Dark Matter Searches in the Radio and the Sub-Millimetre Regimes
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Andrei Lobanov
Weakly interacting sub-eV particles (WISP) are steadily gaining more
prominence as likely candidates for explaining the dark matter. The
particular focus of attention is on the QCD axions, axion-like particles
(ALP), and hidden photons with masses between 0.1 micro-eV
and 10 meV (corresponding to the 24 MHz -- 2.4 THz frequency range). A
number of WISP detection experiments have been performed and planned
that cover parts of this frequency range. Searching for potential WISP
dark matter signal in this entire frequency range requires making
efficient, broadband measurements performed at a power sensitivity of
better than 10^-23 W and a fractional spectral resolution of about
10^-6. This brings an excellent potential for synergies with recent
developments in radioastronomy and in VLBI and millimeter and
sub-millimeter areas in particular. One specific example of such
synergies is the WISPDMX experiment operated in collaboration between
the University of Hamburg, the MPIfR, and DESY. A short review of recent
and planned WISP dark matter searches will be presented here, with a
specific focus on the WISPDMX measurements providing the best exclusion
limits on hidden photons in the 0.8-2.0 micro-eV energy range and on the
plans to expand this effort to performing definitive Broadband
Radiometric Axion Searches (BRASS) in the 0.01-5 meV (24-1000 GHz)
energy range, which covers the most favorable theoretical "sweet
spots" for the axion mass, hence bearing excellent prospects for
discovering this elusive particle.
Exploring Radio Pulsars with New Technologies
Pablo Torne
Pulsars are rapidly-rotating, highly-magnetised neutron stars that
provide unique laboratories for a wide variety of physical experiments.
During my thesis, I have investigated the application of new receiver
technologies and observing techniques to the search for and study of
radio pulsars. In particular, I have used one of the largest
supercomputers in Europe, the MPCDF’s Hydra cluster, to analyse the
data from a long-term survey of the Galactic Centre carried out with
the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope. Furthermore, I have used
experimental, fast-sampling, broadband continuum receivers on Pico
Veleta and APEX to perform the highest-radio-frequency pulsar
observations to date, observing a sample of six pulsars and one
magnetar. At lower frequency I have carried out commissioning work with
the next generation of radio
receivers for Effelsberg: the Ultra-Broad-Band receiver and the Phased
Array Feed. In this colloquium, I will present the main results from
these investigations, which include the analysis of the challenges of
conducting pulsar surveys around the Galactic Centre and, for the first
time, the detection and study of pulsar emission up to ~300 GHz. The
latter provides invaluable experimental results needed for the
development of more precise models of pulsar radio emission. I will
conclude by discussing the big challenges, and their possible
solutions, that the next generation of low-frequency receivers for
Effelsberg must face, in particular in dealing with radio frequency
interference.[Referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer (Max-Planck-Institut
für Radioastronomie); Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi (Argelander-Institut
für Astronomie); Prof. Dr. Norbert Wermes (Physikalisches Institut,
Universität Bonn); Prof. Dr. Albert Haas (Institut für Zellbiologie,
Universität Bonn)]
Comparison of CO line and dust continuum emission as tracers of molecular gas masses through cosmic time
Master Colloquium
Felix Pötzl
Star formation is a crucial component in the evolution of galaxies. Stars form mainly in the cold and dense molecular gas phase. Galaxies exhibit certain relations between their star formation rate (SFR) surface density and gas surface density, the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. Different modes of star formation have been postulated for starbursts and disk galaxies, but the determination of SFRs and molecular gas masses is still subject to major uncertainties. The existence of two different modes for star formation (SF) has recently been questioned - this finding depends on the usage of two different conversion factors from CO luminosity to molecular gas mass. I investigate and compare the optically thin emission from the dust continuum at 850 micron and carbon monoxide (CO) ground state rotational transition J=1 -> J=0 emission as tracers of molecular gas. I analyse several samples of galaxies from the literature spanning different locations with respect to the main sequence (MS) of SF through cosmic time (z=0-6). The different galaxies have a remarkable correlation between the two quantities, which indicates no strong difference in the CO conversion factor between local disc galaxies and ULIRGs. However, differences of about a factor 3-4 between galaxies at high redshift situated on and above the MS are seen. I investigate the discrepancies observed also taking into account differences in metallicity, SFR and tracers of shock heated gas in galaxies. There are only mild relations found between these quantities and the ratio of dust continuum to CO(1-0) line emission, so possibly other physical parameters are the drivers of the differences. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl Menten, Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi, Advisor: Dr. Axel Weiß]
FR-type radio sources in COSMOS
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki
I will present an analysis on the radio structure of radio sources from the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project (JVLA COSMOS; Smolcic et al. 2016 in press). These objects were selected from the JVLA COSMOS field on the basis of their extended radio structure, associated with radio AGN, and were placed in radio classes based on the FR-type classification of Fanaroff & Riley (1978). The purpose of this project is to compare the radio structure of radio AGN to the more fundamental division between accretion properties of the black hole, i.e. radiatively efficient and inefficient accretion, and to understand the reason for the existence of different FR types; whether it is due to the energetics or due to environmental effects. For the latter, I use the X-ray groups in the COSMOS field (George et al. 2010) as a parameter for the environment, to investigate trends of FR-type radio structure with group environment. Finally, I will present preliminary results on an automatic (semi-supervised) method to classify radio sources with complex radio structures in radio surveys.
