the discovery of gamma-rays from Galactic
eruptions. This discovery has highlighted the value of novae --
non-terminal, thermonuclear eruptions on the surfaces of white dwarfs in
binary systems -- as laboratories for studying shocks and particle
acceleration. I will discuss where and how shocks form in the nova
ejecta, why we think the shocks may actually dominate the energy budget
of the nova eruption, and some of the consequences of the shocks,
including dust formation and acceleration of particles to very high
(TeV) energies. These recent developments place novae amongst the ranks
of interaction-powered transients, making them nearby, common examples
of the physics that governs more exotic events like Type IIn supernovae,
stellar mergers, and tidal disruption events.
The Renaissance of Astrophysics: a landscape of opportunities in the era of Time Domain Multi-Messenger investigations
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Raffaella Margutti
University of California, Berkeley
Astronomical transients are signposts of catastrophic events in space,
including the most extreme stellar deaths, stellar tidal disruptions by
supermassive black holes, and mergers of compact objects. Thanks to new
and improved observational facilities we can now sample the night sky
with unprecedented temporal cadence and sensitivity across the
electromagnetic spectrum and beyond. This effort has led to the
discovery of new types of astronomical transients, revolutionized our
understanding of phenomena that we thought we already knew, and enabled
the first insights into the physics of neutron star mergers with
gravitational waves and light. In this talk I will review some very
recent developments that resulted from our capability to acquire a
panchromatic view of transient astrophysical phenomena. I will focus on
two key areas of ignorance in the field: (i) What are the progenitors
stellar explosions and what happens in the last centuries before death?
(ii) What is the nature of the compact objects produced by these
explosions and what happens when compact objects merge? The unique
combination of Discovery Power (guaranteed by planned transient surveys
across the electromagnetic spectrum, combined with efforts in the realm
of artificial intelligence) and Understanding (enabled by
multi-messenger observations) is what positions time-domain
for major advances in the near future.
The latest puzzle in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: invisible jets?
Main Colloquium
Dr. Marco Berton
European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile
Narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies are a subclass of active galactic
nuclei (AGN) identified more than 30 years ago, but still not entirely
understood. These objects are likely characterized by rapidly growing
low-mass black holes. Interestingly enough, some of them have been
detected in gamma-rays, a sign that they can harbor powerful
relativistic jets. In my talk I will review their properties, showing
how the true nature of NLS1s is that of early-stage AGN in a recently
triggered activity phase, and how they are connected to other classes
kinematically young jetted AGN. I will also report on the discovery, in
a handful of NLS1s, of relativistic jets remarkably faint at low radio
frequency, but extremely bright and variable at high radio frequency.
New observations of these sources are revealing an increasingly
complicated picture, and I will outline the different scenarios we are
developing to explain this new, unexpected phenomenon.
A comprehensive analysis of the nucleus of the radio source 3C 84 with VLBI
Georgios F. Paraschos
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany
In this presentation, I will discuss our results from studying the radio
source 3C 84 associated with the active galactic nucleus of the galaxy
NGC 1275. The focus is put on high-frequency very-long-baseline
interferometry studies, which provide the resolution to explore the
innermost regions of the observed core-jet morphology. Data observed at
three wavelengths (20, 7, and 3.5 mm) have been combined to probe the
emission and absorption of the synchrotron radiation and the magnetic
field configuration: the spectral index of the central region reveals a
gradient (values range between +2 and -1.5 between 7 and 3.5mm), the jet
apex is about 400-1500 Schwarzschild radii upstream of the 3.5-mm core,
and the magnetic field appears to be a combination between poloidal and
toroidal, with a strength of 2–4 Gauss. Imaging results of the
central region at 3.5-mm are also presented, further constraining the
position of the jet apex. The analysis reveal a possible change of the
viewing angle of the relativistic flow, with an upper limit of 35
degrees. Images of the source over 20 years reveal the kinematics of
the plasma regions, as well as the jet shape: the latter appears to be
frequency dependent, caused by a spine-sheath jet stratification
scenario. The spectral index between 7 and 3.5 mm shows a gradient,
suggesting the black hole to be off-centered from the total intensity
radio maximum.
Note: Talk presented at the Seminar Room 1 of the I. Physikalischen
Institut of the Universität zu Köln
The tail of the cannonball pulsar J0002+6216
Main Colloquium
Dr. Frank Schinzel
Studying the dynamics inside complex supernova environments is
challenging. Following a supernova explosion, a newly formed pulsar is
embedded in the ambient medium. In rare cases, the pulsar can get a
significant 'kick' from the initial explosion and may escape its
surrounding supernova remnant to interact with the interstellar medium
(ISM). This talk will discuss probably one of the best of such cases
recently discovered. I will be illustrating the journey that led to the
discovery of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) related to the high 'kick'
velocity PSR J0002+6216, followed by a discussion of our recent results
from spatially resolved X-ray observations taken with the Chandra X-ray
observatory and combined with multi-epoch multi-frequency radio
observations with the Very Large Array. These observations are providing
unique insights into the bow-shock properties of this PWN and the
interaction of the cometary-like tail with the ISM surrounding the
supernova remnant CTB 1. I will also include a brief summary of the
challenging High Sensitivity Array (VLBA+VLA+Effelsberg) observations,
concluded this July, to constrain the parallax distance to PSR
J0002+6216. I will end with an outlook addressing a missing population
of young gamma-ray pulsars in the Galactic plane, with the potential of
finding more young pulsars with rare properties.
The Sardinia Radio Telescope towards operations at high radio frequencies
Special Colloquium
Sergio Poppi
INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Italy
The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) is a 64-metre single dish radio
telescope operating from 300 MHz to 26.5 GHz. In 2019 the Italian
National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) was awarded funds to extend
the infrastructure to observe at high frequencies, up to 116 GHz,
in single-dish or VLBI mode. Thus, in this presentation it will be
the upgrade of the SRT which includes state-of-the-art receivers,
back-end, high-performance computing, a new metrology system and also,
new instrumentation for laboratories.
SIMPLIFI: A legacy investigation of interstellar magnetic polarization in star forming filaments
Main Colloquium
Dr. Thushara Pillai
MIT Haystack Observatory, USA
Stars form during gravitational collapse in molecular clouds. This
process governs how galaxies evolve over cosmic time by creating their
stellar components. It also affects properties of the planets formed
along with the young stars. Collapse in molecular clouds during star
formation is controlled by self–gravity, random “turbulent” gas
motions inside clouds, and interstellar magnetic fields. Past studies
have revealed a detailed picture of the role of self–gravity and gas
kinematics during star formation — but observational assessments of
magnetic fields remain challenging. A coordinated and ambitious project
is needed to systematically fill the gaps in our current understanding
of magnetic fields in star formation. SIMPLIFI (“Study of
Magnetic Polarization: a Legacy Investigation of FIlaments”) is
primarily a SOFIA legacy project designed to study a sample of
clouds at near (d < 500 pc) and intermediate (d <5 kpc) distances in
polarized Far-IR light. Near-IR starlight polarization combined with
Gaia data provide information on the connection of dense clouds to its
diffuse natal environment. SIMPLIFI also uses molecular line emission
study the relative alignment of gas flows and magnetic fields and tests
key theoretical predictions of MHD turbulence. I will present
from the pilot survey program that start to clarify the role of
fields in a diverse sample of star-forming filaments, and provide a
framework to simplify the diversity of filament properties.
