The JWST mission - status, capabilities and scientific timeline
Main Colloquium
Dr. Pierre Ferruit
European Space Agency (ESA)
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled for launch in October
2018, will be one of the great observatories of the next decade. JWST
and its suite of 4 instruments will provide imaging, spectroscopic and
coronagraphic capabilities over the 0.6 to 28.5 micron wavelength range
and will offer an unprecedented combination of sensitivity and spatial
resolution to study targets ranging from our Solar System to the most
distant galaxies. In this presentation, I will first present the latest
status of the mission and give an overview of its capabilities. I will
then give details on the scientific timeline and in particular of the
on-going general observer (GO) call. Last I will give an overview of the
contents of the guaranteed time and early-release science programs that
have been announced in 2017.
The Galactic Center laboratory: Tidal interaction and variability processes in the immediate vicinity of a supermassive black hole
Special Colloquium
Dr. Gunther Witzel
I report recent observations of the Galactic Center sources G1, G2, and
Sgr A* from the W. M. Keck Observatory, the VLT, and Spitzer Space
Telescope. All three sources vary temporally and are in the focus of
numerous recent studies; G2 is the putative gas cloud that 3 years ago
passed through periapsis in its orbit around the black hole at the
center of the Milky Way, and Sgr A* is the emission associated with Sgr
A*’s accretion. In 2014, G2 was observed at closest approach with a
separation from Sgr A* of only ~20 mas and has been spatially unresolved
from Sgr A* since then. Nevertheless, the two can be disentangled
spectrally. We conclude that G2, more than 3 years after periapse, is
still intact and compact in the continuum. This is in contrast to
predictions for a simple gas cloud hypothesis, and therefore G2 most
likely hosts a central star. Similar arguments can be made for the
nature of G1, and I will discuss the relation between the two objects.
The variability of Sgr A* itself has been subject of statistical
characterizations in the past. New observations with Spitzer Space
Telescope open an unexpected window to timescales unobservable with
ground based observatories, and help to assess the question if G2 or G1
have changed the variability state of Sgr A*. I will present the recent
status of our variability studies (from Space and with Keck and VLT)
that shed some light on the accretion processes onto the closest
supermassive black hole. Furthermore, I will present an outlook on
future astrometric measurements at the GC and the methods currently
developed to improve adaptive optics supported photometry and
New clues on the origin of nitrogen in the solar system
Main Colloquium
Dr. Pierre Hily-Blant
UGA/IUF/IPAG, Grenoble
To which extent did the primitive solar system keep memory of its
interstellar past is a key question from planetary science and
astrophysics perspectives. Related to it, the total amount of volatile
carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, and their spatial distribution, in the
early protosolar nebula (PSN), and in PSN analogs, is a fascinating
issue in our understanding of the chemical composition of exoplanets. In
this talk, while presenting these questions from an astrochemical point
of view, I will focus on one element namely, nitrogen. Our starting
point for the history of nitrogen in the solar system will be comets for
which all observations converge towards a single value of the 14N/15N
isotopic ratio of ~140. This represents a threefold 15N-enrichment with
respect to the elemental 14N/15N ratio of 441 in the PSN. Basically
three explanations can be advanced for the discrepancy: 1/ cometary
carriers of the primary reservoir of nitrogen so far escaped detection,
or fractionation, taking place in 2/ cometary nuclei over the last 4.6
Gyr, 3/ in the PSN, or 4/ in the interstellar cloud where the Sun
formed. I will review the existing measurements in interstellar clouds
and in protosolar nebula analogs. In particular, I will present the
direct measurement of the 14N/15N ratio in the disk orbiting TW Hya
performed with ALMA, which demonstrates that fractionation is present
already at the PSN stage. Put into a galactic context, the measured
ratio of 323+/-30 is interpreted as the elemental isotopic ratio of
nitrogen in the present-day solar neighbourhood. I will also present the
recent direct determination of the HCN/HC15N in the L1498 prestellar
core, suggesting that nitrogen fractionation is not efficient in such a
cold environement. However, source to source variations cannot be
excluded, while chemical models remain questionable. Future perspectives
in the field will close the talk.
A radioactive star!
Special Colloquium
Dr. Tomasz Kamiński
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA, USA
CK Vul erupted in 1670-72 and is considered one of the oldest nova-like
objects known to astrophysics. The observational characteristics of the
object, known from ancient records of the outburst and modern studies of
the remnant, rule out a classical-nova scenario for the 17th century
eruption. It was most likely one of rare objects which we know today as
"red novae" or "intermediate-luminosity optical transients". They
erupt in a stellar-merger event. I am going to present
(sub-)millimeter-wave observation of CK Vul, including ALMA data, which
reveal the remnant of CK Vul is rich in molecular gas and dust. The
molecular gas has very peculiar isotopic composition which supports the
merger hypothesis for CK Vul's outburst and provides information about
the progenitor binary system which collided 348 yr ago. In particular, I
am going to show observations of the radioactive nuclide of 26Al, whose
observation gives us a glimpse into the collision processes and have
important implications for the 26Al production on the Galactic scale.
Blazars at the Highest Resolution Workshop (Humboldt Partnership) - Session IV
Informal Colloquium
Multiple Speakers: Check abstract for details
The MPI für Radioastronomie in Bonn and the Astro Space Centre of the
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences are
collaborating in the framework of a Humboldt Partnership Program, with
the main focus of the collaboration laid on the space VLBI mission
"RadioAstron". Marking the the second year of the Program, a workshop
will take place in Bonn on December 13-15. The workshop will also
embrace a number of external collaborators of the Program, with
participants from Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Aalto
University, and the Istituto di Planetologia e Astrofísica Speziali
expected to take part.
See the meeting webpage at
The first day of the workshop (December 13) will be open for general
public, featuring presentations about key science projects of the
RadioAstron and their potential synergies with the GMVA and EHT
The speakers and topics in Session IV (see are:
Matt Lister: Jet studies with the MOJAVE program
Antonio Fuentes: Total and linearly polarized synchrotron emission from
overpressured magnetized relativistic jets
Alexander Pushkarev: Shapes and opening angles of AGN jets
Alexander Plavin: Core-shift measurements in a large sample of AGNs and
their implications for astrophysics and astrometry
Silke Britzen: M87: Turbulent loading leading to large-scale episodic
Jun Liu: Effelsberg monitoring in support of RadioAstron observations of
high Tb blazars
Blazars at the Highest Resolution Workshop (Humboldt Partnership) - Session III
Informal Colloquium
Multiple Speakers: Check abstract for details
The MPI für Radioastronomie in Bonn and the Astro Space Centre of the
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences are
collaborating in the framework of a Humboldt Partnership Program, with
the main focus of the collaboration laid on the space VLBI mission
"RadioAstron". Marking the the second year of the Program, a workshop
will take place in Bonn on December 13-15. The workshop will also
embrace a number of external collaborators of the Program, with
participants from Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Aalto
University, and the Istituto di Planetologia e Astrofísica Speziali
expected to take part.
See the meeting webpage at
The first day of the workshop (December 13) will be open for general
public, featuring presentations about key science projects of the
RadioAstron and their potential synergies with the GMVA and EHT
The speakers and topics in Session III (see are:
Mihkail Lisakov: Complex nature of the apparent core in 3C 273
Jae-Young Kim: Spatially resolved origin of mm-wave linear polarization
in the nuclear region of 3C 84
Sergey Pilipenko: The high brightness temperature of B0529+483 revealed
by RadioAstron and implications for interstellar scattering
Efthalia Traianou: Looking into the heart of the gamma-ray loud TXS
2013+370 blazar
The RadioAstron Mission: Present Status and Research Highlights
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. habil. Yuri Y. Kovalev
ASC Lebedev
In this talk I will present the current status of the Space VLBI mission
as well as recent
results of RadioAstron studies of AGNs, pulsars, masers, interstellar
medium as well as
gravitational redshift experiment
Blazars at the Highest Resolution Workshop (Humboldt Partnership) - Session II
Informal Colloquium
Multiple Speakers: Check abstract for details
The MPI für Radioastronomie in Bonn and the Astro Space Centre of the
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences are
collaborating in the framework of a Humboldt Partnership Program, with
the main focus of the collaboration laid on the space VLBI mission
"RadioAstron". Marking the the second year of the Program, a workshop
will take place in Bonn on December 13-15. The workshop will also
embrace a number of external collaborators of the Program, with
participants from Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Aalto
University, and the Istituto di Planetologia e Astrofísica Speziali
expected to take part.
See the meeting webpage at
The first day of the workshop (December 13) will be open for general
public, featuring presentations about key science projects of the
RadioAstron and their potential synergies with the GMVA and EHT
The speakers and topics in Session II (see are:
José L. Gómez: AGN Polarization Key Science Program: Highlights
Evgeniya V. Kravchenko: The first results on S5 0716+714 imaging with
RadioAstron Gabriele Bruni: Results from the RadioAstron AGN
polarization KSP: observations of 3C 273 at minimum activity
Blazars at the Highest Resolution Workshop (Humboldt Partnership Meeting) - Session I
Informal Colloquium
Multiple Speakers: Check abstract for details
The MPI für Radioastronomie in Bonn and the Astro Space Centre of the
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences are
collaborating in the framework of a Humboldt Partnership Program, with
the main focus of the collaboration laid on the space VLBI mission
"RadioAstron". Marking the the second year of the Program, a workshop
will take place in Bonn on December 13-15. The workshop will also
embrace a number of external collaborators of the Program, with
participants from Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Aalto
University, and the Istituto di Planetologia e Astrofísica Speziali
expected to take part.
See the meeting webpage at
The first day of the workshop (December 13) will be open for general
public, featuring presentations about key science projects of the
RadioAstron and their potential synergies with the GMVA and EHT
The speakers and title of the talks of Session I (see are:
Yuri Kovalev: RadioAstron AGN survey
Tuomas Savolainen: Results from RadioAstron Nearby AGN Key Science
Laura Vega García: Strong AGN Key Science Program
The Radio Sky at Owens Valley
Special Colloquium
Dr. Sebastian Kiehlmann
The Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) runs a variety of radio
telescopes in the frequency range from ~10 MHz to ~100 GHz. These
instruments are dedicated to a range of science cases in observational
cosmology - Galactic foreground emission, Epoch of Galaxy Assembly,
Epoch of Reionization - and time domain astronomy - extrasolar planets,
novae, X-ray binaries/microquasars, blazars, and fast radio bursts. I
will give a brief overview over the six current and future projects at
OVRO: C-BASS, COMAP, OVRO-LWA, DSA-10, 40 m Monitoring Program, and
Studying the Role of Magnetic Fields in Star Formation from the Stratosphere
Special Colloquium
Dr. Laura M. Fissel
NRAO, Charlottesville
The extent to which magnetic fields influence the formation and evolution of molecular clouds remains a key open question in our understanding of the star formation process. Maps of polarized thermal dust emission can be used to create detailed portraits of magnetic field morphology, yet observing through the Earth's atmosphere has typically restricted polarimeters to maps of small areas or extremely bright clouds. In this talk I will discuss results from a survey of the young giant molecular cloud Vela C with the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Sub-mm Telescope for Polarimetry (BLASTPol). By applying the statistical analysis techniques to both BLASTPol data and synthetic observations of MHD cloud formation models we find that the magnetic field of Vela C is likely significantly inclined with respect to the plane-of-the-sky. Comparisons between magnetic field orientation traced by BLASTPol and elongation of column density and molecular line map structures also indicate that the large-scale magnetic field of Vela C is strong enough to influence the cloud gas dynamics. With upcoming instrumentation such as the next-generation BLAST polarimeter and the TolTEC polarimeter we will soon be able to apply the same analysis techniques to dozens of clouds at even higher resolution, providing important constraints on the role of magnetic fields in star and planet formation.
Exploding oceans on neutron stars
Main Colloquium
Prof. Anna Watts
Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam
Densities in neutron star cores can reach up to ten times the density of
a normal atomic nucleus, and the stabilising effect of gravitational
confinement permits long-timescale weak interactions. This generates
matter that is neutron-rich, and opens up the possibility of stable
states of strange matter, something that can only exist in neutron
stars. Our uncertainty about the nature of matter under these conditions
is encoded in the Equation of State, which can be linked to macroscopic
observables like mass, radius, tidal deformation or moment of inertia.
Measuring the EOS of matter in the cores of neutron stars is, for this
reason, that dreaded thing - a Holy Grail of Astrophysics - as measured
by the standard unit of mentions in grant applications. One very
promising technique for measuring the EOS exploits hotspots (burst
oscillations) that form on the neutron star surface when material
accreted from a companion star undergoes a thermonuclear explosion (a
Type-I X-ray burst). As the star rotates, the hotspot gives rise to a
pulsation. Relativistic effects then encode information about the EOS
into the pulse profile. However the mechanism that generates burst
oscillations remains unknown, 20 years after their discovery. Ignition
conditions, flame spread, and the magnetohydrodynamics of the star’s
ocean all play a role. I will review the progress that we are making
towards cracking this long-standing problem, and establishing burst
oscillations as a tool par excellence for probing dense matter. This is
a major goal for future large area X-ray telescopes such as eXTP and
Shining Light on the Dark Milky Way: Probing our Galaxy
Informal Colloquium
Hiep Nguyen
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University, Sydney
Many studies have proved the existence of the dark interstellar medium
(Dark ISM) which is not detected by traditional radio emission from
atomic hydrogen (HI) and carbon monoxide (CO) molecules. To probe this
gas component, interstellar dust has often been used as a proxy for
total gas column density N_H. By comparing the thermal dust data from
Planck satellite (Release 1.2) and the Pan-STARRS with accurate
(opacity-corrected) HI column densities and newly-published OH data from
the Arecibo Millennium survey and 21-SPONGE, we confirm tight linear
correlations between dust optical depth, dust radiance, reddening
E(B−V) and the total proton column density N_H in the range
~0.1–2.7e21 cm−2, along sightlines with no molecular gas detections.