Extragalactic jet structure from RMHD simulations
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Manel Perucho
Universitat de València, Spain
I will review recent results on the internal structure of relativistic,
magnetized jets, from RMHD simulations. The first part of my talk will
focus on the derivation of equilibrium models for axisymmetric, rotating
jets. In particuar, I will discuss the influence of the toroidal
magnetic field on the jet structure through magnetic pressure and
tension, and that of the rotation pattern via the centrifugal force.
The equilibrium models obtained were later used as an initial setup to
study the structure of steady, overpressured jets, by means of
numerical simulations. We have run a number of such simulations for
superfast magnetosonic jets. The injection parameters of these jets were
chosen to cover a wide region of the parameter space across a temptative
fundamental plane of magnetized jets, given by their magnetosonic Mach
number versus specific internal energy. This selection includes also a
wide range of magnetizations. The results of the simulations will be
discussed in terms of the dominant energy in the jet (internal, kinetic,
magnetic). I will finally propose observational tests that can help us
to obtain information about the dominant energy channel in extragalactic
jets, and discuss future lines of research in this field.
Millimeter-wave polarization of protoplanetary disks due to dust scattering: theory and observation
Special Colloquium
Dr. Akimasa Kataoka
ITA, Heidelberg University
Constraining the grain size in protoplanetary disks is a key to
understand the first stage of planet formation. The grain size has been
estimated by measuring the spectral index at millimeter wavelengths,
while it has huge uncertainties. Here, we propose that millimeter-wave
polarization is another method to constrain the grain size. We show that
thermal dust emission is scattered off of other dust grains and the
residual polarization is up to 2.5 %, which is detectable with ALMA.
This self-scattering polarization is most efficient if the maximum grain
size is comparable to the wavelengths. Therefore, we can constrain the
grain size from millimeter-wave polarization of protoplanetary disks.
Furthermore, we have observed the protoplanetary disk around HD 142527
with ALMA polarization mode, and found the evidence that the
self-scattering plays a role in the protoplanetary disk.
Coevolution of Galaxies in Black Holes in Massive Environments
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Alexis Finoguenov
U Helskinki
After an introduction to X-ray selection of galaxy groups in deep
fields, I will review the results on the galaxy evolution and AGN
triggering in massive environments. I will conclude that star-formation
and tidal interactions are the two dominant processes, that describe our
observations between now and a redshift of 2.5. Triggering of AGN
activity is governed by the same processes and serves as a sign-post of
galaxy transformation.
Anatomy of a Sun-like protostar: the case of HH212
Lunch Colloquium
Silvia Leurini
MPIfR Bonn
The mechanisms leading to the formation of disks around young stellar
objects and to the launching of the associated jets are crucial to the
understanding of the earliest stages of star and planet formation.
However, while fast collimated jets are commonly observed in very early
phases of evolution, the evidence of disks in these stages is not clear
probably due to the expected small size of the disks and to the fact
that in these still deeply embedded objects the emission of the
surrounding envelope is likely entangled with that of the disk. In this
talk, I will report ALMA observations of HH212, a protostar driving a
strikingly bipolar H_2/SiO collimated jet. The ALMA-Band 7 data trace
all the crucial ingredients involved in the star-disk formation recipe
in unprecedented detail, and within a single spectral set-up: (i) the
dusty protostar; (ii) the axial jet launched from it; (iii) the
biconical outflow and its cavities; (iv) the parent infalling envelope;
(v) the forming disk.