The AMISS survey: Understanding CO(2-1) as a molecular gas tracer
Special Colloquium
Ryan Keenan
University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
The J=1-0 transition of the CO line has long been the canonical tracer
of molecular gas. However, the improved sub/millimeter facilities, the
push for higher resolution, and a growing interest in high redshifts all
favor observations with the higher frequency CO(2-1) line. Recent
studies have found evidence that CO(2-1)-CO(1-0) line ratios vary
between galaxies of different types and across galactic environments,
suggesting that care is needed when interpreting CO(2-1) as a tracer of
bulk molecular gas. These results are complicated considerably by the
difficulty of comparing millimeter data collected with different
facilities. Calibration issues produce systematic uncertainties
comparable to the dynamic range of trends found in recent studies and
resolved measurements can produce contradictory results depending on the
datasets used. I will present the Arizona Molecular ISM Survey with the
SMT (AMISS), a multi-CO line survey of ~200 nearby galaxies designed to
understand CO line ratios across a broad range of galaxy properties.
AMISS uses data from a single telescope for each line, with careful
attention to calibration, which allows us to overcome many of the
challenges in measuring line ratios. The large size of our survey allows
us to identify trends between galaxy properties and CO line ratios. In
particular we find a correlation between CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) and
galaxy-integrated star formation rate. This effect propagates to the
slope of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, giving different slopes for
measurements made with different lines. I will discuss how these results
impact the interpretation of CO(2-1) studies at high and low redshifts,
and motivate the need for resolved, multi-CO line surveys of larger
samples of galaxies.
Forming stars and their planetary systems: a tale of dust, gas and magnetic fields
Special Colloquium
Dr. Anaëlle Maury
CEA-Saclay and Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
Wherever we have the means of observing them, magnetic fields are
detected across the full spectrum of astrophysical environments, from
our own Earth, to stars, and cosmological structures. Magnetic fields
are also present at all scales and evolutionary stages of star-forming
structures. They have long been suspected to play a key role in shaping
the typical outcome of the star formation process, such as stellar
spin, and multiplicity, or even the fate of stars towards their
stages. In this talk, I will provide a global outlook on the progresses
made in the recent years to characterize the role of magnetic fields
during the embedded phases of the star formation process. Thanks to the
development of observational capabilities and the parallel progress in
numerical models capturing most of the important physics at work during
star formation, we have successfully confronted detailed predictions of
magnetized models to observational properties of the youngest
protostars. I will present the physical processes and observational
methods allowing to trace the magnetic field topology and its intensity
in embedded protostars, and review the main steps, success and
limitations in comparing real observations to synthetic observations
from the non-ideal MHD models. I will describe in more details the
physical conditions required to ensure an efficient magnetic field
coupling, and present our work characterizing the two main agents
responsible for the coupling in star-forming cores: dust grains and
ionized gas. Following this Ariane thread, I will argue our
observational and theoretical findings support a novel scenario where
the magnetic field and the evolution of dust grains around solar-type
protostars are tightly linked. Putting them in the broader context of
protoplanetary disk studies, I will show how these findings deeply
modify our paradigm of planet formation, ultimately shedding light on
the formation and properties of exoplanetary systems, a fascinating
question which has been at the heart of our quest to define mankind and
the conditions for life to develop in a broader context. I will
by describing promising avenues to further explore the properties of
young stars and the planets forming around them, their magnetic fields
and dust pristine properties, getting the best fruition from future
developments of both observational and computational capabilities.
Revealing the star formation history of our solar neighborhood
Main Colloquium
Dr. Catherine Zucker
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Given its proximity, the solar neighborhood has long been considered a
fundamental laboratory for understanding how stars form. However, until
very recently, this understanding was largely based on static ''plane
of the sky'' views, making it extraordinarily challenging to build a
3D physical picture of gas and young stars using 2D integrated
quantities. In this talk, I will discuss how new 3D spatial and
dynamical constraints from Gaia, in combination with new data science
and visualization techniques, have transformed our understanding of
formation near the Sun. In particular, I will show how ''3D dust
mapping'' has provided never-before-seen 3D spatial views of the
interstellar medium: redefining the structure of the Local Arm of the
Milky Way, giving rise to previously undiscovered superbubbles, and
constraining the detailed morphologies of individual molecular clouds
1 pc resolution. Combining 3D dust mapping with the 3D space motions of
young stars, I will show how we can reconstruct the star formation
history of the solar neighborhood over the past 20 Myr, and in doing
explain the origin of all nearby star formation as being driven by the
expansion of the Local Bubble. I will conclude by discussing new
opportunities with Gaia DR3, as well as the implications of our results
for the theory and simulation communities.
A LAsMA survey of the Milky Way: Effects of feedback on molecular clouds
Parichay Mazumdar
Molecular Cloud (MC) surveys play a crucial role in helping us
understand their structure and composition. In addition, they are also
essential in understanding the theory of star formation and testing
various models of the Milky Way. During this thesis defense, I will
present the work done on starting a new large-scale high-resolution
survey (LAsMAGal) of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Milky Way. The
proposed survey is a first of its kind which simultaneously covers both
12CO and 13CO (3-2) lines. It also has a higher angular resolution and
sensitivity than previous surveys of the southern Milky Way. I will
first motivate the need for a new survey and present the results of the
pathfinder study conducted to kick start the survey and test the
feasibility of various observing strategies. Following this, I will
demonstrate the capabilities of the new survey by presenting the
observations taken towards the G305 star-forming GMC to study the
effects of stellar feedback on the GMC. LAsMAGal data in combination
with other ancillary survey data were used to investigate how the
feedback from the central cluster of OB stars in G305 impact three
separate aspects of the GMC, namely gas excitation, dynamics, and
star-forming ability. I will conclude by briefly stating the current
status of the survey and other science being carried out using LAsMAGal
data. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl M. Menten , Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa,
Prof. Dr. Klaus Desch, Prof. Dr. Matthias B. Hullin]
From cosmic web to molecular clouds: the multiple scales of galaxy evolution
Special Colloquium
Prof. Amélie Saintonge
University College London, UK
Galaxy evolution is regulated by gas accretion from the intergalactic
medium, the cooling and processing of this material into stars in the
interstellar medium, and the return of some of the gas and metals to
circumgalactic environment via feedback processes. This framework is
built upon an extensive network of observed scaling relations between
galaxy physical properties, many of which are crucially measured
large dedicated surveys at submm/mm wavelengths with facilities such as
IRAM, JCMT, APEX and ALMA. In this talk, I will review key results from
such studies of the cold ISM of nearby galaxies, with a particular
emphasis on the systematic variations in star formation efficiency and
ISM physical properties, and the lessons they teach us about
galactic-scale processes such as star formation, dust
production/destruction, mixing and gas transport. I will also argue
much needed breakthroughs in our understanding of star formation and
galaxy evolution will come from the next generation of (sub)mm
facilities, which will allow us to connect the cold ISM of large
of galaxies with the environment that feeds them (the circumgalactic
medium, in particular), and to quantify the impact of the galactic
environment on the star-formation process on molecular cloud scales,
both at low and high redshifts, as a stepping stone towards a universal
theory of star formation.