We derive a ratio N_H/E(B−V) of ~7.9e21 cm−2 mag-1 for purely atomic
sightlines at |b|>10 deg, consistent with Liszt (2014). Based on our own
measurements of dust opacity and dust specific luminosity, we argue that
while the variation of opacity reported by Planck Collaboration (2014)
is largely due to the evolution of dust grains in the ISM, the change in
their specific luminosity may come from the presence of dark gas. We
estimate the molecular hydrogen column densities N_H2 from these linear
relationships and hence derive the OH/H2 abundance ratio X_OH for all
molecular sightlines. The X_OH ratios derived from the three N_H proxies
are basically consistent with mean value around ~1e−7. Our results
show no evidence of systematic trends in OH abundance with N_H2 in the
range N_H2 ~ 0.1–10e21 cm−2 suggesting that OH may be used as a
reliable proxy for H2 in this range, which includes sightlines with both
CO-dark and CO-bright gas.
Sun-sized water vapor masers in Cepheus A
Special Colloquium
Dr. Andrey Sobolev
Kourovka Astronomical Observatory, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
We present the first VLBI observations of structure of water maser made
with a very long base line interferometric array involving the
RadioAstron earth-orbiting satellite station as one of its elements. We
observed the masers in the star-forming region Cepheus A. We detected
six distinct components with an unprecedented baseline of 3.3 Earth
diameters, which gave a fringe spacing of 66 micro-arcseconds. We
examined the profile of the 0.6 km s−1 feature in detail. In total
power, it appears as a single Gaussian component of strength 580 Jy and
width of 0.7 km s−1. There is no difference in the profiles in right
and left circular polarization, implying the longitudinal magnetic field
component is weaker than 120 mG. The cross power spectrum shows two
unresolved components smaller than 15 micro-arcsec separated by 0.5 km
s−1 in velocity and separated by 25 micro-arcsec. The diameters of the
components (15 micro-arcsec) correspond to a linear scale of 1.6e11 cm,
about the diameter of the Sun. This is the smallest structure ever
observed in a Galactic maser. The expected interstellar broadening along
the path to Cepheus A is about 7 micro-arcsec, which may have a small
effect on the angular size determination. These masers appear to be
associated with the compact HII region HW3diii. The brightness
temperatures are greater than about 1e15 K, and the line widths are 0.5
km s−1, characteristic of a kinetic temperature of about 100 K. The
components detected are likely to represent turbulent eddies in the
maser medium. This appears to be the first observation with resolution
of the scale at which turbulence is dissipating.
Massive stars in the grand scheme of things
Main Colloquium
Prof. Alex de Koter
Sterrenkundig Instituut Anton Pannekoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Massive stars may have been the first sources of light after the Big
Bang. They are potential contributors to the re-ionization of the
Universe and have likely played a crucial role in galaxy formation. The
most massive stars today easily outshine the sun by a factor of a
million or more, hence provide strong radiative feedback on their host
environment. Through powerful stellar winds and supernova ejecta they
enrich their surroundings with newly processed chemical elements, which
constitute the building block of terrestrial planets and life. Indeed,
if not for massive stars, we would not exist. In this talk I will first
sketch the role of massive stars in the grand scheme of things. Then, I
will focus on aspects of the outcome of the formation of the most
massive stars, including maximum formation mass, initial mass function
and multiplicity properties. Finally, I will present a possible new
insight into the formation mechanism of massive close binaries.
Constraining galaxy cluster properties through joint X-ray and SZ observations
Special Colloquium
Dr. Dominique Eckert
Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
The properties of the intracluster medium can be traced both by X-ray observations and measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal. The two techniques provide highly complementary information on the distribution and thermodynamic properties of the hot intracluster medium, and both of them are tightly correlated with cluster mass. I will describe how the two probes can be exploited jointly to set tight constraints on ICM properties out to the virial radius of local clusters. Based on some pilot studies with archival ROSAT data, in 2014 we obtained a very large program on XMM-Newton to follow up the most significant Planck clusters in the redshift range 0.04-0.1. I will present preliminary results of this program, focusing on thermodynamic properties, mass profiles, gas mass fraction, and non-thermal pressure support.
Sun-sized water vapor masers in Cepheus A
Special Colloquium
Dr. Andrey Sobolev
Kourovka Astronomical Observatory, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
We present the first VLBI observations of structure of water maser made with a very long base line interferometric array involving the RadioAstron earth-orbiting satellite station as one of its elements. We observed the masers in the star-forming region Cepheus A. We detected six distinct components with an unprecedented baseline of 3.3 Earth diameters, which gave a fringe spacing of 66 micro-arcseconds ($\mu$as). We examined the profile of the 0.6 km s−1 feature in detail. In total power, it appears as a single Gaussian component of strength 580 Jy and width of 0.7 km s−1. There is no difference in the profiles in right and left circular polarization, implying the longitudinal magnetic field component is weaker than 120 mG. The cross power spectrum shows two unresolved components smaller than 15 $\mu$as separated by 0.5 km s−1 in velocity and separated by 25 $\mu$as. The diameters of the components (15 $\mu$as) correspond to a linear scale of 1.6e11 cm, about the diameter of the Sun. This is the smallest structure ever observed in a Galactic maser. The expected interstellar broadening along the path to Cepheus A is about 7 $\mu$as, which may have a small effect on the angular size determination. These masers appear to be associated with the compact HII region HW3diii. The brightness temperatures are greater than about 1e15 K, and the line widths are 0.5 km s−1, characteristic of a kinetic temperature of about 100 K. The components detected are likely to represent turbulent eddies in the maser medium. This appears to be the first observation with resolution of the scale at which turbulence is dissipating.
Main Colloquium
Prof. Hans-Walter Rix
MPIA, Heidelberg
Nucleosynthesis and Molecular Isotope Ratios in Extragalactic Systems
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Christian Henkel
The determination of extragalactic CNO-S-Si isotope ratios requires
observations with extreme sensitivity. As a consequence of limited
signal-to-noise ratios and isotope ratios often exceeding an order of
magnitude, very little could been done so far. However, this is now
rapidly changing, thanks to the construction of ALMA and the expansion
of the Plateau de Bure Interferometer into NOEMA. This talk provides a
brief summary of extragalactic work so far done on CNO-S-Si isotope
ratios, briefly mentioning the main underlying processes of
nucleosynthesis. Also introduced are cases, where fractionation can be
neglected, and others, where fractionation might influence the
ratios in a truly drastic way.
Small-scale cosmology with dwarf galaxies
Main Colloquium
Oliver Müller
Departement Physik, Universität Basel
Dwarf galaxies are tracers of the fine-structure of the large-scale
structure of the universe, but their predicted abundance and
distribution from simulations is in serious conflict with observations
in the Local Group, today's best studied group of galaxies. Recently,
two planes of satellites were discovered around Cen A, providing a
unique opportunity to test cosmological predictions beyond the Local
Group. We surveyed the complete Centaurus Group with the Dark Energy
Camera, doubling the census of dwarf galaxies in the group. We found
evidence that these satellite planes are corotating, posing a major
challenge to Lambda+CDM. Comparison to high-resolution dark matter
simulations show that this finding is highly significant. I will connect
this to the recently established and unexpected relation between the
number of dwarf galaxies and the size of the bulge of the host galaxy in
the context of Lambda+CDM cosmology and MOND.
Understanding the dynamics of early-type galaxies without dark matter
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Jörg Dabringhausen
Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Assuming virial equlibrium and Newtonian dynamics, the observed velocity dispersions of early-type galaxies (ETGs) are usually larger than the predictions for their velocity dispersions based on the amount of baryonic matter they contain. This descrepancy is particularly large at the faint end of the luminosity function of ETGs. The conventional interpretation of this finding is that ETGs contain non-baryonic matter, and that the faintest ETGs consist almost exclusively of this exotic type of matter. Using an extensive catalogue of ETGs and simple analytic approximations concerning the stellar populations and the law of gravity, I will discuss how the internal dynamics of ETGs can also be understood from their baryonic content alone.
Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization
Main Colloquium
Dr. Fabian Walter
MPIA, Heidelberg
A prime objective of observational astrophysics is to characterize the
earliest sources in the first Gyr of the universe, and to peer into the
cosmic times when the first stars, black holes and galaxies formed.
Although galaxy candidates are now identified up to redshifts of about
10, their faintness typically precludes detailed studies of their
nature. Quasars, on the other hand, are the most luminous non-transient
sources known and can be studied in detail at the earliest cosmic
epochs. The discovery and characterization of a statistically
significant sample of quasars at z>6 is crucial to study the epoch of
reionization. I will present our progress in building such a statistical
sample, which led
to tripling the number of these quasars in just the last three years. I
will discuss the diverse range of physical properties of this quasar
sample as well as our follow-up studies from optical to radio
wavelengths, including a new quasar at a record redshift (z=7.5). In
particular, recent observations with ALMA revealed the presence of
far-infrared companions around the quasars, and provide key constraints
on the spatially
resolved properties of the quasar host galaxies. Through multi-line ALMA
spectroscopy we can also derive first constraints on the physical
conditions of the interstellar medium in the quasar hosts. I will also
discuss the potential of future JWST observations.
Identification of compact objects in gamma-ray binaries by high-precision astrometry
Special Colloquium
Dr. Masaki Yamaguchi
Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, University of Tokyo
We develop a method for identifying a compact object in binary systems
with astrometric measurements and apply it to gamma-ray binaries.
Compact objects in five gamma-ray binaries are unknown (either a neutron
star or a black hole), which is responsible for the fact that emission
mechanisms in such systems have not yet been confirmed. The accurate
estimate of the mass of the compact object allows us to identify the
compact object in such systems. Astrometric measurements are expected to
enable us to estimate the masses of the compact objects in the binary
systems via a determination of a binary orbit. We calculate the
probability that the compact object in gamma-ray binaries are correctly
identified (= confidence level) for given masses of the compact object
and for given precisions of an astrometric mission. From the resultant
confidence levels, we conclude that for two gamma-ray binaries, we can
identify the compact object at high confidence level (even > 99%) with
10-microarcsecond level astrometry, such as Gaia and JASMINE.
The upgraded GMRT : Opening new windows to the low frequency radio Universe
Special Colloquium
Prof. Yashwant Gupta
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India
The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) is today a major
international Radio Astronomy facility working in five discrete bands in
the frequency range of 150 MHz to 1500 MHz, with a maximum instantaneous
bandwidth of 32 MHz. Consisting of 30 fully steerable antennas of 45
metre diameter each, it can be used as an aperture-synthesis array for
imaging, as well as a phased array to study compact radio sources such
as pulsars. The GMRT has produced several important results in the past
15 years of operations -- a few select ones will be highlighted.
The GMRT is undergoing a major upgrade that will improve its sensitivity
by a factor of upto three and make it a much more versatile instrument.
The goal is to have seamless frequency coverage from about 100 to 1500
MHz, with a maximum instantaneous bandwidth of 400 MHz; improved
receiver systems with higher G/Tsys; versatile digital back-end
correlator and pulsar receiver using the latest FPGA and GPU
technologies; revamped servo system; sophisticated monitor and control
system; and matching improvements in infrastructure and computing. This
upgrade will keep the GMRT at the forefront as one of the most sensitive
facility in the 100 to 1500 MHz range, till the SKA phase I comes along.
Most of the sub-systems of the upgraded GMRT (uGMRT) are nearing
completion and delivery, and the upgraded observatory is being made
available to users in a phased manner, from April 2016 onwards, and the
full uGMRT is expected to be released by early 2018. An overview of the
upgrade activities, their current status and future plans, including
specific challenges faced, will be described. First science results from
the uGMRT and future potential will also be presented.
Illuminating the Dark Universe with fluorescent Lyman-alpha emission
SFB Colloquium
Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo
ETH Zürich
Gravitational collapse during the Universe's first billion years
transformed a nearly homogeneous matter distribution into a network of
filaments - the Cosmic Web - where galaxies form and evolve. Because
most of this material is too diffuse to form stars, its study has been
limited so far to absorption probes against background sources. In this
talk, I will present the results of a new program to directly detect and
study high-redshift cosmic gas in emission using bright quasars and
galaxies as external "sources of illumination". In particular, I will
show results from ultra-deep narrow-band imaging and recent
integral-field-spectroscopy as a part of the MUSE Guaranteed Time of
Observation program that revealed numerous giant Lyman-alpha emitting
filaments extending up to several hundred kpc around quasars and bright
galaxies. I will discuss how the unexpectedly high luminosities of these
systems, together with the constraints from Helium and metal extended
emission, represent a challenge for our current understanding of
cosmological structure formation. In particular, I will show that
current observations suggest that a large amount of "cold" and dense
gaseous "clumps" should be present around high-redshift galaxies and I
will present our first attempts to understand the origin and nature of
these structures using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations.
Axions from the Sun? Exploring the low-energy frontier with the International Axion Observatory IAXO
Main Colloquium
Prof. Klaus Desch
University of Bonn, Physikalisches Institut
Physics beyond the Standard Model may hide at very low energies. The
axion, postulated by Wilczek and Weinberg almost 40 years ago, is a very
light, very weakly interacting new particle which, if it exists, could
answer a long-standing question of fundamental physics: why is the
electric dipole moment of the neutron so unnaturally small? Moreover,
axions may be (all or part of) the dark matter in our universe. Axions
may be copiously produced in our sun. The proposed IAXO experiment will
be more than 10000 times more sensitive to these particles than the
previous leading experiment, CAST at CERN. In the talk, I will motivate
solar and other axion searches and will present the current planning of
IAXO which brings together technologies from particle physics,
astrophysics and accelerator physics. I will also discuss a potential
step-wise realisation of IAXO.
Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students
Lunch Colloquium
Priv.-Doz Rainer Mauersberger
I will review the paper with this title, see the paper with the same title by Katia Levecque et al. in Reserch Policy, 46, 868 (2017) at
East Asian Observatory
Special Colloquium
Dr. Paul Ho
East Asian Observatory and ASIAA
The East Asian Observatory (EAO) was established in 2014, and incorporated in Hawaii. The EAO is formed by the four core observatories in East Asia: NAOC, NAOJ, KASI, and ASIAA. The goal is to build world class facilities by combining the resources from the East Asian regions. The first task for the EAO has been to take over the operations of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope from the UK community. In this talk, I will describe the activities of JCMT and EAO over the last two years, as well as our future aspirations. I will also describe some of the new science capabilities at the EAO/JCMT.
Low-mass and high-mass star formation: similarities and differences - recent clues from observations of galactic proto-clusters
Main Colloquium
Dr. Sylvain Bontemps
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux
While the origin of stellar masses for solar type stars appear to nicely
fit with a simple Jeans fragmentation in the typical dense cold gas of
nearby molecular clouds, higher masses of OB type stars have a much less
clear origin. This often leads researchers to propose that high-mass
stars may not form the same way than low-mass stars. This is not so
clearly the case, high-mass stars may very well form exactly like
low-mass stars through a direct monolithic collapse. In this case, one
has to understand how molecular cloud fragmentation can indeed produce
Jeans instable cores with masses much larger than the typically observed
thermal Jeans masses. I will show that the most recent observations with
millimeter interferometers clearly point to monolithic collapses and
that the present quest is therefore to reveal the origin of apparently
"super-Jeans" cores in molecular clouds. Since high-mass stars are the
trademarks of clustered star formation, and since most stars form in
clusters, this issue of the origin of high stellar masses has important
implications for the whole evolution of galaxies.
Systematic measurements of the surface of the 100-m radio telescope using the out-of-focus holography method
Master Colloquium
Tomas Alberto Cassanelli
The out-of-focus (OOF) holography technique allows users to obtain low resolution maps of the wavefront (aberration) distribution in an antenna surface using astronomical observations. It requires ---in contrast to traditional holography measurements--- only one in-focus and two out-of-focus images of a compact source at a good signal-to-noise ratio. The 100-m Effelsberg antenna has an active sub-reflector surface with 96 actuators which are set in order to correct the gravitationally-caused surface deformations of the primary dish. The active surface is controlled via a static look-up table, which was calculated from a Finite Element Method (FEM) model of the antenna and is not based on real measurements. It is confirmed that the FEM model does indeed improve the sensitivity and gain-elevation curve for high frequency observations from the secondary focus, but further improvements from real measurements are likely possible. Within the scope of this thesis a general OOF holography software (pyoof package) was developed that takes care of the particular geometry and blockage of the Effelsberg antenna. It solves the under-determined problem of the observed power pattern and aperture distribution relation, that is required for the phase-retrieval computation of the OOF holography. Several OOF holography observation campaigns were performed, including consistency checks, e.g. through the introduction of known misalignments in the active surface and the comparison of measurements with the FEM model on and off. The measurements show that the basic principle works and that surface adjustments are possible. Finally a new look-up table was proposed for fixed elevations with guidelines on how to model gravitationally-caused surface deformations for future observing campaigns and therewith improve the gain-elevation curve. Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl Menten, Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa
Searching for pulsars in the Galactic Center
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Robert Wharton
The timing of pulses from a radio pulsar in orbit around the
supermassive black hole Sgr A* would provide the precise measurements
needed to test fundamental predictions about black holes.
such a pulsar has not been discovered yet. I will briefly discuss a few
reasons why such a pulsar may have eluded detection and describe
searches using new pulsar observing modes available at the Karl G.
Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). These VLA searches are some of the most
sensitive to date and offer an excellent opportunity to characterize
canonical pulsar population within about 20 pc of Sgr A*.
The Good and Stable Life of Disk Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Prof. Gerhardt Meurer
ICRAR, Perth, Australia
Our universe has passed the peak of star formation activity. Galaxies
are accelerating away from each other, and their evolution is becoming
more dominated by secular processes. Indeed, observations show that
galaxy disks have reached an equilibrium stability throughout their
optically bright portions and beyond. I will show that the assumption of
a uniform stability provides a good model for the structure of present
day disk galaxies. It allows us to resolve some puzzles and provides a
bridge between star formation, the gas and dark matter within galaxies.
I will describe our current work on the constant stability disk models
and prospects for understanding the main-sequence of star forming
galaxies and their evolution.
Water deuterium fractionation in star-formation regions
Fang-Chun Liu
Water is an essential molecule to oxygen chemistry and to the proliferation of life. Also, it is the main constituent of icy grain mantles in the Universe. The formation of water can be studied through the HDO/H2O ratio. Thanks to the launch of the Herschel Space Observatory and the advance of sensitive sub millimeter receivers on ground-based telescopes, many H2O and HDO transitions can now be observed, enabling more accurate studies of the level of water fractionation, i.e., the enhancement of the HDO/H2O abundance ratio over the D/H elemental ratio. Using these new technologies, we aim at revisiting the water fractionation studies toward star-forming regions. We present here detailed studies of the D/H ratios of water in one low-mass protostar and six luminous high-mass star-forming regions. Deuterated water and H2-18O has been detected in these sources with APEX, SMA and Herschel Space Observatory. We analyzed these observations using the 1D radiative transfer code RATRAN to obtain the HDO and H2-18O fractional abundances throughout the envelopes. The results show that the HDO fractional abundances in the inner and outer regions are different by more than two orders, which implies that the sublimation is very similar in low- and high-mass star-forming regions. Previous and our studies show that the values of the HDO fractional abundance in star-forming regions with different masses do not correlate with their evolution. The H2O abundance is deduced from the analysis of the H2-18O transition lines. The similarity of the measured HDO/H2O ratios suggests that the chemical evolution of water is the same regardless of the masses of the regions. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl M. Menten (MPIfR), Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa (HISKIP), Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlemmer (Physikalisches Institut, Uni Köln), Prof. Dr. Gerhard von der Emde (Institute of Zoology)]
ALMA Band 1 Receiver Project: Design and performance, current status and science verification plan
Special Colloquium
Dr. Chau Ching Chiong
Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
ALMA covers the frequency band from 35 GHz to 960 GHz in 10 frequency
bands. In the talk, the design and the performance of the ALMA Band 1
receiver front-end covering 35 to 50 GHz will be presented. Different
from ALMA Band-3 to -10, the Band 1 receiver is an HEMT-based receiver
with cryogenic HEMT amplifier as the first stage in the receiving path.
Operation under 15 K environment, the receiver shows the
state-of-the-art performance with the noise temperature of 16 to 31 K
and the image band rejection ratio of over 30 dB. At the moment, the
first 8 receiver cartridges are under testing and we expect to perform
the integration test at the OSF soon. The future Band 1 production and
delivery timeline and the science verification plan will also be
presented in the talk.
Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Waves
Main Colloquium
Prof. Vitor Cardoso
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
This year marks the centenary of two pivotal breakthroughs in physics:
the discovery of the Schwarzschild solution, describing a non-rotating
black hole, and Einstein's prediction of gravitational waves.
Gravitational waves offer a unique glimpse into the unseen universe in
different ways, and allow us to test the basic tenets of General
Relativity, some of which have been taken for granted without
observations: are gravitons massless? Are black holes the simplest
possible macroscopic objects? do event horizons and black holes really
exist, or is their formation halted by some as-yet unknown mechanism? Do
singularities arise in our universe as the outcome of violent
collisions? Can gravitational waves carry information about the nature
of the elusive dark matter? In this talk, I will describe the science
encoded in a gravitational wave signal and what the upcoming years might
have in store regarding fundamental physics and gravitational waves.
Variability of the Microquasar LSI+61°303 at Short Timescales
Master Colloquium
Silvia Nösel
Microquasars are excellent laboratories to study the accretion-ejection
coupling in accreting compact objects. Microquasars are binary stellar
systems, where a compact object accretes from a normal star. From the
accretion disk and inflow, emitting X-rays, is launched a relativistic
jet, emitting in the radio band. Timing analysis of variability is the
powerful tool to investigate on variations around the accretion flow and
on their relationship with variations in the jet. Variability in the
characteristic of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) with timescales of
minutes/hours have been observed up to now only in few microquasars.
Only in one of them, the black hole X-ray binary GRS1915+105, a link
between QPOs in the accretion flow and in the jet has been observed. One
major issue is, if these kind of QPOs are always present or dominating
the onset only or the decay only of large radio outbursts. With this
respect the system LSI+61°303 with its periodic orbital large radio
outbursts would represent the favourable target for QPO observations. In
the past only hints for QPOs with timescales of minutes/hours were
observed in LSI+61°303. We analyse new and archived observations using
several timing analysis techniques. New observations by the Westerbork
Radio Telescope at 2.3 GHz reveal significant and stable 55 minutes QPOs
on four consecutive days. Archived X-ray Suzaku observations show
significant QPO of 2.4 hours and X-ray XMM-Newton observations show
evidence for QPO of 4 hours. These results corroborate the presence of
same time scale QPOs at low and high energy in LSI+61°303. Future
simultaneous radio and X-rays observations in LSI+61°303 can reveal how
QPOs in the accretion flow are linked with QPOs in the outflow and
provide observational basis for an improvement in our understanding of
the accretion-ejection physical processes.
[First Advisor: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Massi; Second Advisor: Prof. Dr.
Karl M. Menten]
Extremely Low-Noise Cryogenic Amplifiers for Radio Astronomy: Past, Present and Future
Special Colloquium
Dr. Marian W. Pospieszalski
NRAO Charlottesville
Improvements in the noise temperature of field-effect transistors (FET's) and, later, heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFET's) over the last several decades have been quite dramatic. In 1970, a noise temperature of 120 K was reported at 1 GHz and physical temperature of 77 K. By 2010, noise temperatures of 3, 10 and 25 K were reported at 10, 40 and 100 GHz, respectively, for physical temperatures of about 15 K. These values of minimum noise temperatures in respective bands are typical of cryogenic low noise amplifiers built for EVLA and GBT receivers and for ALMA band 1 and 2 receivers. In the first part of the presentation, the developments in this field are briefly traced and an attempt is made to identify important milestones. Examples of experimental results obtained with different generations of FET's (HFET's) are compared with the model predictions. The current state of the art in cryogenic low noise InP HFET's is presented and compared with SiGe HBT results. The second part addresses the question of possible future progress in transistor noise performance. For that purpose, noise models of unipolar and bipolar transistors are reviewed with emphasis on certain properties of noise parameters which are common to all microwave low noise transistors. The limits on allowable values of noise parameters of microwave transistors are reviewed. Specifically, the influence of further progress in gate length reduction of FET's and technology of artificially structured III-V semiconductors on achievable minimum noise temperatures (noise figures) is examined. The existence of natural limits on noise performance of field effect transistors is demonstrated, leading to a conclusion that significant improvements in minimum noise temperature from further scaling of gate length may not be expected in any FET technology.
Exploring the Complex Chemistry of Embedded Protostars
Main Colloquium
Prof. Jes Jørgensen
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Low-mass stars like our Sun are formed in the centers of dark clouds of
dust and gas that obscure their visible light. Deep observations at
infrared and submillimeter wavelengths are uniquely suited to probe the
inner regions of these young stellar objects and unravel their
structures, as well as the physical and chemical processes involved.
These earliest stages are particularly interesting as it is in these
stages that the first seeds for the chemical evolution of the
protoplanetary disk are planted and where some complex organic, possibly
prebiotic, molecules are formed. For this topic ALMA is providing
important observational constraints with its high sensitivity for faint
lines, high spectral resolution which limits line confusion, and high
angular resolution making it possible to study the physical and chemical
evolution of material as it is falls in from large scales of molecular
clouds to circumstellar disks. In this talk I will discuss the
constraints on the chemical structure of deeply embedded protostars
offered by recent ALMA observations. I will show how we can use
systematic surveys with ALMA to shed new light on the formation of
complex organics and investigate the link between the physical and
chemical structure of deeply embedded protostars on solar-system
The Epistemic Challenges of Astrophysics - A Philosophical Perspective
Main Colloquium
Dr. Sibylle Anderl
IPAG Grenoble and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Astrophysics, insofar it is concerned with objects outside of our solar
system, is an observational science: it is impossible to directly
interact with cosmic phenomena and to perform experiments on them in a
sense that hypotheses are investigated by means of controlled test
conditions. The missing possibility of direct intervention, marking the
difference between observational and experimental sciences, puts the
astronomer in a situation in which he or she is only able to study the
information sent out by the astronomical objects spontaneously. The
philosopher Ian Hacking was convinced that these methodological
restrictions set astrophysics fundamentally apart from the experimental
sciences. In particular, he stresses the inherent uncertainty of
astrophysical knowledge that seems to be related to a strong
underdetermination on several levels. Underdetermination, however, is a
problem that all scientific disciplines have to face. It describes the
idea that all the given evidence we have at a time may not be
to determine what we should think about it. In order to decide whether
this problem is indeed particularly severe in astrophysics, I will take
a closer look at the astrophysical research method and contrast it with
the research methods in other fields of science. In particular, I will
focus on two elements of the astrophysical methodology, the Sherlock
Holmes method and the use of the cosmic laboratory.