Main Colloquium
ALMA observations of the FU Orionis-type young eruptive star V346 Nor
Main Colloquium
Dr. Agnes Kospal
Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
A long-standing problem of the general paradigm of low-mass star formation is the "luminosity problem": protostars are less luminous than theoretically predicted. One possible solution is that the accretion process is episodic. FU Orionis-type stars (FUors) are thought to be the visible examples for objects in the high accretion state. FUors are often surrounded by massive envelopes, which enable the disk to produce accretion outbursts and replenish the disk material. However, we have no information on the envelope dynamics, about where and how mass transfer from the envelope to the disk happens. Here, we present continuum and CO line observations of the young eruptive star V346 Nor obtained by ALMA. Our goal is to study the structure of the circumstellar matter and the infall process from the envelope onto the disk in a highly accreting system. The infall rate is a little known input to estimate the incidence of FU Orionis-type outbursts, a key parameter determining whether FUors offer a solution for the luminosity problem.
ASTE CO(3-2) survey for nearby merging galaxies & ALMA band 3 line survey towards late stage merging galaxy NGC 3256
Informal Colloquium
MSc Tomonari Michiyama
ALMA Division, National Astronomy Observatory of Japan
I introduce the Japanese telescope ASTE and AKARI, and review the
Michiyama et al. 2016 (http://ads.nao.ac.jp/doi/10.1093/pasj/psw087),
which investigate the relation between the CO(3–2) luminosity and the
far Infrared luminosity a sample of 29 early stage and 31 late stage
merging galaxies, and 28 nearby isolated spiral galaxies. Comparing our
results with sub-kpc scale local star formation and global star-burst
activity in the high-z Universe, we discuss how the merging galaxies
affect the star formation relation.
In addition, I show our recent ALMA Cycle 3 results of molecular line
survey towards a late stage merging galaxy NGC3256. We have detected 24
molecules at 2” angular resolution, which is high enough to resolve
the double nuclei. ALMA open new eye for chemical evolution during
galaxy and galaxy merger.
PSR J1906+0746: the perfect laboratory for pulsar physics
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Gregory Desvignes
PSR J1906+0746 is a young relativistic binary pulsar in a 4-hr orbit,
most likely around another neutron star. We report here on the
observation of relativistic spin precession, an effect known to occur
when the pulsar spin axis is misaligned with respect to the orbital
angular momentum vector. Modelling the polarimetric data recorded with
the Arecibo and Nancay radio telescopes, we determine the geometry of
the pulsar and present two additional tests of General Relativity for
this system. As the pulsar precesses, the observer line of sight
crossed the magnetic pole for the first time, allowing us to derive
unprecedented 2-D emission beam maps that we can trace back to the
pulsar magnetosphere. These results will help to constrain the
poorly-known radio emission physics and revise the beaming fraction of
Kinematic study of M81 and M82 Galaxies
Naftali Kimani
The 3-D velocity of galaxies relative to the Milky Way are a powerful tool for a better kinematic model of the Local Volume. The 3-D velocity is derived by combining the radial velocity and the proper motion. The radial velocity is easier to derive from the Doppler effect, while the proper motion is both difficult and a time consuming. In this thesis, we derive the proper motion of M81 and M82 galaxies, both members of M81 group, using the phase-referencing technique. These are the first-ever proper motion measurements of galaxies outside of the local group. The results besides being important in making a better kinematic model, they are important initial parameters for accurate modeling of the M81 group interaction, providing a better understanding of the dynamics and consequence of tidal interactions in a group environment. Moreover, in the course of proper motion observations, a radio supernova SN2008iz exploded in M82 galaxy. After the discovery, a multi-frequency monitoring campaign was initiated to enable a detailed study of the supernova. Using the data, we studied the evolution of the supernova remnant using both the light-curve and the high-resolution VLBI images. We also studied how the shock-wave evolved by estimating the shell radius, the deceleration index and the spectral indices. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Karl. M. Menten (MPIfR); Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa (HISKIP); Prof. Dr. Ian C. Brock (Physikalisches Institut); Prof. Dr. Hubert Schorle (Institute of Pathology) ]
Main Colloquium
Prof. Monica Colpi
University of Milano Bicocca
The weak and the strong: understanding the different modes of magnetized star formation with cutting-edge observations and simulations
Special Colloquium
Dr Chat Hull
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics/ NRAO
Understanding the role that the magnetic field plays in the formation of
stars is one of the most pressing questions in galactic astronomy, and
one that is far from settled. Because the magnetic field in the
interstellar medium is "frozen" into the dust and gas, strong magnetic
fields have long been thought to be the dominant regulator of star
formation, having implications for star formation on every scale, from
the clouds out of which they coalesce to the circumstellar disks where
planets form. With the advent of high-resolution observations of dust
polarization with interferometers such as BIMA, OVRO, SMA, CARMA, VLA,
and now ALMA, the field of protostellar magnetic fields has been blown
wide open, yielding results that continue to tantalize and confound. I
will review SMA and CARMA results from the past decade that have shown
both hallmarks of the "strong-field" star formation scenario (such as
"hourglass" magnetic field morphologies) as well as hints that there
may be a mode of star formation where the magnetic field is not the
dominant dynamical player (i.e., cases where outflows and magnetic
fields are misaligned, contrary to theoretical expectations). I will
then move on to show new ALMA polarization data and next-generation
AREPO simulations that suggest that in all but the most strongly
magnetized clouds it is cloud-scale turbulence -- not the large-scale
magnetic field -- that dictates the magnetic field morphology
immediately surrounding a protostar. I will conclude with a look to the
future, when the highest-resolution ALMA polarization observations will
be sensitive not only to magnetic fields, but also to dust scattering,
giving us access to additional physics in the planet-forming disks
around young protostars.