Cold chemistry in hot cores: new modeling treatments of complex molecule formation in star-forming regions
Main Colloquium
Prof. Robin Garrod
University of Virginia
Reactions on dust-grain surfaces are responsible for the production of
many important interstellar molecules, including gas-phase H2,
grain-surface ice species such as water, ammonia and methanol, and
arguably some of the most complex molecules detected in star-forming
regions. However, our view of the temperature dependence of this
chemistry has recently been changing. A major driver in this shift is
the gas-phase detection of
complex organic molecules (COMs) such as methyl formate in cold
pre-stellar cores. These detections have pushed back the astronomical
clock on COM production, to a time much earlier than the warm
proto-stellar stage in which they are usually detected (albeit in much
greater abundance). Experimental evidence also suggests that COMs may
formed on very cold surfaces (~10 K), through mechanisms that do not
require thermal diffusion of the reactants. Past models that rely
on diffusive reaction mechanisms now appear inadequate. I will discuss
new modeling treatments that adopt a more comprehensive framework for
grain-surface and ice-mantle chemistry, allowing reactants to meet in a
variety of ways that do not rely solely on diffusion. This allows COMs
to form as the ice mantles grow, while processing of the ices by
external and cosmic-ray-induced UV fields can also lead to COM
production. The period when the water-dominated ices desorb from the
grains also allows trapped radicals to meet and react on the warm ice
surfaces, prior to desorption. Gas-phase chemistry can further enhance
COM production in some cases. In combination, these processes allow
to form over a range of temperatures, through a variety of mechanisms.
will discuss the implications of this new picture of COM chemistry on
the origins and abundances of both familiar and more unusual COMs in
star-forming regions.
New insights in Galactic magnetism from the THOR survey
Special Colloquium
Prof. Jeroen Stil
University of Calgary, Canada
The HI/OH/Recombination line (THOR) survey includes the first
broad-band (1 - 2 GHz) spectro-polarimetric continuum survey of the
inner Milky Way. This allows polarimetry and measurements of Faraday
rotation for Galactic and extragalactic sources over a large section of
the first Galactic quadrant. After a brief introduction of THOR, I will
introduce how broad-band polarimetry enhances Faraday rotation as a
probe of Galactic magnetism, illustrated by three results from the THOR
polarization survey. First, I will present a new view of Faraday
rotation associated with the Milky Way's large-scale magnetic field in
the first quadrant. Second, THOR's broad-band polarimetry of supernova
remnants reveals their internal Faraday rotation. The third example
addresses magnetic field structure on sub-parsec scales by differential
Faraday rotation across extragalactic sources behind the Milky Way.
These examples serve to show the rich data that modern
spectro-polarimetric surveys like THOR have to offer.
Titans of the Early Universe: The birth of the first supermassive black holes
Main Colloquium
Dr. Tyrone Woods
NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre, Victoria, Canada
The discovery of billion-solar-mass quasars at redshift ~ 7 challenges
our understanding of the early Universe — how did such massive objects
form in the first billion years, and what can this tell us about their
environments at Cosmic Dawn? Observations and theory increasingly favour
a "heavy seed" or "direct collapse" scenario, in which the rapid
accretion possible in some primordial halos leads to the formation of
uniquely supermassive stars, which collapse to form the initial seeds of
supermassive black holes. In this talk, I'll present systematic,
self-consistent simulations of the evolution of these objects under
realistic formation conditions, and propose observational diagnostics to
decisively test the origin of high-z quasars using next generation
electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations. I'll also discuss
the expected multiplicity of such supermassive stars and their
subsequent interactions, as well as the unique observational signatures
of primordial stellar populations which are intermediate in mass between
supermassive objects and "typical" Pop III stars detectable by JWST
and next generation observatories in the coming years.
Star formation relations in molecular clouds
Special Colloquium
Dr. Riwaj Pokhrel
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, USA
One of the well-established empirical results in astronomy is the
Kennicutt–Schmidt relation between the surface density of interstellar
gas and the rate at which the gas forms stars. A tight correlation
between these quantities has long been measured at galactic scales.
However, until recently the correlations on molecular cloud scales are
found to vary between individual clouds. Through the Spitzer Extended
Solar Neighborhood Archive (SESNA) and a matching Herschel archival
effort, we have compiled huge, uniform maps of the structure of young
star distributions and molecular gas for twelve nearby (<1.5 kpc)
molecular clouds. In this talk, I will present a comprehensive analysis
of the relation between star formation rate density and mass surface
density of molecular gas over a wide range of sampling scales based on
SESNA and Herschel observations. The ``universal” star formation
relations in the star-forming clouds in the solar neighborhood will be
discussed. I will also provide a brief update on other recent progress
on observed star formation relations and simulation efforts and
challenges in trying to explain the observed star-gas correlations.
A comprehensive study of NGC5195: physics, chemistry, morphology and effects of the galaxy interaction in its interstellar medium
Master Colloquium
Reem Aboelsoud
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Studying the chemical composition of the molecular clouds in the central
regions of galaxies helps us to infer the type of the nuclear activity.
NGC5195, or M51b, is an iconic example of a nearby galaxy that had a
recent interaction with its companion, M51, 50-500 Myr ago. In this
thesis, we used NOEMA data to study the nucleus of NGC5195, its nuclear
activity, and the effects of the interaction on its ISM. High resolution
observations of CO(1-0), CN(1-0), HCN(1-0), HCO+(1-0) and HNC(1-0)
towards the galaxy (2'' ~ 100 pc) were performed. Comparison between
the spectra at the position of the nuclear source and the whole mapped
area enabled us to investigate the nature of NGC5195 central activity.
We conclude that an active AGN is likely not powering the galaxy. In
addition to the moment maps of all lines, which show the intensity
distribution, velocity fields and velocity dispersion, we also studied
the intensity integrated ratio maps among CO/CN, HCN/CN, HCN/HCO+,
CO/HCN, and HCN/HNC. The most interesting ratios were CO/HCN and CO/CN.
Those two ratios show that M51b has two twin peaks in the East-West
direction of the center. These peaks are oriented nearly perpendicular
to the large scale bar and connected to a curved structure. The nucleus
of M51b is surrounded by concentrations of dust, making a ring shape,
and we found that the radius of the dusty ring is spatially coincident
with the two molecular peaks found in our work. We have also studied how
the source of the nuclear activity could affect the values of some
molecular ratios. To make this comparison, we chose our galaxy
observation, M51b, and 8 other galaxies, including starburst galaxies
(M83, NGC 253 and M82), galaxies hosting AGNs (NGC 1068, NGC 7469 and
M51), ULIRGs (Arp 220 and Mrk 231). What differentiates NGC5195, in
comparison to the rest of the galaxies, is its post-starburst phase
after its interaction with M51, which is characterised by a large amount
of diffused gas, resulting in a high CO/HCN ratio. [Referees: Prof. Dr.
Karl Menten, Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel]
The molecular torus of NGC1068
Main Colloquium
Dr. Violette Impellizzeri
Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) play an important role in the shaping and
evolution of galaxies. However, understanding their properties has been
challenging due to the extraordinary sensitivity and resolutions
required to study them. Such detailed observations are finally becoming
accessible thanks to ALMA, VLTI and high sensitivity VLBI observations.
In this talk, I will present results of the prototypical Seyfert 2
nucleus in NGC 1068. We have now obtained data with a factor 2
better resolution (1 pc-scale) with the most extended ALMA
configurations, revealing clear indications of an outflow originating
from the nucleus (consistent with the outflow observed in CO), and the
presence of two nested, rotating disk components. The inner disk,
1.5 pc, has kinematics consistent with the edge-on, geometrically
thin H2O water megamaser disk. The outer disk, which extends to 7 pc, is
also geometrically thin but inclined. The outer disk counter-rotates
relative to the inner, water megamaser disk. I will conclude with a
picture in which the torus consists of two geometrically thin,
counter-rotating disks, and the nuclear obscuration occurs in
outflowing molecular clouds whose origin is likely a hydromagnetic wind
driven off of the inner disk.