Cosmic magnetic fields
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Richard Wielebinski
Magnetic fields are omnipresent in the Universe. We know of records by the Chinese or the Greeks in which magnetic effects were discussed. Certainly the navigation of ships in the middle ages depended on the use of the compass. The first experiments with magnets were described by Gilbert in 1600. Johannes Keppler speculated on the magnetic effect that was forcing the movement of the planets. This suggestion was negated by Isaac Newton who developed the gravitational theory. Finally the electromagnetic theory was developed by James Clerk Maxwell that described the action of electric current and magnetic field. Practical devices as the dynamo or electric motor came from this theory. Peter Zeeman made measurement of magnetic field at a distance by observing the splitting of line emission in a magnetic field. Very soon after the Zeeman Effect was postulated the first measurements of magnetic fields were made by Hale in the Sun in 1908. The discovery of cosmic radio waves by Karl Jansky in 1932 added another method of measuring magnetic fields -- the cosmic radio waves were due to a non-thermal emission process -- the action of relativistic particles in magnetic fields. Since this synchrotron emission is polarized the study of the polarization of the cosmic radio waves allows the determination of magnetic fields. I have become involved in studies of polarization of Galactic radio waves during my PhD studies in Cambridge 1960-1963. The first radio detections of magnetic field in a cosmic object, the Crab nebula, were made in 1957. In the summer of 1962 the first unambiguous detection of the polarization of Galactic radio waves and hence of magnetic fields in the Milky Way were added. The whole year 1962 may be termed a magnetic year. Polarization was detected in radio galaxies, and in supernova remnants. In 1968 pulsars were discovered and showed unusual polarization properties. The elusive radio Zeeman Effect was finally detected in 1968 using the HI line emission in selected Galactic regions. The studies of magnetic fields have started in 1962 and go on to the present day. The 100m radio telescope in Effelsberg played a significant role in this research field.
CH as a tracer for Molecular Hydrogen - Forming synergies between its FIR- and Radio fingerprints
Master Colloquium
Arshia Maria Jacob
The Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI) on board Herschel
revolutionized the study of interstellar hydrides. HIFI observed the
lowest lying rotational hyperfine structure transitions of CH at 533
537 GHz in absorption. This triggered new interests in this radical's
role in the chemistry of diffuse and translucent clouds while also
garnering more appreciation for it as a reliable tracer for molecular
hydrogen in such regions. With the end of the Herschel mission, the
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) has created a
new avenue for procuring CH data. To account for CH's hyperfine
structure (hfs), a robust algorithm based on the Wiener filter was
developed to deconvolve the hyperfine weights from the observed
and was applied to spectra covering the sightlines towards W49 N and
e1/e2. The column densities of CH that were derived from the
spectra establish this transition as a tool for ultimately measuring
column densities of molecular hydrogen. In addition, the ground state
radio lines of CH observed near 3 GHz using the 100m Effelsberg
telescope show three hfs transitions that lie between Lambda-doublet
levels. The excitation of these lines was found to be inconsistent with
the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) requiring
non-LTE radiative transfer analysis. Sharing a characteristic doublet
pattern with the 2 THz transitions, a synergy exists between the two
observational regimes. The column densities derived using the Wiener
filter algorithm were used to constrain the 1-D non-LTE radiative
transfer grids. Further investigating the physical and excitation
conditions via the non-LTE analysis urges the need for better
collisional rate coefficients.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Karl Menten, Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa (PD. Dr.
Maria Massi)
Blazars: Order & Disorder
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Nicholas R. MacDonald
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Blazars are the most luminous persistent and enigmatic objects in the sky. By monitoring the polarized emission of these jets and subsequently modeling flares in the high-energy emission, we are able to gain insight into the parsec-scale physics of the jets close to the central engines. In this talk I will present several recent theoretical models of high-energy blazar emission developed by the Boston University Blazar Group.
The Next Generation Very Large Array
Special Colloquium
Dr. Chris Carilli
NRAO, Socorro, NM, USA
Inspired by dramatic discoveries from the Jansky Very Large Array, and
the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, the astronomy community is
considering a future large area radio array: the 'Next Generation Very
Large Array' (ngVLA). The ngVLA design entails an interferometric
array with 10 times larger effective collecting area and 10 times higher
spatial resolution than the current VLA and ALMA, optimized for
operation in the frequency range 10GHz to 50GHz, with reasonable
performance over 1.2GHz to 115GHz. The ngVLA is optimized for
observations at wavelengths between the superb performance of ALMA at
submm wavelengths, and the future SKA-1 at few centimeter and longer
wavelengths. The ngVLA opens a new window on the Universe through
ultra-sensitive imaging of thermal line and continuum emission down to
milliarcecond resolution, as well as unprecedented broad band continuum
polarimetric imaging of non-thermal processes. These capabilities are
the only means with which to answer a broad range of paramount questions
in modern astronomy, ranging from direct imaging of planet formation in
the terrestrial-zone, to studies of dust-obscured star formation and the
cosmic baryon cycle down to pc-scales out to the Virgo cluster. The
ngVLA will implement novel techniques to explore temporal phenomena from
milliseconds to years. The ngVLA covers a frequency range which may be
optimal for finding the electromagnetic counterparts to gravity wave
sources, and to search for pulsars orbiting the supermassive black hole
in the Galactic center. I will highlight recent studies of the
evolution of the cool gas content of galaxies, in particular from the
ASPECS large program on ALMA. These results demonstrate the progress in
our understanding of the evolution of the fuel for star formation in
galaxies, as well as accentuate the limitations to such studies that can
only be overcome through a telescope like the ngVLA. I will present the
current design and parameter space, and the process of community studies
driving design specifications.
Calculating the shadow of a black hole
Main Colloquium
Dr. Volker Perlick
ZARM, Universität Bremen
According to general relativity a black hole casts a shadow if it is seen against a bright backdrop of light sources. The best candidates for actually observing this shadow in the near future are the compact objects at the centre of our galaxy and at the centre of M87. In this talk I will concentrate on situations where the shadow can be calculated analytically. This includes the entire class of so-called Plebanski-Demianski metrics which describe black holes with mass, spin, electric and magnetic charge, NUT parameter, cosmological constant and acceleration parameter. I will also address the question of how the shadow is influenced by a (cold and non-magnetised) plasma.
Dynamical classification and evolution of nearby CALIFA galaxies
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Veselina Kalinova
The shape and the amplitude of the circular velocity curves (CVCs) reflect the mass distribution of both luminous and dark matter in galaxies. We inferred 238 CVCs of nearby galaxies using CALIFA stellar dynamical models (Kalinova et al., 2017, MNRAS, 469, 3, p.2539; with a diversity in morphological types - from elliptical to late-type spiral galaxies. We applied principal component analysis (PCA) to the CVC shapes to find characteristic features and use the k-means clustering to separate the circular curves into classes. Our method identified four different classes, which we named Slow-Rising (SR), Flat (FL), Round-peaked (RP) and Sharp-peaked (SP) circular curves. We found trends between CVC classes and common properties of the galaxies, which help us to draw global conclusions for their internal structure, formation, and evolution. SR-CVCs are typical for low-mass, late-type (Sb-Sdm), young, faint, metal-poor, and disc-dominated galaxies, while SP-CVCs are typical for high-mass, early-type (E1-E7), old, bright, metal-rich and bulge-dominated galaxies. FL-CVCs and RP-CVCs appear presented by galaxies with intermediate mass, age, luminosity, metallicity, bulge-to-disc ratio and morphologies (E4-S0a, Sa-Sbc). We also found an interesting trend of the slopes of the CVCs with the stellar masses of the galaxies, showing two parallel linear sequences at low-mass and high-mass galaxies, respectively, and a large dispersion in the region of intermediate masses. We conclude that the maximum amplitude, slope, and shape of the CVCs appear key ingredients for understanding the dynamical evolution of the galaxies. Complementary VLA-HI and CARMA-CO high-resolution observations will shed more light on the mass distribution of the galaxies, and on the possible universal connection between the five main Principal Component vectors of the CVCs of the galaxies and their Dark Matter halo density profiles.
Multiwavelength Studies of Radio Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar
Special Colloquium
Dr. Natalia Lewandowska
Green Bank Observatory
Since its detection in 1968 the Crab pulsar has been extensively studied
over large parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from radio
wavelengths to gamma-rays. The characteristics of its radio emission
imply the existence of a coherent emission mechanism, whereas the
observed emission at higher energies indicates an additional incoherent
emission mechanism. To provide a deeper understanding of possible
emission mechanisms responsible for the observed multiwavelength
emission from the Crab pulsar, we observed its radio Giant Pulses and
gamma-ray emission simultaneously with the Effelsberg radio telescope,
the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope and the Major Atmospheric Gamma
Imaging Cherenkov telescopes. In the scope of an extended study we
searched for a correlation between radio Giant Pulses and gamma-ray
photons from the Crab pulsar. In this talk I would like to present the
results of the corresponding multiwavelength study.
Development of Novel Search Techniques for Pulsar Surveys
Master Colloquium
Mohsen Shamohammadi
Binary pulsar systems, in particular double neutron stars, are of interest as they can be used as tools for testing theories of gravity (like Einstein’s theory of general relativity), investigating binary evolution, and measuring neutron star masses. The population of merging binaries also has implications for the detection rate of ground based gravitational wave detectors. Due to their orbital motion, the period of the pulsar appears to change, making these systems difficult to detect using traditional methods (FFT). So far this has been addressed using acceleration searches which attempt to recover the lost S/N by approximating this period change with a linear acceleration for the duration of the observations. This approximation is limited to observations that are 1/10 of the orbital period or less. Of course we would ideally like to find even more extreme systems in tighter orbits, potentially a PSR-BH system. This approximation can be extended by introducing jerk, the derivative of acceleration. Thus far such a search has been too computationally expensive. In this work we investigate the covariance between acceleration and jerk in order to reduce the number of trials required, potentially allowing it to be used in a full scale survey. We compared the S/N of the search acceleration only and the acceleration and jerk search results to that of an identical isolated system to determine the S/N recovered. This allowed us to characterize the detectability of the pulsar not only in different parts of the orbit but also for observations longer than one tenth of the orbit. As an example, for a binary system with a pulsar mass of 1.4 M☉, companion mass of 30 M☉, eccentricity 0.1, spin period 25 ms, and orbital period 2.4 hr, our results confirmed that adding jerk improves sensitivity by ∼ 10% for the observation time of ∼ 6% of the orbital period and by ∼ 40% for the observation time of ∼ 12% of the orbital period. The acceleration and jerk search is capable of extending the observations beyond 10% of the orbit. Also adding the jerk search not only worked in the phases of the orbit with maximum acceleration, but also over the whole orbit. We showed that jerk does improve our sensitivity generally and this was the most important for the tight binary systems with companion mass bigger than 0.1 M☉ and orbital periods more than ∼ 1 hour and spin period bigger than ∼ 40 ms with the observation time of ∼ 6% of the orbit. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer, Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer]
Data Sharing for Better Science
Special Colloquium
Dr. Mercè Crosas
Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science
Research generates more data than ever before. These data lead to new
findings, disprove hypotheses, and are fundamental to understanding
research results. However, often published findings are available to
researchers while data supporting those findings are not accessible.
Data sharing or publishing, is a relatively recent term defined as the
release of research data, associated metadata, accompanying
documentation, and software code for re-use and analysis in such a
manner that they can be discovered on the Web and referred to in a
unique and persistent way. Sharing avoids duplication of expensive
experiments, speeds up health and medical scientific discoveries, and
needed to reproduce and verify published findings. So why are not all
researchers sharing their data? Several factors contribute: incentives
for sharing are not clear, technologies for sharing are not readily
available, and privacy concerns make sharing difficult.
The Dataverse project, started in 2006 at the Institute for
Social Science at Harvard University, addresses all of these issues,
reduces barriers, and helps make data sharing common practice in
research. Dataverse software enables building repositories for research
data that follow best practices for making data FAIR (Findable,
Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) while incentivizing
by giving credit to authors through a formal and persistent data
citation which can be directly used in bibliographic references. It
allows authors to create rich metadata describing a data set so that it
can be reused by others, as well as defining terms of use or licenses
protect data when privacy issues arise. Data sharing is already
transparency and validation to scientific fields.
How to observe invisible objects? Philosophical perspectives on empirical evidence
Main Colloquium
Prof. Manfred Stöckler
Institut für Philosophie der Univ. Bremen
When do results of measurements of stellar orbits, special X-ray
emissions, and near-infrared emissions from the location of the radio
source Sagittarius A* give good reasons that we have found a
supermassive black hole? One should expect that philosophy of science
could supply some general criteria for an answer to such a question.
But the philosophical advise is disappointing. Contemporary philosophy
of science is still strongly influenced by the concepts introduced by
the movement of logical empiricism hundred years ago. This logical
approach was not prepared to develop a sophisticated analysis of
observations and of the empirical confirmation of theories. Later on,
case studies showed the complexity of empirical tests of hypotheses and
theories: You need subsidiary hypotheses to deduce consequences of the
theory that can be confronted with experimental data. These data are
obtained with the help of measurements designed and read with the help
of the given theory and of further theories (cf. M. Bunge, Philosophy of
Physics, p. 213). All in all, the growing interest in experimental work
that has evolved during the last three decades referred more to
historical and sociological aspects than to methodological questions. So
general rules and conclusive philosophical criteria for evaluating the
success of observations still are missing. Nevertheless, there are some
proposals for more local solutions (e.g. coherence, inference to the
best explanation, high value for predicting new independent evidence).