What Correlations Among Galactic Satellites Can Tell Us About Their Origin, Their Host, and Cosmology
Main Colloquium
Dr. Marcel Pawlowski
Hubble Fellow, University of California, Irvine
Radio Circular Polarization in the Nuclei of Nearby Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Prof. Judith Irwin
Queen's University at Kingston, Canada
Circular polarization is technically difficult to measure in
astrophysics, due to the weakness of the signal. Very few sources have
had confirmed circularly polarized signals, but the scientific payoff
can be significant, especially the potential insight that such
observations provide on the nature of Active Galctic Nuclei. This talk
will review observations of circular polarization in nearby systems, as
well as present some new results from CHANG-ES (Continuum Halos in
Nearby Galaxies -- an EVLA Survey). A close look at circular
polarization is especially timely now that we are approaching the era of
the Square Kilometre Array.
Update on piggybacking SKA on solar power towers
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Alan Roy
Enormous areas of solar concentrators are being constructed around the world due to the growing global investment in renewable energy. Their surface accuracies would allow operation at gigahertz frequencies and those in the form of solar power towers form a point focus convenient for installing a radio receiver and presently four square kilometres of collecting area are operating which could give us a cost-effective way to achieve SKA phase 2 sensitivity. We have made progress understanding how one might combine signals from such a mirror field to form a single dish or interferometric array even though the mirror field does not lie on a parabola and the signals sum incoherently in the focal plane to produce a speckle pattern. I will give an update on how the focal plane speckle appears in simulations and how a beamformer might work. The next step needed is a proof-of-concept on the sky with a focal plane array on the Juelich solar power tower. Coauthors: O. Wucknitz & I. Cámara-Mayorga
The Nature of High-redshift Damped Lyman-alpha Systems
Special Colloquium
Dr. Nissim Kanekar
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India
Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs) are the high-redshift counterparts
of today's normal gas-rich galaxies, with high HI column densities,
N_HI >= 2e20 per cm^2. Despite their acknowledged importance in the
context of galaxy evolution and thirty years of research, the nature
of high-redshift DLAs remains an open issue, primarily due to the
difficulty in identifying their host galaxies. In this talk, I will
present results from a slew of new radio and optical studies aimed at
characterizing DLA host galaxies, via measurements of their atomic and
molecular gas masses, their velocity fields, and their star formation
Finally, I will discuss implications of our studies for the nature of
DLAs, and
their relation to other high-redshift galaxy populations.
Secondary star formation in young massive star clusters
Main Colloquium
Dr Richard Wunsch
Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
We present a model of fast cooling stellar winds in young massive
clusters and
estimate the circumstances under which the secondary star formation
occurs. If
the cluster is massive and compact enough, the shocked stellar winds
thermally unstable, collapse into dense gaseous structures that
accumulate inside the cluster, self-shield against ionizing stellar
and form the second generation of stars. 3D radiation hydrodynamic
enable us to calculate the mass of the second stellar generation.
they predict that with reasonable parameters, second generation stars
form only
in the very centre of the cluster. The recombination line emission from
the warm
gas accumulated in the cluster estimated from simulations shows that the
could be tested e.g. by observing super star clusters in interacting
NGC4038/9 (Antennae) using ALMA. We suggest that a similar mechanism can
responsible for the origin of multiple stellar populations found in
The relation between globular cluster systems and supermassive black holes in spiral galaxies. The case study of NGC4258.