I will also present new, sensitive VLBI observations of the water
megamasers releasing for the first time the existence of linear
substructures, or ''spokes,'' among the maser spots that suggest
the influence of magnetic fields. The position-velocity diagram shows
curvature consistent with elliptical orbits or spiral arm structure
within the megamaser disk. We find that a warped-disk model fits the
data well, and the de-projected model reveals candidate spiral arm
structures. Finally, we were able to recover the 22 GHz continuum on
short baselines. The resulting continuum image shows a distorted
X-shaped morphology, which we can match with VLTI observations,
changing our picture of the inner core dramatically. One arm of the X
aligns with the m aser disk, suggesting that the continuum arises in an
edge-on plasma disk. The other arm orients more nearly perpendicular to
the maser disk, resembling sub-parsec lobes in an ionized outflow or
Recent update on the front-end system of VERA - Ultra-wide band polarimetry
*** Warning: room changed, now it is the library seminar room 2.05***
The most recent front-end developments for 4 x 20m radio telescopes of
VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) will be reported. We will
show a brief overview of currently ongoing technical developments of a
dual circular polarization receiving and ultra-wide band (16 Gbps)
recording systems that have been installed to each of the 4 telescopes
of VERA. With these developments for the wide band VLBI polarimetry, it
is now possible to study magnetic field properties of radio jets in
active galactic nuclei, masers in star-forming sites, and stellar
envelopes in late-type stars at unprecedented sensitivity. The observing
performance obtained from most recent performance test observations will
be also presented.
Blazar Multiwavelength Variability and VLBI Connection
Special Colloquium
Dr. Víctor Patiño-Álvarez
MPIfR-INAOE Partner Group Leader, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Puebla, Mexico
I will present some of the results obtained during the last three years
by myself and the INAOE AGN Group, including the work of the Master and
PhD students. Among the multiwavelength variability studies I will
mention the results of different papers on the sources 3C 273, CTA 102,
3C 454.3, B2 1633+382, and PKS 1510-089. I will talk about the
correlations obtained between the variability at pc-scales and the
gamma-ray variability, for the sources 3C 279 and 3C 454.3; this with
the objective of directly locating gamma-ray emission regions on the
VLBA maps (and we succeeded). Lastly I will briefly talk about the
Baldwin Effect, which is a relationship between spectral
of AGN, that despite being studied for over four decades, there was no
consensus on the driving mechanism of said relationship. However, we
present observational evidence that probes that the Baldwin Effect is a
direct and natural consequence of the relationship between the ionizing
continuum and the emission line luminosities.
Recent imaging adventures with MeerKAT
Main Colloquium
Dr. Ian Heywood
University of Oxford, UK
The South African MeerKAT telescope recently marked four years since
inauguration, and three years of scientific observing in pursuit of its
large survey programs and open time projects. I will present results
from three imaging projects that I have been involved in, covering
extragalactic deep fields from the MIGHTEE survey, a study of an unusual
pulsar that was a joint venture between MeerTRAP and ThunderKAT, and an
update on the observatory-led Galactic centre survey. I will discuss
some of the data processing advances and challenges that have resulted
from this work.
Interstellar scintillation and polarization of PSR J0538+2817 and PSR B0659+1414
Main Colloquium
Dr. Jumei Yao
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
SNR shells have long been suspected as the culprits for dominating
pulsar scattering. The interstellar scintillation observation of pulsars
associated with SNRs provide us with great opportunity to find evidence
for this and reveal the properties of the compact ionized structures.
Using FAST, we did high sensitivity interstellar scintillation and
polarization observations of PSR J0538+2817 and PSR J0659+1414. For PSR
J0538+2817, we found that the shell of SNR S147 dominates its scattering
and detected the first evidence for pulsar three-dimensional
spin-velocity alignment. The scattering of PSR J0659+1414 is dominated
by two different compact regions, the shell of the Monogem ring and the
Local Bubble. And the polarization analysis shows that the spin and
velocity vectors of PSR J0659+1414 are significantly misaligned.
The physical and chemical condition of Thackeray 1
Master Colloquium
Shampa Bhusal
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Globules, associated with H II regions, are one of the best
to study the impact of stellar radiation and feedback from expanding H
II regions on the surrounding medium. First detected by A. D. Thackeray
(1950) in the southern H II region IC 2944, the so-called Thackeray’s
globules are prime examples of such objects. In this thesis, I present
APEX telescope observations of the largest globule in the complex,
Thackeray 1, in low level rotational transition of CO and [CI],
with an unbiased spectral line survey in the 230 GHz atmospheric
I have used this data to probe the physical and chemical conditions of
the molecular gas and the photo dissociation regions (PDR) in Thackeray
1. The velocity resolved CO observations suggest that the largest
globule is the overlap of two separate regions with masses ~ 11 Msun
3 Msun corresponding to Thackeray 1A and Thackeray 1B, whereas the
continuum dust emission with LABOCA 870 mum reveals an overall mass of
19 Msun . The two regions are kinematically separated with velocities
-20 and -25 km s-1. The line survey reveals for the first time an
unbiased view on the chemical molecular composition of these globules,
with new detection of molecules such as C18O (2–1), H2CO(3 0,3 – 2
0,2 ), SO, HCN, HNC, HCO+, C2H and CS. MCweeds is used to constrain the
column densities and abundances of these species. The incident FUV
intensity, G0 and hydrogen nucleus volume density n are estimated by
using PDRTool box models constrained by observed CO line ratios. The
data allows to investigate the stability of the globule by estimating
their virial mass and ionization timescale. Both parameters confirm
previous studies, including the HST image result, that the globule
complex, Thackeray 1 is on the verge of breaking up or evaporating.
[Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl Menten, Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel]
Our Galaxy’s Center: a Window into the High-Redshift Universe
Main Colloquium
Prof. Cara Battersby
University of Connecticut
Galaxy centers are the hubs of activity that drive galaxy evolution,
from supermassive black holes to dense stellar clusters and feedback
from newly-formed stars. Our own galaxy’s center has properties
(densities, temperatures, and turbulent line widths) that are
reminiscent of galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation, but in
own cosmic backyard, where the interplay of these physical processes
be resolved in detail. In this talk, I will discuss gas inflow into our
Galaxy’s Center, properties of the gas, and incipient star formation.
I will discuss simulations of gas flows into the Galactic Center, which
are thought to contribute to the unusual properties of star formation
this region, namely that it is producing 10 times fewer stars than
predicted by standard scaling relations. I will describe observations
the gas and incipient star formation in this region, as well as discuss
efforts to measure whether or not this unusual environment results in a
change to the Initial Mass Function.
The next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) - Science and Telescope Design
Special Colloquium
Dr. Bryan Butler
NRAO, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
Building on the remarkable success of the VLA, VLBA, and ALMA, NRAO is
planning a large collecting area interferometer which will replace the
VLA and VLBA - the next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA). For many
of the same reasons that the VLA was constructed where it was (fraction
of sky visible, quality of site, accessibility, etc.), the core and
of the collecting area of the ngVLA will be on the Plains of San
Agustin, near where the center of the current VLA is. The ngVLA will
have more than 10 times the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the
VLA and ALMA, operating at frequencies from 1.2-116 GHz. The ngVLA
be optimized for observations at wavelengths between those of ALMA at
mm-submm wavelengths, and the future SKA-1 at dm-m wavelengths, to be
complementary to those instruments. The ngVLA will be transformative,
with exquisite sensitivity to thermal line and continuum emission down
to milliarcsecond resolution. The science goals are broad (a science
book with more than 90 chapters and 285 unique authors has been
written), but focus on: formation of planetary systems on terrestrial
planet scales, including astrochemistry; characterization of galaxy
structure and evolution; using pulsars in the Galactic center to test
fundamental theories of gravity; and understanding the formation and
evolution of stellar and supermassive black holes in the era of
multi-messenger astronomy.