We shall discuss the epistemological problems of these proposals and try
to apply them to the observation of black holes. The debate on the
theory/experiment interface has consequences if we look for sufficient
evidence for the existence of black holes. The reasons why we believe in
the existence of objects (for example of black holes) are similar to the
reasons why we believe in theories. So we could find good, but no
conclusive empirical arguments for the existence of black holes. An
open-ended question remains: Can philosophers of science give normative
recommendations? Do they have more tools than describing what physicists
do and applying the principle of reflective equilibrium?
Hydrogen Emission in Type Ia Supernovae from Companion Interaction? Clues from Multi-Dimensional Nebular Modeling
Special Colloquium
Mr. János Botyánszki
University of California, Berkeley
Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are thought to be thermonuclear explosions
of white dwarfs (WDs), but their exact progenitor systems are still
unknown. Leading models propose that either a Chandrasekhar-mass WD
explodes after a period of steady accretion from a binary companion, or
two WDs interact through a merger or helium accretion leading to a pure
detonation of a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass WD. Hydrodynamical simulations of
the former scenario predict that the explosion of the WD results in
solar-metallicity material being stripped from the binary companion and
embedded into the ejecta, which should be visible at late times (in the
"nebular phase"). However, H/He have never been detected in nebular
observations of SNe Ia, and there has been little theoretical modeling
done to convert the observed non-detections into constraints on stripped
mass. Here we present theoretical work on spectral line formation to
probe the conditions that lead to H/He emission at late times and show
(the first ever) multi-dimensional synthetic spectra of
companion-interaction models with a variety of binary companion
Quasi-periodic oscillations in accretion discs around black holes
Main Colloquium
Dr. Odele Straub
LESIA, Observatoire de Paris
Accretion discs around black holes are gigantic power plants that convert the gravitational potential energy of in-falling matter into heat. The inner parts of accretion discs in stellar-mass black hole binary systems can get so hot that they emit X-ray radiation. This X-ray light often exhibits rhythmic, nearly periodic pulses. These are the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) which typically occur at multiple frequencies that are connected to radii very close to the black hole. The nature of QPOs has been a mystery for over 20 years, only recently theoretical and observational studies helped forming a better picture of what is going on, when accretion discs wobble.
First infrared interferometric mapping of the turbulent gas motions in the atmosphere of stars in late evolutionary stages
Special Colloquium
Prof. Keiichi Ohnaka
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Instituto de Astronomia, Antofagasta, Chile
Studies of the mass loss from stars in late evolutionary stages are of utmost importance for improving our understanding of not only stellar evolution but also the chemical enrichment of galaxies. Despite such importance, the mass loss from cool evolved stars is one of the long-standing problems in stellar astrophysics. Milliarcsecond resolution achieved by optical/infrared long-baseline interferometry provides a unique opportunity to spatially resolve this innermost key region. We have recently succeeded not only in imaging the surface of the red supergiant supernova progenitor Antares in the 2.3 micron CO lines in unprecedented detail but also in witnessing, for the first time, the complex gas dynamics over the surface and atmosphere of the star. Our two-dimensional velocity field map of Antares reveals vigorous upwelling and downdrafting motions of large gas clumps in the atmosphere extending out to 1.7 stellar radii. This suggests that the mass loss in red supergiants is launched in a turbulent, clumpy manner, not in a spherical, ordered manner as is often assumed. Our work opens an entirely new window to observe stars just like in observations of the Sun.
Cosmology and the Milky Way - dealing with large-scale foregrounds
Main Colloquium
Dr. Daniel Lenz
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, USA
With the ever-increasing sensitivity of telescopes and instruments, one
bottleneck in precision cosmology is the accurate removal of foreground
emission from the Milky Way Galaxy. This applies to many different
fields, such as de-lensing in high-resolution CMB data, accurate
reddening estimates for BAO experiments, or intensity mapping efforts. I
review some of the current limits and ideas that are used to address
these issues, with an emphasis on reddening by Galactic dust and on new
maps of the cosmic infrared background. Here, I will present a new
HI-based map of interstellar reddening that address many of the
systematics in the often-used reddening map by Schlegel, Finkbeiner, and
Davis (1998). For the CIB, I will highlight cross correlations with
other tracers of the large-scale structure, which make the CIB a highly
efficient cosmological probe.
Toward Statistical Tests of Galactic Dynamo Theory
Special Colloquium
Dr. Luke Chamandy
University of Rochester
Conventional mean-field galactic dynamo theory is a simple and elegant
theory designed to explain the structure and evolution of large-scale
magnetic fields in disk galaxies. Coupled with more recent developments
that take into account magnetic helicity balance, this theory is
of describing quantitatively the growth and non-linear saturation of
regular magnetic fields. Taking advantage of the thin-disk geometry
makes it possible to adopt approximations that simplify the governing
equations further. This results in remarkably simple but accurate and
predictive models relying on only a handful of parameters that are
observationally constrained to varying degree. What are the relevant
quantitative predictions of these models, and how well do they stack up
to observations of nearby galaxies? In this talk I will argue that the
so-called magnetic pitch angle, which characterizes the direction of
component of the field parallel to the disk midplane, is a key quantity
for observationally testing the theory, and I will describe recent work
that directly compares theory and observation. I will also touch on
intriguing new theoretical developments.
Long-term timing of pulsars in globular clusters
Alessandro Ridolfi
Pulsars are fast-rotating, highly-magnetized neutron stars that turn
to be outstanding natural laboratories for a wide range of scientific
applications. Globular clusters (GCs), spherical, gravitationally bound
groups of stars orbiting the Milky Way, are very efficient pulsar
"factories". Their extremely high densities, especially near their
cores, greatly favour the dynamical interaction of stars and, thus, the
formation of exotic binary systems. For my PhD thesis, I have worked
multi-decade observations of 47 Tucanae (47 Tuc) and M15, which are two
among the richest GCs for the number of pulsars hosted, having 25 and 8
known such objects, respectively. In the first part of this
I will report on the long-term timing of all the 47 Tuc pulsars. After
being characterized individually, the pulsars are used collectively to
constrain important properties of the host cluster. Among these are the
proper motion of the cluster as a whole, the motion of the pulsars
relative to each other, the cluster distance as well as the hypothesis
of an intermediate-mass black hole residing at the center of 47 Tuc.
the second part of the colloquium, I will focus on PSR B2127+11C, a
relativistic binary pulsar in a double neutron star system, located in
the globular cluster M15. I will show how the pulsar is undergoing
dramatic changes in its pulse profile properties because of
spin precession (RSP), an effect predicted by General Relativity.
to full-Stokes observations carried out with the Arecibo radio
telescope, I have studied the variations of the polarimetric properties
of PSR B2127+11C over time to model RSP and constrain the system
Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer (Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie)
Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer (ArgelanderInstitut für Astronomie)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Desch (Physikalisches Institut)
Prof. Dr. Theo Bakker (Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie)
Star formation from kpc to hundreds of AU scales
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Henrik Beuther
MPIA, Heidelberg
Star formation processes are important over a huge range of physical
scales, from extragalactic star formation via large molecular clouds
down to the scales of individual protostellar disks around stars.
Linking these scales is crucial for a general understanding of star
formation and the interstellar medium. I will set into context results
from the nearby galaxy NGC3627 with large-scale clouds in the Milky Way
and the fragmentation and disk formation processes within individual
high-mass star-forming regions.
Progress toward improving the Galactic magnetic field model, and comparing observables of external galaxies with simulation
Special Colloquium
Dr. Glennys Farrar
New York University
I will report on the progress on a “next generation” Galactic
magnetic field (GMF) model, obtained together with Michael Unger. The
general approach follows that of Jansson-Farrar 2012 (JF12) which models
the field with a superposition of divergence-free functions describing
the coherent field with disk, toroidal halo and poloidal components and
the random component with disk and halo components, and determines the
parameters of the field model by fitting all-sky Faraday rotation
measures (RMs) and synchrotron emission maps. We aim to develop more
physical and better-constrained models of thermal and cosmic-ray
electron densities than currently available. I will
present results of using a number of different synchrotron data products
and models of n_e and n_cre which have become available, using the
original JF12 functional forms as well as several variants. We also
consider (anti-)correlations between field strength and electron
density. The range of field models which emerge from these variations on
the JF12 analysis provides a measure of the present uncertainty on the
GMF. I will also present very recent results the RMs and polarized
synchrotron emission of external galaxies, based on the GMF and on the
cosmological MHD simulation of Springel’s group.
Simulations of the Fast and Furious Lives of High Velocity Clouds
Main Colloquium
Prof. Robin Shelton
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia
Astronomical observations have found enormous and fast-moving gas clouds near the Milky Way Galaxy and near other large spiral galaxies. Some are near the rarefied outskirts of their host galaxy, while others are poised to collide with the disk. With speeds in excess of 100 km/sec and masses that can easily exceed a million solar masses, they can bring both disruptive power and fresh material to a galaxy. My group has been computationally modeling these fast-moving clouds, called high velocity clouds (HVCs). In various simulations, we consider the effects of dark matter, magnetic fields, and non collisional ionizational equilibrium of the metal atoms. Our goal is determine how HVCs interact with galaxies. In this presentation, I will show how HVCs evolve on timescales of hundreds of millions of years as they travel through the circumgalactic and halo regions and through galactic disks, and how they seed the halo with warm gas, condense and capture halo material, and punch holes in the galactic disk.
VLBI-Gaia positional offsets favour parsec-scale jet direction in active galactic nuclei
Special Colloquium
Dr. habil. Yuri Y. Kovalev
ASC Lebedev
We have compared the secondary dataset of Gaia DR1 and the VLBI catalogue RFC. We found over 6000 matching sources that are almost exclusively active galaxy nuclei. The median uncertainty of VLBI is a factor of 4 better than Gaia DR1. We found a population of sources with statistically significant positional offsets. We provide evidence that these offsets are not artifacts of data analysis but have a physical nature. The offsets have a preferred direction along or opposite to the jet direction and scale from 0 to more than 10 mas. We explain this as a manifestation of extended optical structure of AGN jets at milliarcsecond level or the core-shift effect related to synchrotron opacity. The presence of the optical structure has a number of important implications to Gaia astrometric analysis as well as provides a new exciting window of opportunity to study physics of active galaxy nuclei.
Star formation towards a few southern molecular clouds using a multiwavelength approach
Special Colloquium
Veena Vadamattom Shaji
Indian Institute of Space science & Technology
Star forming regions in the southern sky are relatively less studied
compared to their northern counterparts. In this context, I will present
the results of our multi-wavelength analysis towards few southern
molecular clouds, with specific emphasis on IRAS 17256-3631. Our
analysis of the star forming activity of these regions cover a
wide-wavelength range, from near-infrared to radio. While the embedded
cluster and warm dust components are examined using infrared wavelength
bands, the radio continuum has been used to probe the ionised gas. We
have also mapped the low frequency radio recombination line (RRL)
emission using GMRT, India. This is the first RRL mapping study of HII
regions at low frequency bands (1.3 GHz) and we explain the observed
continuum morphology using the kinematics of RRLs. In addition, we
analyse the broadening of these lines by various mechanisms. Finally, we
compare the star-forming activity in the clumps of the molecular clouds,
by combining the information extracted using a plethora of tracers from
different wavelength bands.
Institute Tea: News from the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section
Informal Colloquium
Prof. Eduardo Ros
The last meeting of the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section of the Scientific Board of the Max Planck Society took place on June 21st in Weimar, followed by the General Assembly on June 22nd in Erfurt. As the representative of the scientists of the MPIfR, I will report from this meeting and also from the previous one on February in Berlin, not reported yet in this forum.
Results from the "Herschel" Orion Protostar Survey
Informal Colloquium
Prof. Tom Megeath
University of Toledo, Ohio
I will discuss the results of a detailed study of 330 protostars in the Orion Molecular Clouds utilizing the Herschel, Spitzer, HST, ALMA, VLA, IRTF and DCT telescopes. Using these data, I will assess the different processes that regulate mass accretion onto protostars incuding envelope infall, feedback by outfows, disk accretion, and formation environment. I will also over current results from an HST and ALMA study of edge-on protostars designed to probe the role of envelope angular momentum in determining disk properties. Finally, I will give a brief status report on ALMA and VLA surveys for disks around protostars. By coupling these data with near-IR spectroscopy of the young protostars, the mases and radii of a sizeable sample of protostars can be determined in the next few years, providing observational constraints on the initial conditions for pre-main sequence contraction.
Are galaxies self-centered or social beings?
SFB Colloquium
Dr. David Elbaz
CEA Saclay
Local galaxies exhibit a bimodal distribution. Red-dead galaxies are
more clustered than blue-star forming galaxies suggesting that galaxies
are social beings whose life depends on their environment. In apparent
contradiction, evidence has been accumulated for a universality of the
star-formation history of galaxies independently of their environment.
The so-called main sequence of star forming galaxies indeed suggests
that it is their mass that controls the history of galaxies; in situ
mechanisms being more important than ex situ ones.
I will review recent results obtained with the combination of Herschel
and ALMA and discuss this apparent contradiction between the respective
roles of in situ and ex situ mechanisms in the history of galaxies.
I will present a population of distant massive star-forming galaxies
that were missed by the standard Lyman-break technique and discuss their
role on the origin of compact early-type galaxies seen at z~2, whose
progenitors have been missing until now. The most extreme of these,
missed even in the deepest HST NIR images, now jump to the eye with
ALMA. I will show that these massive distant galaxies follow the
universal star-forming main sequence up to z=4. Their closer siblings
studied at z=2.5 trace the most distant massive galaxy cluster caught at
the very epoch of its formation.