Interstellar water isotopologues in high-mass star-forming regions
Master Colloquium
Mahathi Chavali
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Water is a key molecule to model the physics and chemistry of star
formation. It is also the main constituent of icy grain mantles in the
universe. We studied HDO and H2O transitions observed by the APEX
telescope in the ATLASGAL TOP100 sample containing 110 clumps
representing all evolutionary stages of high-mass star formation. We
studied the ratio of HDO/H2O as the level of deuterium fractionation of
a molecule is a good tracer of its formation process. H2-18O, an
isotopologue of water is observed as a tracer for water, as water is
difficult to observe from the ground. Water deuterium fractionation has
been studied before, but not in such a large sample and range of
evolutionary stages. The analysis is complicated by line blending with
transitions from other molecules. We analysed these observations using
the 1D radiative transfer code RATRAN to obtain the fractional
abundances of HDO and H2O. Our studies show that the water deuterium
fractionation values are about two orders of magnitude larger in star
forming regions, compared to the elemental D/H ratio. [Referees: Prof.
Dr. Karl Menten, Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel]
Our First Cloud-Scale Survey of Molecular Gas in Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Prof. Adam Leroy
Ohio State University, USA
I will present PHANGS-ALMA a multi-cycle ALMA survey of 90 nearby
galaxies that offered our first real cloud-scale survey of molecular
in galaxies. Stars form in giant molecular clouds, which are dense,
condensations of gas that in many ways act as the engines of galaxy
evolution. The demographics, evolution, and physical state of these
clouds relate directly to how star formation proceeds, feedback
operates, and galaxies grow. Until recently, however, we lacked any
large survey that resolved the gas in galaxies into individual clouds.
Leveraging ALMA's amazing combination of resolution, sensitivity, and
mapping speed, PHANGS-ALMA mapped the CO 2-1 emission, our basic tracer
of molecular gas in galaxies, at 1" = 50-150 pc resolution scales
across essentially all accessible very nearby star-forming galaxies. On
its own, PHANGS-ALMA resolves the molecular gas across whole galaxies
into individual star-forming molecular clouds, giving access to the
demographics and properties of tens of thousands of molecular clouds
across a representative set of z=0 galaxies. When paired with large
programs on VLT/MUSE, HST, ALMA mapping of high critical density lines,
and soon JWST and MeerKAT, PHANGS offers a pan-chromatic view that
breaks a representative sample of galaxies into individual star forming
regions for the first time. I will give an overview of the motivation
and execution of the survey, describe the data and products available
the community, and then highlight results on a few key topics -
demographics, life cycles, and star formation properties of clouds -
from the PHANGS team.
Illuminating the magnetised cosmic web
Main Colloquium
Dr. Shane O'Sullivan
Dublin City University
Radio galaxies can be observed throughout the majority of the history
the Universe and are thus excellent beacons for measuring the
of the cosmic web and their evolution with cosmic time. Here I will
highlight recent results from the ongoing LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
(LoTSS), with a focus on the linear polarization and Faraday rotation
measure (RM) data. The exceptional RM precision of LoTSS (< 0.1
in addition to unrivalled ancillary information such as the host galaxy
redshift, has facilitated several new discoveries. For example, our
recent detection of the RM signature from cosmic web filaments shows
LoTSS is transforming our understanding of cosmic magnetic fields, and
providing a new way to study the properties of filaments and voids of
the cosmic web in general.
Event Horizon Telescope: the shadow of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way
Special Colloquium
Various Panelists
Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) presented on May 12, 2022 the results
from the observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* ), the Galactic center
source associated with a supermassive black hole. Those are based on
observations conducted in 2017 with very-long-baseline interferometry
operating at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. These results support an image
dominated by a bright, thick ring with a diameter of about 52
microarcseconds, consistent with the appearance of a Kerr black hole
with mass of 4 million solar masses. These results provide direct
evidence for the presence of a supermassive black hole at the centre of
the Milky Way. Details on these results will be provided in a series
short talks by MPIfR affiliated astronomers who are part of the EHT
team, spanning over two hours including discussion: introduction by
Anton Zensus and Karl Menten; followed by short presentations by Alan
Roy, Michael Janssen, Eduardo Ros, Gunther Witzel, Christian M. Fromm,
and Michael Kramer, concluding with a final discussion.
Relics of the ancient Universe: old ultra-compact massive galaxies as local laboratories to study the first phases of galaxy formation
Special Colloquium
Dr. Chiara Spiniello
University of Oxford (UK)
Massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) are believed to form through a
two-phase process: an intense and fast star formation episode creates
red, compact, and massive objects (“red nuggets”), and then a
phase, dominated by mergers and gas inflows, causes structural
and size growth. Luckily, since merging is believed to be stochastic, a
small fraction of red nuggets survives intact until the present-day
Universe, without experiencing any further interaction: the so-called
Relic Galaxies. These very old Ultra Compact Massive Galaxies (UCMGs)
are made of “in situ only“ pristine stellar populations, and as
they provide a unique opportunity to track the formation of this
specific galaxy stellar component, which is mixed with the accreted one
in normal massive ETGs. In this talk I will first introduce our effort
in obtaining a complete census of UCMGs at z between 0.1 and 0.5 from
the Kilo
Degree Survey, and then introduce the on-going INvestigating Stellar
Population In RElics (INSPIRE) project which aims at building the first
statistically large sample of confirmed
relics. I will give few details on the target selection, observation,
data analysis, strategies and results obtained in the INSPIRE Data
Release 1, based on 19 systems for which observations were completed in
2020. In particular, I will present the kinematics and stellar
population results and the relic confirmation for the biggest sample of
spectroscopically confirmed relic galaxies currently available beyond
the local universe. I will finally introduce some future perspectives
and goals of INSPIRE, highlighting how relics can be used as powerful
tools to study the early phases of massive galaxies formation.
Das erste Bild des Schwarzen Lochs im Zentrum der Milchstraße
Special Colloquium
PD Dr. Silke Britzen
Die Event-Horizon-Teleskop- (EHT) Kollaboration hat am 12. Mai das
Bild vom Schatten des Schwarzen Lochs im Zentrum unserer Galaxie
veröffentlicht. Es ist das erste Bild von Sgr A* , aber bereits das
zweite Bild eines supermassereichen Schwarzen Lochs (nach M87* ). Mit
einem Netzwerk von acht Radioteleskopen, das fast die Größe der Erde
erreicht, gelang
ein Bild, an dem auch viele Kollegen aus dem MPIfR lange gearbeitet
haben. Ich berichte über die Entstehung dieses Bildes, die
zwischen Sgr A* und M87* und die Bedeutung der Aufnahmen für die
Erforschung dieser kosmischen Schwerkraftfallen.
[Dieser Vortrag richtet sich an alle Mitarbeiter des Instituts]
Stellar Tidal Streams around nearby galaxies in the local Universe
Special Colloquium
Dr. David Martı́nez Delgado
Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a (CSIC), Spain
Within the hierarchical framework for galaxy formation, merging and
tidal interactions are expected to shape large galaxies up to the
present day. While major mergers are quite rare at present, minor
mergers and satellite disruptions - that result in stellar streams -
should be common, and are indeed seen in the stellar halos of the Milky
Way and the Andromeda galaxy. In the last years, the Stellar Stream
Legacy Survey (PI. Martinez-Delgado) has exploited available deep
imaging of some nearby spiral galaxies with the ultimate aim of
estimating the frequency, morphology and stellar luminosity/mass
distribution of these structures in the local Universe. In this talk, I
will present the current results of our systematic survey of stellar
streams together with some recent follow-up observations (e.g. Megara,
Subaru) and N-body modelling of the most striking streams. Finally, I
will discuss what we can learn about galaxy formation from the results
of this survey, including the comparison with the available L-CDM
cosmological simulations.
High-precision laser spectroscopy meets astronomy
Main Colloquium
Prof. Simon Stellmer
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn
Astronomy and low-energy quantum physics experiments might seem to be
located at opposite ends of the spectrum of physics research, but there
are surprisingly many connections. I will elaborate on two of such
topics. Firstly, I will present searches for beyond-standard-model
physics based on precision spectroscopy. Secondly, I will advertise a
new initiative to determine the Earth orientation parameters through a
novel type of ring laser gyroscope.
Out-of-focus holography at the Effelsberg telescope
Special Colloquium
Dr. Tomás Cassanelli
Departamento Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
The sensitivity of a radio telescope is of significant scientific
interest. By increasing the sensitivity (or increasing the aperture
efficiency) we are able to reduce errors in the telescope's main beam,
and hence detect fainter sources. Out-of-focus (OOF) holography is a
method to determine errors in the aperture plane of a radio telescope.
In contrast to traditional holography, OOF can be applied without extra
equipment and using common astronomical sources and receivers. By
correcting aperture errors we are improving the surface accuracy, and
effectively improving the aperture efficiency. In this talk I will
describe the method, the developed software (pyoof), the observations,
and how it is applied to the Effelsberg telescope. Results from
multi-year observational campaigns will also be discussed, in an effort
to model repeatable sources of deformation over the 100-m collector and
improve its surface efficiency.
The PAH revolution: cold, dark carbon at the earliest stages of star formation
SFB Colloquium
Prof. Brett McGuire
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been implicated as a large
reservoir of reactive carbon in the interstellar medium since the
PAHs have been widely attributed as the carriers of the unidentified
infrared bands where their aggregate vibrational emission spectra are
extremely well matched to the observed line signals. Only in the last
year have individual PAHs been detected in the ISM for the first time,
however, allowing us to begin to investigate the detailed chemical
pathways for the formation and destruction of these molecules. In this
talk, I will discuss our detections of PAH molecules via their
rotational transitions using Green Bank Telescope observations of TMC-1
from the GOTHAM collaboration. I will discuss the efforts to model the
chemistry of these PAHs, the necessity of complementary laboratory
kinetics work, our application of novel machine learning approaches to
exploring the chemical inventory in TMC-1, and finally the benefits of
unbiased reaction screening studies in the laboratory with Microwave
Spectral Taxonomy.
Astrochemical approach to understand star and planet formation
Main Colloquium
Dr. Nami Sakai
RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, Saitama, Japan
Star and planet formation is one of the most fundamental
structure-formation processes in the Universe. Physical processes of
star and planet formation have widely been investigated as one of the
major targets of astronomy and astrophysics by observations in all the
wavelength region from radio to X-ray during the last few decades.
Although a rough outline of these processes has been presented, there
remain many unknowns and missing links. On the other hand, star and
planet formation is a process where interstellar matter is evolved into
planets. Hence exploring chemical evolution is of fundamental
in understanding the origin of the Solar system, and eventually the
origin of life on the Earth. We have thus started to study the
chemical evolution by collaborating with people in molecular science
field. Such chemical approach also tells us novel information on
physical processes of star and planet formation. In this talk, I will
introduce efforts on such studies.
z-GAL: a comprehensive redshift survey of the brightest Herschel galaxies
Special Colloquium
Dr. Pierre Cox
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France
The Herschel surveys have enabled the detection of numerous dusty
luminous sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) in the early universe.
observations of these sources are essential to determine their nature
and the physical properties of their interstellar medium; reliable
measurements of their redshifts are therefore crucial to explore the
molecular and atomic gas of these objects. I will here present the
results of a Large Program, z-GAL, using NOEMA, aimed at a
3 and 2-mm spectroscopic redshift survey of a large (~140 sources)
sample of the brightest (S500microm>80 mJy) SMGs selected from the
Herschel H-ATLAS and HerMES surveys, which probe the peak of cosmic
evolution (2
From galaxy-scale feedback through cosmic history to the microwave background temperature evolution: an updated view on the early Universe from new tools in (sub)mm astronomy
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dominik Riechers
Universität zu Köln
Recent years have seen great advances in studies of galaxy evolution
the early Universe due to substantial upgrades in our observational
capabilities, coupled with ever more complex simulations of star,
galaxy, and cosmic structure formation. I will highlight a range of new
investigations of the cosmic baryon cycle coupling galaxies to their
environments through their gas reservoirs, gas accretion, and outflows
as a result of feedback processes driven by newly formed massive stars
and active galactic nuclei. These properties evolve through cosmic
history due to changes in the properties of "typical" galaxies and
those undergoing their most intense phases of activity, but also due to
changes in the environments resulting from the formation ever more
pronounced cosmic structures and the cooling of the Universe due to
cosmic expansion. I will introduce a new method to constrain the latter
through direct line absorption against the cosmic microwave background,
and promising new observational methods to constrain the former through
large-scale line intensity mapping surveys of the early Universe, all
the way back to cosmic reionization. Due to the rapid progress in
observational, theoretical, and laboratory astronomy over the past
decade, as well as new trends in astronomical instrumentation and
facilities like CCAT-prime, ALMA 2030, NOEMA, the SKA and the ngVLA, we
will have the tools to usher in a new phase in our understanding of the
evolving cosmos back to its infancy stages in the coming decade.
Search for MIlli-LEnses (SMILE) to discriminate between dark matter models
Special Colloquium
Dr. Carolina Casadio
Institute of Astrophysics - FORTH, Heraklion, Greece
Projects aimed at characterising dark matter properties make use of
different approaches. One such approach is to look for strong
gravitational lens systems. Gravitational lensed images with angular
separation on milli-arcsecond scales probe gravitational lens systems
where the lens is a compact object with mass in the range 10^6-10^9
solar masses, i.e. a supermassive compact object (SMCO). This mass
is particularly critical for the widely accepted cosmological model,
which predicts many more DM halos on sub-galactic scales (< ~ 10^11
solar masses) than currently observed. The most direct way to explore
these small angular scales is through the high-resolution of radio Very
Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). We perform a pilot search, using
the Astrogeo VLBI FITS image database and collecting multi-frequency,
multi-epoch VLBI data of 13828 individual sources. We identified 40
milli-lens candidates, which have been followed-up with multi-frequency
European VLBI Network (EVN) observations. Performing a similar search
a complete sample of ~ 5000 sources would allow us to constraint the
abundance of SMCO in the Universe with more than an order of magnitude
better precision than in previous studies, and to ultimately reject
currently viable DM models.