I will then discuss possible physical mechanisms at play in these
galaxies. Do giant kpc-clumps of star formation play an important role
in the mass growth of a galaxy? What is the role of galaxy mergers vs
violent dynamical instabilities? Is there a negative or positive effect
of active nuclei in the stellar mass growth of galaxies?
OJ287 - a supermassive binary black hole candidate under close inspection
Lunch Colloquium
PD Dr. Silke Britzen
OJ 287 is the best candidate for hosting a supermassive binary black hole (SMBH) with masses of 10^10 and 10^8 solar masses. Periodicities in the historical optical light-curve have been modeled successfully within a SMBH scenario. However - so far it has proved difficult to relate the morphological changes of the pc-scale radio jet to the strong variability and periodicities detected in the optical and radio light-curves. We revisit this problem by re-analyzing 118 epochs of 15 GHz MOJAVE (Monitoring Of Jets in Active galactic nuclei with VLBA experiments) data covering the time between April 1995 and January 2017. I will present and discuss our recent results.
The Kinematics of Magnetized, Extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas Layers: The Case of NGC 891 and M83
Special Colloquium
Erin Boettcher
University of Wisconsin, Madison
In spiral galaxies like the Milky Way, multi-phase, gaseous halos are
threaded by extraplanar magnetic fields and cosmic rays. Extraplanar
diffuse ionized gas (eDIG) layers have scale heights that exceed their
thermal scale heights by a factor of a few, suggesting that non-thermal
pressure gradients may play an important role in setting their scale
heights. By characterizing the thermal, turbulent, magnetic field, and
cosmic ray pressure gradients, we can determine if these layers are in
dynamical equilibrium, or if they are evidence of a galactic fountain, a
galactic wind, or an accretion flow. Here, I will discuss optical
emission-line spectroscopy of the eDIG layers in two nearby galaxies,
the edge-on galaxy NGC 891 and the face-on galaxy M83. For both
galaxies, I will consider the rotational velocities and velocity
dispersions of the gas, and the implications for magnetic field
structure and magnetic dynamos. For NGC 891, I will also discuss our use
of radio continuum observations from Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies
- An EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) to constrain the magnetic field and cosmic
ray pressure gradients. These are the first in a small sample of
galaxies that we will use to study the relationship between thermal and
non-thermal halos in systems with a range of inclination angles and star
formation rates.
Nearby habitable planets
Main Colloquium
Prof. Ansgar Reiners
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Culminating in spectacular discoveries during the past 10 months, the
search for extrasolar planets has reached the stars in our immediate
neighborhood. These stars, like 3/4 of the stars in the Galaxy, are
low-mass M-dwarfs with complex molecular absorption patterns and little
flux at optical wavelength. To find these planets, and to push the level
to even smaller ones, Doppler measurements must be carried out at
near-infrared wavelengths, be sensitive to walking speed, and we must
understand surface plasma motion at the same level. I will summarize
current efforts to search for planets in our cosmic backyard, highlight
some developments in Doppler velocimetry, and show a project aimed at
understanding stellar surface velocites that involves observations of
the 2015 solar eclipse, a new solar reference spectrum observed from
Göttingen, and a Laser Frequency Comb.
Evolutionary Description of Giant Molecular Cloud Mass Functions on Galactic Disks
Special Colloquium
Mr. Masato Kobayashi
Nagoya University
Recent radio observations show that giant molecular cloud (GMC) mass
functions noticeably vary across galactic disks (e.g., Colombo et al.
2014). High-resolution magnetohydrodynamics simulations show that
multiple episodes of compression are required for creating a molecular
cloud in the magnetized interstellar medium (e.g., Inoue et al. 2012).
To understand time evolution of GMC mass functions, we formulate the
evolution equation for the GMC mass function to reproduce the observed
profiles, for which multiple compressions are driven by a network of
expanding shells due to H II regions and supernova remnants. We also
introduce the cloud-cloud collision (CCC) terms in the evolution
equation in contrast to previous work. In this seminar, I would like to
present computed time evolutions and the following two suggestions: (1)
the GMC mass function slope is governed by the ratio of GMC formation
timescale to its dispersal timescale whereas the CCC effect is limited
only in the massive end of the profile, (2) almost all of the dispersed
gas contributes to the mass growth of pre-existing GMCs in arm regions
whereas less than 60 percent contributes in inter-arm regions. Our
results suggest that measurement of the GMC mass function slope provides
a powerful method to constrain those GMC timescales and the gas
resurrecting factor in various environments across galactic disks.
FR-type radio sources in COSMOS: relation to accretion modes and environment
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki
I will resent an analysis on the radio structure of 350 radio sources from the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project (JVLA-COSMOS; Smolcic et al. 2017), reaching a resolution of 0.75’’ with sensitivity of ~2.3uJy/beam. These objects were selected on the basis of their extended radio structure and were placed, by visual inspection, in radio classes that follow the FR-type classification of Fanaroff & Riley (1974). The purpose of this project is to compare the radio structure of radio AGN to their energetics (e.g. accretion properties) and environment (e.g. X-ray groups in COSMOS, George et al. 2010), and relate these to the different observed FR radio structures to understand the physical mechanisms behind the FRI/FRII dichotomy. The linear projected sizes of these objects were measured by a semi-automatic, machine learning method. We report the discovery of low radio power [log(L3GHz/W/Hz/sr)~22], small scale (~30 kpc) classical-double radio sources (FRII) at redshifts z ~ 1, which we are able to resolve due to the unprecedented resolution of 0.75 arcsec (FWHM) of JVLA-COSMOS. Regarding the black-hole accretion rate in comparison to the radio structure, we find that jet-type FRI radio sources have, on average, lower Eddington ratios (~0.001) than FRIIs (~0.01) which agrees with past studies. Nevertheless we do not see a dichotomy on FR structure when it comes to their accretion properties. Finally, in regards to environment, our results point to a scenario that FRII sources are in-falling: at redshifts z > 1 FRIIs can be located at the outskirts of the associated X-ray group, but at low redshifts (z < 0.5) they sit at the centre of the potential well.
Observing Planet Formation with the VLA in the era of ALMA
Special Colloquium
Dr. Carlos Carrasco Gonzalez
Centro de Radioastronomia y Astrofisica, CRyA-UNAM, Morelia, Mexico
We are at present in a very exciting era for the study of how planets form. During the previous decades, observations with powerful radio interferometers, specially the Very Large Array (VLA), have well established that planet formation is a natural consequence of the star formation process itself. Planets are most probably formed as dust evolve in the circumstellar disks around Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). It is now that the extraordinary observing capabilities of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) are offering us an unprecedent level of detail of circumstellar disks around YSOs. The recent ALMA observations with very high angular resolutions of several disks are revealing several structures, consequences of the dust evolution, and most probably associated with the initial stages and/or ongoing planet formation. However, the contribution of the VLA to this field has not yet finished. Instead, the VLA with its recent upgrade, is still in the race and it is indeed revealing itself as a fundamental instrument to investigate the planet formation process. It seems necessary to still observe at longer millimeter wavelengths than ALMA in order to be able to penetrate very dense regions in the disks. This is specially critical at the earliest stages and at the innermost parts of the disks where, for example, terrestrial planets are expected to form. Here, I will present some very recent observations with the VLA of two very young circumstellar disks (HL Tau and HD 169142). I will also discuss how the combination of VLA and ALMA images is what actually could provide a giant step in the understanding of the planet formation process.
X-raying the Galactic centre
Special Colloquium
Dr. Gabriele Ponti
The advent of XMM-Newton and Chandra led to major
advancements in our comprehension of the physics
at the heart of the Milky Way.
I will discuss some of the most recent findings related to
the present activity of Sgr A* (the supermassive black hole
at the Milky Way center), the signatures of its glorious past
and the traces of powerful energy releases within the central
degrees of the Galaxy.
Beautiful binaries
Main Colloquium
Prof. Ilya Mandel
Uni. Birmingham
In this talk, I will discuss recent advances in probing stellar binaries
at a variety of
The first detections of gravitational waves from binary black hole
mergers have opened up
new opportunities and challenges in astrophysics. I will describe my
group's efforts to
extract the astrophysical evolution of massive stellar binaries from
observations of
gravitational waves emitted during mergers of stellar remnants.
I will also discuss the promise of double tidal disruptions of stellar
binaries by massive
black holes to explain some very intriguing observational signatures
from galactic nuclei.
Searching for the Origins of the Universe... from the Origins of Mankind
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Adrian Tiplady
SKA South Africa management team
Astronomy has a long history in South Africa. However, in the past decade it has been the subject of major investment that has resulted in South Africa emerging as a global partner in the international radio astronomy community. A range of technology and research programs has led to the construction of the MeerKAT radio telescope, a pre-cursor to the international Square Kilometre Array to be co-hosted by South Africa and Australia. This talk will look at these developments, and the current scientific and engineering progress of the MeerKAT.
Intensity mapping of the atomic carbon [CII] line in post-reionization and reionization epoch with CONCERTO at APEX
Special Colloquium
Dr Guilaine Lagache
Laboratoire d Astrophysique de Marseille
The fine structure line [CII] at 158 microns is one of the brightest emission lines in the spectra of galaxies. It is considered to be the dominant coolant for neutral atomic gas in the interstellar medium. Conveniently, [CII] is redshifted into the sub-millimeter and millimeter atmospheric windows for 4.56). However, so far, [CII] studies of very distant galaxies have been limited, with detection of only a handful of galaxies. The full power of ALMA will revolutionize the field, detecting [CII] in individual galaxies in the heart of the reionization era. However, while ALMA will probably follow-up hundreds of high-redshift galaxies, its small field of view and narrow bandwidth will strongly limit its sensitivity/efficiency to conduct large unbiased spectral line surveys. Rather than detecting [CII] in selected galaxies, we propose to map in 3-D the intensity due to the [CII] line emission, a technique known as Intensity Mapping. This technique measures signal fluctuations produced by the combined emission of the galaxy population on large regions of the sky in a wide frequency (thus redshift) band, and thus increases sensitivity to faint sources. I will discuss how [CII] intensity mapping measurements can offer a straightforward alternative for tracing the large structure of galaxies at z>4.5. By measuring [CII] fluctuations, I will show how we can obtain unprecedented constraints on star formation and dust build-up at a key epoch in the Universe. I will also discuss how cross-correlation of the signals (e.g. [CII] and galaxy surveys), as well as the lower redshift (z<2) CO-line fluctuations, could be used to further understand the physics of galaxy formation and reionization. Finally I will present the CONCERTO experiment, a [CII] spectrometer capable of covering few square degrees with a high sensitivity and proposed as a new intensity mapping experiment. Our instrument would be an invaluable opportunity for the APEX collaboration and the ESO community. In addition to the main [CII] survey, we expect CONCERTO to bring a significant contribution in a number of areas, including the study of galaxy clusters and the follow-up of Herschel and SCUBA-2 deep surveys.
Magnetic Outflows in the Virgo Galaxy NGC 4388
Ancor Damas
Radio polarimetric observations of galactic outflows are crucial to distinguish between various driving mechanisms. New radio images in total and polarized intensity were obtained with the EVLA and the unprecedented noise level reached allows us to detect striking new features of the ordered magnetic field of the edge-on Virgo galaxy NGC 4388. We investigate the effects of ram pressure on the ordered magnetic field of this galaxy hosting a radio halo and strong nuclear outflows. In this talk I will discuss how the detection of a faint radio halo around cluster galaxies could be used for an estimate of ICM ram pressure. Also, I will show how a precession model reproduces the structure of the nuclear outflows and can be used as a tool to study the interaction of the galaxy with the ICM. [Referees: Prof. Dr. M. Kramer, Prof. Dr. P. Kroupa, Prof. Dr. J. Dingfelder, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Quandt]
Study of the Radio Recombination lines as part of GLOSTAR survey
Master Colloquium
Emranul Sarkar
Radio recombination lines are important diagnostic tools to understand the kinetamics of massive star forming regions. These lines are produced in the ionizing zones surrounding young massive stars and almost unambiguously identifies HII regions. Six recombination lines from H96a to H114a are studied in this work. The data came from GLOSTAR survey which is an unbiased survey of the galactic plane that uses the wideband (4GHz - 8GHz) C-band receiver from JVLA. These lines are imaged and stacked to obtain high spectral sensitivity. A source extraction code was run on the image cube to detect line emission from compact sources.Possible HII regions are identified in the associated continuum data, and recombination lines are also searched towards these regions. In this talk I will present a catalogue of recombination lines and discuss the methods we used to generate it. The statistical correlation between the line parameters will be discussed in relation to the physical properties of HII regions. [Advisors: Prof. Karl Menten, Dr. Andreas Brunthaler, Dr. Friedrich Wyrowski; Second evaluator: Dr. Maria Massi]
Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect spectral shape with Planck
Lunch Colloquium
Jens Erler
The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) Effect is a spectral distortion of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) caused by inverse Compton scattering of CMB photons by free electrons in a hot plasma such as the intracluster medium (ICM) found in clusters of galaxies. Its signal is proportional to the line of sight integral of the thermal gas pressure and not dimmed with redshift. Due to the high temperatures of several keV found in the ICM, relativistic effects are expected to distort the SZE spectrum, which allows to measure the temperature of the scattering gas. These relativistic corrections are well known in theory, but have only recently been observed. In my talk, I will present a stacking analysis of a large sample of galaxy clusters with data from the Planck mission. With its nine frequency channels, Planck allows to probe the entire spectrum of the SZE, making it an ideal instrument for its study. Furthermore, I will provide an outlook on future studies of the SZE with the recently granted CCAT-prime telescope.