VLBI, multi-band and multi-messenger studies of AGN
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Yuri Y. Kovalev
Astro Space Center of Lebedev Phys. Inst. and Moscow Inst. of Phys. and Technology, Moscow, Russia
In this talk I will discuss recent developments in AGN studies on
and sub-parsec scales made with ground and Space VLBI as well with
multi-band and multi-messenger observations. These include the extreme
brightness temperature puzzle of RadioAstron measurements, the
view on the AGN disk-jet system, and the mounting observational
indications for the blazar-neutrino connection. I will conclude the
by outlining several exciting opportunities for centimeter and
millimeter single-dish and VLBI experiments which will be playing a key
role in the coming new era of multi-messenger astronomy.
First light for CONCERTO at APEX!
Main Colloquium
Dr. Guilaine Lagache
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Frankreich
CONCERTO is a new instrument that has just been successfully installed
in the Cassegrain Cabin of the APEX telescope. It is a spectrometer
with an instantaneous field of view exceeding 260 square arcminute and
spectral resolution up to 1.5 GHz. It covers the frequency band 130-310
GHz. The main scientific aim of CONCERTO is to map in 3D the
fluctuations of the [CII] line intensity in the reionisation and
post-reionisation epoch (z>5). This technique, known as intensity
mapping, will allow us to address questions about the contribution of
the dust-enshrouded star formation at z > 5, the history of metal
enrichment, and the role of star-forming galaxies in shaping cosmic
reionization. In addition to the main [CII] survey, we expect CONCERTO
to bring a significant contribution in a number of areas, including the
study of galaxy clusters (via the thermal and kinetic SZ effect), the
follow-up of cosmological deep surveys, the observation of local
galaxies, and the study of Galactic star-forming clouds. CONCERTO will
also observe the CO intensity fluctuations arising from 0.3
The Galactic chemical evolution of heavy elements
Main Colloquium
Dr. Eda Gjergo
Wuhan University, China
The astrophysical sites which dominate the production of r-process
elements have been a matter of contention for decades. The event
GW170817/AT2017gfo, with the confirmed observation of the
neutron-capture element strontium, originally raised hopes that neutron
star mergers (NSM) could be a leading contributor to the production of
heavy elements. However, galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models which
take into account the rates of NSM events show that the onset of NSM
occurs too late in the enrichment history to explain the abundance
patterns of extremely metal poor stars. Among the other candidates is
the small fraction of core-collapse supernovae whose progenitor star
rotates sufficiently fast and creates magneto-hydrodynamic jets (MHDJ)
capable of yielding r-process enrichment. It is possible that the
of such events may be offset by the larger rates and mass ejecta. After
an introduction on GCE modeling, I will present results which include
novel yield tabulations of neutron-capture events. I will explore the
dependence of neutron-capture element abundances on theoretical NSM
rates, as well as on future GW missions. We investigate some variation
of parameters in single-zone GCE models for both the Milky Way and
galaxies. On a s-process production baseline by AGB and core-collapse
SNe, we estimate which conditions favor one r-process enrichment
scenario over the other.
Energy dissipation in extragalactic jets
Main Colloquium
Prof. Karl Mannheim
Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universität Würzburg
The plasma composition of jets ejected from accreting black holes in
active galactic nuclei remains uncertain up to the present day.
Inevitably, photon-photon pair production must lead to an excess of
electron-positron pairs that remains unaccounted for in conventional
single-fluid GRMHD simulations. Photon-photon pair production occurs in
the virial plasma close to the ergosphere. Prolific pair production
results from particle acceleration throughout the jet. Multi-TeV gamma
rays and the tentative associations of blazars with high-energy
neutrinos and of radio galaxies with ultra-high energy cosmic rays
require efficient acceleration of particles to ultra-high energies.
Considerable efforts to encompass the kinetic processes responsible for
the transport and acceleration of relativistic particles are currently
undertaken to better understand how they shape the morphology and
spectral energy distributions of jets. Studies of variability are key
understand the anisotropies associated with the acceleration processes
and the stochastic nature of energy dissipation. Dissipation by kinetic
processes resembles an exponential version of Ohmic dissipation in an
electric wire.
Main Colloquium
Prof. Sara Buson
Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universität Würzburg
Astrophysics of suprathermally rotating dust: from grain alignment and rotational disruption to surface chemistry
Main Colloquium
Prof. Thiem Hoang
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Dust is ubiquitous in the Universe and plays an important role in
astrophysics. Dust grains are the building blocks of planets and
catalytic surfaces for the formation of water and complex molecules.
Dust polarization induced by the alignment of dust grains with the
magnetic field is a powerful technique to observe cosmic magnetic
and constrain dust properties. Dust grain size distribution determines
star extinction and is a fundamental property for describing radiation
pressure feedback from stars, supernova, and active galactic nuclei.
In this talk, I shall show that grain’s suprathermal rotation plays a
crucial role in dust astrophysics, determining grain alignment and
affecting grain size distribution and surface chemistry. I shall first
review the main physical mechanisms for grain alignment, including
radiative torques and mechanical torques. I will then discuss the
physics of rotational disruption of dust grains due to radiative
torques, which implies the change of the dust properties with the local
radiation field and density from the local medium to high-redshift
galaxies. I will also discuss the new effects of suprathermal rotation
on surface chemistry, radiation pressure feedback, and grain growth.
Finally, I shall discuss a synergy of synthetic modeling with
observations to test the new dust physical effects, probe dust
properties, and measure magnetic fields in star-forming regions.
Planets are places: characterization of other worlds in the 2020s and beyond
Main Colloquium
Dr. Laura Kreidberg
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg
The past 25 years have revealed a diversity of exoplanets far beyond
what was imagined from the limited sample in the Solar System. With new
and upcoming observing facilities and a rapidly growing number of nearby
planets, we are poised to bring this diversity into focus, with detailed
follow-up characterization of the planets’ atmospheres. In this talk,
I will discuss two frontier topics in exoplanet atmosphere studies: (1)
what can we learn about giant planets' origins from their present-day
atmospheres? and (2) what can we learn about habitability from “Earth
cousins”, planets that are a little bigger or a little hotter than the
Earth? Finally, I will conclude with my outlook on the search for
biosignatures in the atmospheres of potentially inhabited planets.
A NICER view of neutron stars
Main Colloquium
Prof. Anna Watts
Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam
NICER, the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, is an X-ray
telescope that was installed on the International Space Station in 2017.
Its mission is to study the nature of the densest matter in the
Universe, found in the cores of neutron stars. NICER uses Pulse Profile
Modeling, a technique that exploits relativistic effects on X-rays
emitted from the hot magnetic polar caps of millisecond pulsars. The
technique also lets us map the hot emitting regions, which form as
magnetospheric particles slam into the stellar surface. I will present
NICER's latest results - including a measurement of the radius of the
highest mass pulsar known - and discuss the implications for our
understanding of ultradense matter, pulsar emission, and stellar
magnetic fields. I will also look ahead to the next generation of X-ray
telescopes that will exploit the Pulse Profile Modelling technique.
Enabling wide-field, high-spatial-resolution fast transient searches on modern interferometry
Weiwei Chen
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Fast transients are usually the products of rapid and enormous energy
releases. To study the physical nature behind them, we must know the
subtle temporal structure of the signal and where precisely they come
from. However, some sporadic or even one-off fast radio transients have
brought challenges to the current instruments. In this presentation, I
describe the general beamforming technique, withwhich efficient
wide-field, high time and spatial resolution survey can be achieved.