Probing radio variability and gamma-ray emission in microquasars
Master Colloquium
Richa Sharma
X-ray binaries with radio emitting jets are called microquasars. The
radio emission from these systems is due to synchrotron process.
Short-term radio variability has been observed to be superimposed on
the strong radio outburst in some microquasars. A subclass of X-ray
binaries have also been detected at very high energies (TeV). Rapid TeV
variability has been recently observed in blazars (a type of active
galactic nuclei) and may be present in its miniature galactic
counterparts called microblazars. The physical process responsible for
these variability is under debate. In this context, the goal of this
master thesis work is to investigate variability at radio and TeV
energies in microquasars. For this purpose we study microquasar LS I
+61°303 which is one of the most powerful radio and gamma-ray emitting
X-ray binary. It is highly periodic at all wavelengths and show
properties of a microblazar. In the first part of this thesis we use
new radio data of LS I +61°303 taken from Effelsberg 100-m radio
telescope at 4.85, 8.35 and 10.45 GHz. We perform timing analysis to
investigate the data and detect QPO of 15 hours at all three
frequencies consistent with the shock model. Out of all the six known
TeV emitting X-ray binaries, this makes LS I +61°303 the second system
after Cyg X-1 to exhibit radio QPO. In the second part of the thesis,
we study TeV emission in LS I +61°303 and its relationship with radio
emission. For this we use TeV data from literature of MAGIC and VERITAS
telescopes along with GBI radio data. We find that with respect to the
long-term radio modulation of LS I +61°303, the TeV emission peaks
where there is minimum in the radio emission indicating towards a
different origin for these energies. [First Advisor: Priv.-Doz. Dr.
Maria Massi; Second Advisor: Prof. Dr. Karl M. Menten]
Study of the Radio Recombination lines as part of GLOSTAR survey
Master Colloquium
Emranul Sarkar
Radio recombination lines are important diagnostic tools to understand the kinetamics of massive star forming regions. These lines are produced in the ionizing zones surrounding young massive stars and almost unambiguously identifies HII regions. Six recombination lines from H96a to H114a are studied in this work. The data came from GLOSTAR survey which is an unbiased survey of the galactic plane that uses the wideband (4GHz - 8GHz) C-band receiver from JVLA. These lines are imaged and stacked to obtain high spectral sensitivity. A source extraction code was run on the image cube to detect line emission from compact sources.Possible HII regions are identified in the associated continuum data, and recombination lines are also searched towards these regions. In this talk I will present a catalogue of recombination lines and discuss the methods we used to generate it. The statistical correlation between the line parameters will be discussed in relation to the physical properties of HII regions. [Advisors: Prof. Karl Menten, Dr. Andreas Brunthaler, Dr. Friedrich Wyrowski; Second evaluator: Dr. Maria Massi]
Computer-Aided Discovery: Insight Generation with Machine Support
Special Colloquium
Dr. Viktor Pankratius
MIT Haystack
The process of scientific discovery is traditionally assumed to be
executed by humans. This talk highlights how increasing data volumes
human cognitive limits are challenging this traditional assumption.
Relevant examples are found in geoscience, planetary science, and
astronomy, disciplines that are undergoing a Big Data paradigm
This talk outlines how intelligent systems for computer-aided discovery
can routinely complement human scientists. The pragmatics of
computer-aided discovery systems go beyond feature detection to answer
more sophisticated questions, such as how empirical detections fit into
hypothesized models and model variants. In particular, we facilitate
generation and exploration of connections between physics model
candidates and empirical data sets to ease the scientist's work of
placing large ensembles of detections into a theoretical context.
A new discovery made with this approach has recently been confirmed in
volcanology by peer-review, based on data that has been collected for
over a decade. Other application examples will be outlined for
groundwater phenomena on a continental scale, ionospheric phenomena,
solar radio bursts, exoplanet search, and planetary landing site
identification on the Moon and on Mars.
Sub-millimeter observations of the shocked molecular gas associated with the Supernova Remnant W28
Master Colloquium
Parichay Mazumdar
Supernova Remnants (SNRs) are structures resulting from Supernovae which inject large amounts of energy, momentum and enriched ejecta into the interstellar medium (ISM). Their interaction with the ISM can cause interstellar turbulence and drive galactic outflows. Our understanding of the interaction of an SNR with a molecular cloud (MC) is limited due to the paucity of known sources and observed molecules. In this project we have carried out sub-millimeter observations of the well known SNR W28 using the APEX telescope to probe the post-shock conditions in an SNR-MC interaction region. Such a study sheds light on the molecular complexity found in these regions and helps us to understand how the SNR-MC interactions modify the physical conditions and consequently the chemistry of the ISM. In our observations, we have have found rotational lines of multiple species including CH3OH, H2CO and SO. In this talk we will have a look at the results of this study and the various methods used to constraint the physical conditions in the interaction region. [Advisor: Dr. Friedrich Wyrowski; Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl Menten and Prof. Dr. Juergen Stutzki]
Looking at the Black Hole That Powers Long Gamma Ray Bursts
Main Colloquium
Dr Antonios Nathanail
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are violent explosions, coming from
distances. They are detected in gamma-rays (also X-rays, UV, optical,
radio) almost every day, and have typical durations of a few seconds to
few minutes. Some GRBs have been reported with extraordinary duration
10⁴ sec. These are called Ultra Long GRBs. We review some
features of GRBs.According to Blandford & Znajek (1977), the spin
of a rotating black hole can be extracted electromagnetically, should
the hole be endowed with a magnetic field supported by electric currents
a surrounding disk. We argue that this can be the case for the central
engines of GRBs and we show that the lightcurves of several Long GRBs
are following closely the theoretical curve of Black Hole Spin Down,
their duration is completely characterised by the magnetic flux
accumulated at the event horizon of the black hole. We further discuss
how X-ray flares are produced in Long GRBs.
Magnetic fields in the multi-phase interstellar medium
Main Colloquium
Dr. Andrew Fletcher
Newcastle University
I will review what is known about the general properties of magnetic
fields in the diffuse interstellar medium. New results will then be
presented, addressing questions such as: is the mean, large-scale,
magnetic field preferentially connected to a particular phase of the
ISM? what effect does the generation of the mean-field have on ISM
structure? what are the space and time correlations of random
fluctuations in the ISM? how are these correlation scales related to
eROSITA synthetic simulations of the extragalactic sky: cluster selection function and cluster counts forecasts
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Miriam Ramos Ceja
X-ray astronomy will enter a new era with the eROSITA satellite, which is expected to be launched in 2018 and to perform an all-sky survey. eROSITA will possess unprecedented sensitivity and imaging capabilities for extended emission. Since X-ray imaging is one of the most reliable methods to detect galaxy clusters, eROSITA will detect ~10^5 of such objects. The promising capabilities of eROSITA bring great expectations to constrain dark matter and dark energy models through galaxy cluster science. The instrumental features also bring new challenges, especially on object detection in X-ray images. In this sense, galaxy cluster detection is one of the most important tasks in the eROSITA science. In this talk I will show how we study the detection efficiency of galaxy clusters of the eROSITA mission. The cluster detection efficiency is investigated by means of extensive and dedicated Monte Carlo simulations and employing a state-of-the-art source detection technique.
ASKAP Early Science and HI in nearby galaxies
Main Colloquium
Dr. Baerbel Koribalski
I will introduce the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
(ASKAP) which consists of 36 x 12-m dishes, each equipped with
Phased-Array Feeds, operating from 0.7 to 1.8 GHz. With a field-of-view
of 30 square degr ASKAP is a fast 21-cm survey machine. Early Science
with 12 antennas has started and I will present first results on our
target fields.
I will also briefly present the "Local Volume HI Survey" (LVHIS),
which was conducted with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA).
The LVHIS project targets all nearby, gas-rich galaxies with vLG < 550
km/s or D < 10 Mpc that are detected in the "HI Parkes All-sky Survey"
Multi-wavelength variability analysis of gamma-loud blazars and the Baldwin effect in superluminal sources
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Víctor M. Patiño Álvarez
I present a study of different Active Galactic Nuclei, using
multiwavelength data and optical spectroscopy, in order to investigate
two main topics: Is there an extra component of Broad Line Region (BLR)
that is not ionized by the accretion disk? Where is located the
gamma-ray emission zone in blazars?
I study the Baldwin Effect (BE) in 96 core-jet blazars with optical and
ultraviolet spectroscopic data from a FSRQ sample obtained from the
MOJAVE 2 cm survey. I present the comparison in the Baldwin Effect
between radio-quiet AGN and FSRQ.
I present light curves for 3C 279 and 3C 273 over a time period of six
years; the longest time period used for a multiwavelength analysis since
the Fermi/LAT was launched. Our multiwavelength data comprises radio to
gamma-rays, with additional optical polarimetry. Based on the behavior
of the gamma-ray light curve with respect to other bands, we identified
three different activity periods. I present the results of the
cross-correlation analysis as well as possible scenarios that explain
the changes in the correlations at different epochs.
Identifying the Host Galaxy of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB121102
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Laura Spitler
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration radio flashes generated in a coherent emission process, but after a decade of study the exact astrophysical origin of these bursts is still unknown. FRB 121102 is the only FRB to show repeat bursts, which has enabled an extensive follow-up campaign. Recently, the Jansky Very Large Array detected a total of 9 bursts from FRB 121102, which enabled sub-arcsecond localization of the bursting source. In addition, a persistent radio source was also detected at the position of the bursting source. Optical follow-up with the Gemini North Telescope of a faint, optical counterpart at the position of the radio sources allowed us to determine that the counterpart is a low-metalicity dwarf galaxy at a redshift of z=0.1927. Detections with the EVN improved the positional accuracy further and showed that the persistent and bursting sources are co-located to a projected distance of < 0.7 pc.
Gravity or Turbulence? Dynamics of Molecular Clouds
Main Colloquium
Prof. Javier Ballesteros-Paredes
The so-called Larson scaling “laws” found empirically in molecular
clouds (MCs) have been generally interpreted as one of the main
evidences that the clouds are turbulent, that such turbulence is
scale-free, and that MCs are in Virial equilibrium, implying in the
collective imagination of astronomers that turbulence provides support
to molecular clouds against collapse. Moreover, the origin of MC
turbulence is still not properly understood, since it appears to be
homogeneous and ubiquitous along the galaxy, while the sources of
turbulence are mostly pointlike (stars or supernovae explosions), and
turbulence is highly dissipative. In this presentation I will discuss
why recent molecular cloud observations, and models of cloud formation
suggest that a) Larson’s relations are the result of strong
observational biases, b) how they can be replaced by a single, more
general relation, which in any event, still has a large scatter, and c)
why the main source of non-thermal motions in molecular clouds is a
disordered, chaotic and hierarchical gravitational collapse of MCs. In
other words, the supersonic, apparently turbulent but certainly chaotic
motions is only a by-product of MC collapse, and it cannot be considered
as the source for support of molecular clouds against collapse. This,
furthermore, explains in a simple, natural way why frequently MCs appear
to be in virial equilibrium. As a corollary, the scale-free nature of
the motions, if exists, has a gravitational origin, rather than a
turbulent one.
Exploring molecular complexity in the interstellar medium with ALMA
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Arnaud Belloche
The search for complex organic molecules (COMs) in the interstellar medium (ISM) has revealed chemical species of ever greater complexity, in particular thanks to observations of the star-forming molecular cloud core Sgr B2(N) in the Galactic Center region. This search relies heavily on the progress made in the laboratory to record and characterize the rotational spectra of these molecules. On the observational side, the advent of ALMA with its high angular resolution and tremendous sensitivity has allowed us to reduce the spectral confusion and detect molecules of low abundance that could not be probed by previous generations of telescopes. I will present results of the EMoCA survey conducted toward Sgr B2(N) with ALMA. The main goal of this spectral line survey is to decipher the molecular content of Sgr B2(N) in order to test the predictions of astrochemical numerical simulations and gain insight into the chemical processes at work in the ISM. I will in particular report on the tentative detection of N-methylformamide, on deuterated COMs, and on the detection of a branched alkyl molecule in the ISM. The latter detection has unveiled a new domain in the structures available to the chemistry of star-forming regions and established a further connection to the COMs found in meteorites.
Chemical differentiation in L1544, a prototypical prestellar core
Main Colloquium
Dr. Silvia Spezzano
Starless cores represent the initial conditions of star formation and
they are the ideal laboratories to study physical and chemical processes
away from the complications due to protostellar feedback. We have
recently compared the spatial distribution of cyclopropenylidene,
c-C3H2, and methanol in L1544 and underlined a different distribution
among C-bearing species within the core. I will discuss the chemical
differentiation in L1544 by using the maps of over 25 molecular tracers.
I will also present the laboratory facilities at the Center for
Astrochemical Studies at MPE, and highlight some recent results.
Diffuse Neutral Clouds in the Milky Way, a High-Resolution Study
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Yurii Pidopryhora
A set of diffuse interstellar clouds in the inner Galaxy has been observed at an angular resolution of ~1 arcmin combining data from the NRAO Very Large Array and the Green Bank Telescope. These are the diffuse neutral HI clouds that may constitute a considerable fraction of the interstellar medium (ISM). At the estimated distance of the clouds, the linear resolution ranges from ~1.9 to ~2.8 pc. These clouds have been chosen to be outside of the Galactic plane in order not to be confused with unrelated emission, and to lie near the tangent points in the inner Galaxy so that their distances can be quantified. But in general they belong to a widespread and ubiquitous Galactic population. Their locations are at 2.3 < R < 6.0 kpc from the Galactic Center and -1000 < z < +610 pc from the Galactic plane. Peak HI column densities lie in the range N_HI = 0.8--2.9 10^20 cm^-2. Cloud diameters vary between about 10 and 100 pc, and their HI mass spans the range from less than a hundred to a few thousands solar masses. The clouds hardly show any morphological consistency, except that their shapes are highly irregular. One cloud may lie within the hot wind bubble around the nucleus of the Galaxy, and some clouds show evidence of two distinct thermal phases as would be expected from equilibrium models of the ISM. High-resolution study of these clouds finally allows us to uncover interesting hints about their origin and dynamics.
Scattering variability of the Crab Pulsar
Special Colloquium
Laura Driessen
University of Amsterdam
The Crab pulsar is a bright pulsar with interesting features such as
giant pulses, glitches and anomalous scattering. We observed the Crab
at 350MHz over two years with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
to invesigate a period of anomalous scattering that occured from late
2012 to early 2013. During this period an extra feature on the Crab,
called an echo, was observed. The echo varies on short timescales and
is thought to be caused by scattering close to the pulsar. I will
discuss modelling the Crab pulse profile and our investigation of the
Molecular cloud evolution: from formation to cluster formation through filaments
Special Colloquium
Dr. Enrique Vázquez-Semadeni
Institute of Radioastronomy and Astrophysics UNAM Mexico
I will discuss the process of molecular cloud (MC) evolution,
from their formation trhough their destruction by stellar feedback. For
Solar Neighborhood conditions, MCs originate from compressive motions
the warm medium, which produce cold, dense, and turbulent atomic
These clouds can quickly become strongly Jeans unstable as they
incorporate material by the compression, because of their low
temperature and high density. Global collapse sets in, and proceeds
hierarchically: the small-scale, large-amplitude (SS) density
fluctuations have shorter free-fall times than the large-scale, small
amplitude (LS) ones. The LS collapses culminate a few Myr later than
SSLA ones and consist of filamentary flows that accrete onto massive
central clumps. The filaments produced by this process are consistent
with the observed properties of observed MC filaments. The SS collapses
consist of clumps that are embedded in the filaments and are falling
onto the large-scale collapse centers. The stars formed in the early,
small-scale collapses share the infall motion of their parent
clumps. Thus, the filaments feed both gaseous and stellar material to
the massive central clump. The hierarchical collapse of the cloud leads
to a hierarchical structure of the forming cluster, which naturally
reproduces the observed age and mass segregation of young clusters.
The global collapse of the clouds implies that their star formation
(SFR) increases with time. Eventually, massive stars begin to form,
which then begin to erode the cloud and reduce its SFR. A simple model
for the collapse of MCs describes the evolution of the clouds' SFR,
explains the average cloud star formation efficiency and its observed
scatter, as well as the observed age histograms of YSOs in young
The Milky Way as a Laboratory for Galaxy Evolution
Main Colloquium
Prof. Naomi McClure-Griffiths
Australian National University
Galaxies are not closed box systems. Their evolution is impacted both
by gas lost from the disk via large-scale outflows and gas accreted via
various processes of inflow. Many simulations of galaxy formation and
evolution have highlighted the importance of feedback in reproducing the
observable Universe. Galactic winds are the dominant form of
galaxy-scale feedback observed in the nearby and high-redshift Universe.
Often emanating from the nuclei of massive galaxies, Galactic winds can
circulate hot, enriched gas within a galaxy’s halo and out of its
gravitational potential to enrich the surrounding intergalactic medium.
And while we know these effects are be on-going, examples where we can
observe them in detail are limited. The nuclear wind of the Milky Way
provides one of the closest laboratories for Galactic winds in a
non-starburst galaxy. The Milky Way’s wind has been the topic of
great scrutiny in the past 5 years following the discovery of the Fermi
Bubbles, showing that the highly energetic wind extends to ~8 kpc.
Recently we have found evidence in 21cm HI emission for voids several
kpc in size centered approximately on the Galactic center, both above
and below the Galactic plane. These appear to map the boundaries of the
Galactic nuclear wind, and anti-correlate with the Fermi Bubbles. In
this talk I will describe how atomic hydrogen emission data on the
Galactic Centre is helping us to probe the outflow of the Milky Way’s
nuclear wind. While gas is constantly lost from the Galaxy via the
nuclear wind and other Galactic winds, gas must also accrete onto the
Milky Way to help the galaxy maintain its star formation rate. I will
discuss new insights into the nature of gas in the halo and what role it
might play in gas inflow.
New Ways of Studying Magnetic Fields and Turbulence
Special Colloquium
Dr. Alex Lazarian
University of Wisconsin Madison
I shall discuss the new ways of tracing magnetic fields using synchrotron intensity fluctuations and show how these techniques can be used to find both the intensity of magnetic field perpendicular to the line of sight and the parallel to the line of sight component of magnetic field. I shall also discuss the complementary ways of using spectroscopic information for similar studies and the synergy of these techniques. If time permits, I shall outline new ways of using synchroton data to study compressible and incompressible components of interstellar turbulence.
Radio emission of binary stars in the AB Doradus moving group
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Rebecca Azulay
We present a study of the radio emission and kinematics of a sample of stars belonging to the AB Doradus moving group through VLA and VLBI observations at frequencies of 5 and 8.4 GHz. The main aim of our study is to obtain precise estimates of the dynamical mass of young, low-mass stars, which in combination with photometric measurements provide precise benchmarks for calibrating pre-main-sequence (PMS) stellar evolutionary models. Calibration of PMS models appears essential as they are widely used to predict the masses of low mass objects as brown dwarfs and planets. Previous studies show that model predictions are in disagreement with experimental results, underpredicting the dynamical masses by 10-30%, for masses below 1.2 solar masses. Among the stars included in our study, we emphasize the results obtained in two of them: AB Dor B and HD 160934.
Turbulence in HII Regions
Main Colloquium
Dr. Jane Arthur
Institute of Radioastronomy and Astrophysics UNAM Mexico
I discuss developments in the modeling of the dynamics of HII regions
and the use of statistical tools to make meaningful comparisons with
observations. In particular, I will describe recent studies of the
scale dependence of turbulence inside real and simulated HII regions
in which statistical methods were applied to optical emission-line
spectroscopy. The reliability of statistical methods such as
structure functions and velocity channel analysis can be tested using
numerical simulations and I show that only VCA can successfully
recover the power-law index of the underlying velocity power spectrum
of evolving HII regions. Applied to real, high-resolution,
spectroscopic observations of the Orion Nebula, the velocity power
spectrum turns out to be consistent with Kolmogorov theory, with a
driving scale comparable to the autocorrelation length of dense cores
in the surrounding Orion molecular filament. Moreover,
photoevaporation flows from globules and filaments in the Orion Nebula
and subsonic turbulence in the photoionized gas are found to contribute
in equal
measure to the observed fluctuations in the ionized density. Finally,
comparison of the observational results with those from numerical
simulations implies that the photoionized gas is confined to a thick
shell, which is consistent with the inner region being evacuated by
the action of stellar winds.
Why galactic disks care about molecular clouds — the effect of cloud collisions on disk fragmentation
Special Colloquium
Dr. Guang-Xing Li
Observations of gas-rich galaxies have found that molecular gas and star formation concentrates in massive, kpc-scaled giant clumps. The formation of these clumps is still a mystery. I will propose a theory where the fragmentation of a galactic disk into such clumps is driven by the collisions between molecular clouds.
The Gravitational-Wave Universe seen by Pulsar Timing Arrays
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Chiara Mingarelli
Galaxy mergers are a standard aspect of galaxy formation and evolution,
and most (likely all) large galaxies contain supermassive black holes.
As part of the merging process, the supermassive black holes should
in-spiral together and eventually merge, generating a background of
gravitational radiation in the nanohertz to microhertz regime. An array
of precisely timed pulsars spread across the sky can form a
galactic-scale gravitational wave detector in the nanohertz band. I
describe the current efforts to develop and extend the pulsar timing
array concept, together with recent limits which have emerged from
international efforts to constrain astrophysical phenomena at the heart
of supermassive black hole mergers.
Tracing the chemistry in the clumpy shells around the carbon star IRC+10216 with the VLA
Denise Keller
Modern radio interferometers allow the imaging of spectral line emission
over a wide range of frequencies with high angular resolution. We
present a detailed empirical examination and description of the
molecules in the circumstellar envelope (CSE) of the archetypical
evolved carbon-rich star IRC+10216 between 18 and 40 GHz obtained with
the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). The molecular emission in
the radio regime at a few arc second angular resolution has been fairly
unexplored for this star. The data greatly improve our understanding of
the formation and shaping of the observed CSE morphology and the
inherent chemistry in the cool (10-500 K) outer CSE. Most of the
detected species are carbon-bearing molecules and are distributed in
hollow spheres around the star with shells, arcs, and clumps in the
substructure. We focus on the cyanopolyynes and carbon chains that
trace the UV-photon induced chemistry. With a new automatized procedure,
we perform a detailed spatio-kinematical study of the images of the
molecular line transitions. We qualitatively compare the VLA
observations to state-of-the-art chemical models. Overall, we find a
good correspondence between the azimuthally averaged data and the
models. Our analysis emphasizes the sensitivity of the probed molecules
to UV radiation. It is mandatory for future chemical models to consider
the complex substructure of the circumstellar medium, particularly the
density-enhancements, and the subsequent UV shielding and penetration,
to more thoroughly understand the physical and chemical structure
around AGB stars. This will lead to a better knowledge on the production
of complex carbon-bearing molecules in the Universe. [Referees: Prof.
Dr. Karl M. Menten (MPIfR), Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer (AIfA), Prof. Dr.
Stephan Schlemmer (Physikalisches Institut, Uni Köln), Prof. Dr. Diana
Imhof (Pharmazeutisches Institut)]
Addressing the Angular Momentum Problem During the Main Accretion Phase: Insights from Interferometric Studies of Class 0 Protostars
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Anaëlle Maury
CEA Saclay
Class 0 protostars are the first (proto)stellar objects, observed only
t<0.1 Myr after their formation, while most of the mass is still in the
form of a dense core/envelope collapsing onto the central protostellar
embryo. The Class 0 phase is also the main accretion phase, during which
most of the final stellar mass is accreted onto the central protostellar
object. Therefore, during the Class 0 phase, the accreted circumstellar
envelope must redistribute most of its initial angular momentum outward,
or centrifugal forces will prevent further accretion onto the protostar:
how this is done exactly is still an open question, known as the
long-standing angular momentum problem for star formation.
Several key questions about the typical outcome of protostellar
tied to this angular momentum problem, still remain open, such as the
initial conditions for building protostellar disks and binary systems,
which are routinely observed at the later stages of evolution. Solving
only these questions, but also understanding the typical outcome of
protostellar formation, and therefore the formation of most stars,
ultimately depends on characterizing the forces at work to regulate the
angular momentum content and evolution during the Class 0 phase. I will
present new insights on the possible solutions to the angular momentum
problem, obtained thanks to the detailed analysis of millimeter
observations of protostellar envelopes probing the envelope density,
structure and kinematics from the small scales (50 au) to large scales
(5000 au) obtained mostly with the Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI)
and the IRAM 30m telescope in the framework of the CALYPSO (Continuum
Line in Young Protostellar Objects, see program.
While the presence of large accretion disks is well documented in more
evolved Class I objects and T Tauri stars, I will show that the
of the large (r >100au) Keplerian disks expected from conservation of
angular momentum during protostellar collapse, have remained elusive
around Class 0 protostars. I will also present recent SMA and ALMA
observations of magnetic fields in Class 0 protostars at scales 20-10000
au, arguing that the small disk sizes observed during the main accretion
phase are in favor of a magnetically-regulated collapse scenario for the
formation of most low-mass stars.
Anatomy of a Sun-like protostar: the case of HH212
Lunch Colloquium
Silvia Leurini
MPIfR Bonn
The mechanisms leading to the formation of disks around young stellar objects and to the launching of the associated jets are crucial to the understanding of the earliest stages of star and planet formation. However, while fast collimated jets are commonly observed in very early phases of evolution, the evidence of disks in these stages is not clear probably due to the expected small size of the disks and to the fact that in these still deeply embedded objects the emission of the surrounding envelope is likely entangled with that of the disk. In this talk, I will report ALMA observations of HH212, a protostar driving a strikingly bipolar H_2/SiO collimated jet. The ALMA-Band 7 data trace all the crucial ingredients involved in the star-disk formation recipe in unprecedented detail, and within a single spectral set-up: (i) the dusty protostar; (ii) the axial jet launched from it; (iii) the biconical outflow and its cavities; (iv) the parent infalling envelope; (v) the forming disk.
The MPIfR S-Band MeerKAT Rx - status update on the instrumentation
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Gundolf Wieching
The MeerKAT observatory is located in the South African Karoo area. The very remote location as well as geographic conditions results in an excellent radio astronomical site only affected minimally by RFI. A radio-quiet area around the MeerKAT site with a size larger than that of the Netherlands has been protected by a government act as an astronomy reserve. The observatory is composed of two main units, the 64 13.5m offset Gregorian antennas (aka receptors) and the main processing building. The antennas are distributed on a flat plateau within an 8km diameter. Each of the 64 MeerKAT antennas will be equipped with one receiver MPIfR S-Band Rx frontend. The receiver frontend includes all components to collect, amplify and digitize the signal. The frontend transmits the digitized signals via the MeerKAT communication network, using standard Ethernet, to the backend section of MeerKAT at the processing building. The talk will outline the S-Band MeerKAT Rx design, present an update on the instrumentational developments and the first prototype tests.