Following that, I introduce the software package: MOSAIC developed for
this project to provide the solutions to the challenges that come with
this technique, such as the characterization of volatile beam shapes,
the generation of efficient tiling of beams and the prediction of the
evolution of the tiling through time. As an evaluation, a beamformed
observation with MeerKAT on 47 Tucanae using the said techniques is
presented and the localization capability with multiple beams is
demonstrated. The performance of this beamforming platform has been
further tested in numerous observations and surveys such as TRAPUM and
MGPS that have yield significant results. I also report a search for
giant pulses in selected pulsars. Many models try to explain the
emission mechanism behind giant pulses from pulsars, some of which
invoke the re-connection events near the light cylinder. In the
meantime, a population of known giant pulse emitters shares similar
properties, such as strong magnetic fields near the light cylinder and
high energy emission. I select a couple of pulsars with these
as candidates and observed them using the Effelsberg 100-meter
telescope. A pipeline based on Heimdall was created to search giant
pulses on the data and no credible detection was found. The conclusion
for the non-detection is that these pulsars do not emit giant pulses
which are detectable by our observation, or the high magnetic field
strength near the light cylinder may not be a sufficient condition for
the occurrence of giant pulses. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer,
Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi, Prof. Dr. Ian Brock, Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve]
Towards prebiotic chemistry in the interstellar medium
Main Colloquium
Dr. Izaskun Jiménez-Serra
Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid, Spain
In the past decade, Astrochemistry has witnessed an impressive increase
in the number of detections of complex organic molecules. Some of these
species are of prebiotic interest such as glycolaldehyde, the simplest
sugar, or amino acetonitrile, a possible precursor of glycine. Recently,
we have reported the detection of several new complex organic species in
the interstellar medium, such as hydroxylamine and ethanolamine, known
to be intermediate species in the formation processes of ribonucleotides
and phospholipids within theories for the origin of life. In this talk,
I will present our recent efforts to establish whether key precursors of
prebiotic systems chemistry can be found in space. I will also analyse
how chemical complexity builds up in the interstellar medium thanks to
observations of the complex organic content in starless/pre-stellar
cores, which represent the initial conditions of Solar-system
The cradles of star and planet formation: disks, multiplicity, and stellar masses of low to intermediate-mass protostars
Main Colloquium
Dr. John Tobin
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, USA
The formation of disks and multiple star systems are integral parts of
the star and planet formation process. Most stellar mass must be
accreted through a disk, disks are the future sites of planet
and disks will also give rise to companion stars. Using ALMA and the
VLA, we are conducting large continuum surveys of protostars (with
molecular lines toward a subset of the full sample) in the nearby
Perseus and Orion star-forming regions (with 20-30 au resolution) to
characterize the disk radii, disk masses, and frequency of multiplicity
throughout the protostellar phase. The molecular line data enable us to
measure the masses of the protostars and we are beginning to identify
and characterize the formation environments of both low and
mass protostars. We find clear changes in multiplicity properties with
evolution that link back to their formation mechanisms, establishing a
foundation from which multiplicity evolution must begin.
Physical and chemical properties during high-mass star formation
Informal Colloquium
Caroline Gieser
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg
During high-mass star formation, fragmentation takes place on various
spatial scales from giant molecular clouds down to disk scales. At the
earliest evolutionary stages, high-mass protostars are still deeply
embedded within their parental molecular cloud and can be studied best
at high spatial resolution with interferometers at mm wavelengths. The
IRAM/NOEMA large program CORE allows us to analyze the physical and
chemical properties of a sample of luminous high-mass star-forming
regions. The 1 mm dust continuum of the sample shows a large diversity
of fragmentation properties. Using the spectral line emission, we are
able to determine the physical structure (temperature and density) and
molecular content of individual fragmented cores. Even though all
regions are classified to harbor high-mass protostellar objects, the
molecular content shows a high degree of complexity. By combining the
observed core properties, we are able to estimate chemical timescales
with the physical-chemical model MUSCLE. We find well-constrained
density and temperature profiles in agreement with theoretical
predictions. The molecular complexity in the core spectra can be
explained by an age spread that is then confirmed by our
physical-chemical modeling. The hot molecular cores show the greatest
number of emission lines, but we also find evolved cores in which most
molecules are destroyed and, thus, the spectra appear line-poor once
again. Currently, we are expanding our sample with ALMA 3 mm
observations of 11 additional high-mass star-forming regions at
different evolutionary stages - from infrared dark clouds to
ultra-compact HII regions - in order to further investigate the
evolution of the physical and chemical properties on core scales.
Neutron stars: evolution and emission
Main Colloquium
Dr. Evan Keane
National University of Ireland, Galway
Neutron stars exhibit many of the most extreme phenomena ever observed.
They are also the most precise astrophysical tools in existence.
Fortunately they are readily observable, across the electromagnetic
spectrum, from Birr to Bonn to Boolardy. In this talk I will describe
what is, and is not, known about neutron stars, with particular emphasis
on the inter-related topics of their evolution post-supernova and pulsar
emission physics. I will describe the difficulties involved in
identifying evolutionary tracks for neutron stars, and discuss some
potential solutions to these. Considering the growing number of diverse
observational classes within the 'neutron star zoo' I will describe
how these groups are, and are not, evolutionarily linked to one another.
I will also describe search strategies that might identify the most
interesting undiscovered sources.
Novel search techniques to detect pulsar black hole binaries in radio observations
Vishnu Balakrishnan
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Pulsars are rapidly rotating highly magnetised neutron stars that emit
beams of electromagnetic radiation from their magnetic poles. These
compact objects are unique as they are one of the densest forms of
matter known in the Universe. Discovering pulsars are a gateway to new
and exciting science as they have a wide range of scientific
applications from studies of strong-field tests of gravity, neutron star
physics and cosmology being a few examples. While all pulsars have their
own applications, the bulk of my talk will concentrate on the techniques
involved in finding new relativistic binary pulsars particularly the yet
to be detected pulsar black-hole binary (PSR-BH) which can be used to
test General Relativity and alternate theories of gravity in the
quasi-stationary strong-field regime. As I will describe, in my thesis
work I improved on our detection sensitivity towards PSR-BH binaries by
a factor of 2-2.5 that was achieved purely by changing the search
algorithm. I will present the results of my comprehensive search for
recycled and unrecycled PSR-BH binaries in circular orbits in the High
Time Resolution Universe South Low Latitude Survey (HTRU-S lowlat) using
the template-bank algorithm. I will give details about the 20 new
pulsars that were found from my searches including a new millisecond
pulsar J1743−24 which is a rare intermediate spin-period pulsar in a
70.7-day orbit around a light companion star. Using our non-detections
of PSR-BH binaries, I will also present limits on short orbital period
PSR-BH binaries near the Galactic-Plane (|b| < 3.5 deg). I will also
describe a novel Machine-learning (ML) pulsar candidate classifier using
Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks (SGAN) which achieved
better classification performance than the standard supervised
algorithms commonly used in the literature using majority unlabelled
datasets. Additionally, I will also present the results of the first
fully coherent GPU-based radio pulsar search pipeline that can search
across all five Keplerian parameters. We compare results from my
pipeline to standard time and frequency domain acceleration and jerk
search pipelines currently used in the literature. I will discuss its
computational feasibility and the binary parameter spaces that have
opened up that were previously not accessible. [Referees: Prof. Dr.
Michael Kramer, Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer, Prof. Dr. Simon Stellmer,
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Gieselmann]