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Rosa Gonzalez
Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
We aim to explore the relationship between the total number of
globular clusters, N_GC, and the mass of the central black hole, M_BH,
spiral galaxies, and how it compares with that recently reported for
elliptical galaxies. We present results the globular cluster system of
the S_bc galaxy NGC 4258, from u*, g', i', r', and K_s data obtained
with the Canada France Hawaii Telescope. Thanks to water masers in a
circumnuclear disk, the absolute distance to NGC 4258 has been derived
directly by geometric means, and hence has the most precisely measured
extragalactic distance and supermassive black hole mass to date. We
directly identify 38 GC candidates; after completeness correction, GC
luminosity function extrapolation and correction for spatial coverage,
we calculate a total NGC = 166±39(+44/-42) (random and systematic
uncertainties, respectively) for NGC 4258. We have thus increased to 6
the sample of spiral galaxies with measurements for both M_BH and N_GC.
NGC 4258 has a specific frequency SN= 0.45±0.15 (random uncertainty),
and it is consistent within 2 sigma with the N_GC vs M_BH correlation
followed by elliptical galaxies. The Milky Way continues to be the
spiral that deviates significantly from the relation.
Institute Tea: News from the CPT Section of the MPS Scientific Board
Informal Colloquium
Prof. Eduardo Ros
As elected member of the scientists of the MPIfR to the
Chemistry-Physics-Technology Section (CPTS) of the Scientific Board of
the Max Planck Society, I will report to the electors about the last
news and trends in the Society after regular meetings in October,
February, and June. This is part of our mandate as elected
representatives. The last meeting of the CPTS took place at the MPS
Harnack-Haus in Berlin-Dahlem on October 20-21, 2016, together with a
workshop and a Harnack lecture on gravitational waves. An informal,
short summary on the main points raised the meeting followed by a
discussion will be offered.
Note: This is a MPIfR internal meeting
60 years of SNR polarization measurements
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Wolfgang Reich
In 1956, polarized emission from Tau A was detected, which unambigously
proves that SNRs emit synchrotron radiation. SNRs are the primary
sources of cosmic-rays. During the last 60 years, a large number of
polarization data were collected for shell-type SNRs and PWNs. Radio
data reveal the morphology and direction of the regular magnetic field
component and the fraction of the turbulent field. Reliable estimates of
the magnetic field strength require at most additional information on
cosmic-ray or thermal gas density or a spectral bend. The vast majority
of the about 300 known Galactic SNRs and PWNs from the expected 1000
objects was identified by radio observations. The current detection rate
is 4 to 5 new objects per year with a very low surface brightness.
Recent Effelsberg polarization observations of a new faint and large SNR
indicate a promising SNR search strategy free from confusion effects.
New tests of fundamental physics with pulsar timing
Main Colloquium
Dr. Diego Blas
The high quality of the data coming from pulsar timing makes of it a fantastic resource to understand gravitational phenomena. Traditionally this has been used to test general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. In this talk I plan to focus on a less known possibility: using pulsar timing to understand dark matter properties. I will discuss (possibly) detectable modifications of binary orbits due to the interaction with the dark matter and of the propagation of the radio signal.
Stellar-mass black holes in star clusters and their role in gravitational-wave generation
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Sambaran Banerjee
Black holes in dense stellar clusters such as globular clusters have always drawn attention due to their potential in a number of interesting astrophysical phenomena. And at present, the interest has rejuvenated due to the first direct detection of gravitational waves from a couple of merging black hole binaries, by the Advanced LIGO detector. Such “stellar-mass” black holes are end products of high-mass (O-type) stars, and a fraction of them can potentially remain trapped in a stellar cluster by the latter’s deep gravitational potential, where they would interact. In this talk, I will introduce the dynamical behaviour of such a trapped and densely-packed system of black holes; in particular, how it acts as an “engine” for generating binary black holes, which are capable of merging via gravitational-wave inspiral, and how it influences the parent cluster’s structure and evolution. Following the lines of a well-noted earlier work by Banerjee et al. (2010), I will present my recent and much more detailed direct N-body calculations that take into account the contemporary knowledge of black hole formation from high-mass stars. These calculations indicate that regular young, intermediate-mass and open star clusters, that continue to form and evolve in late-type gas-rich galaxies (e.g., spirals, starburst), as well serve as environments for generating binary black hole inspirals, like old massive globulars, especially when it comes to subsolar metallicities.
Exploring the environment of high Rotation Measure Active Galactic Nuclei through wide-band radio spectropolarimetry observation
Alice Pasetto
In this Thesis I present an observational study of a sample of radio
sources. I study their radio polarization properties in a wide
range by observing with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope and the Very
Large Array (VLA) interferometer. The aim was 1) to define a sample of
candidates to contain an extreme environment around the SMBH and, 2) to
study their environment by modeling of the polarization properties
within a wide frequency range.
I select sources with no detectable flux polarization at 1.4GHz in the
NVSS survey, characteristic of strong depolarization due to a high
of Rotation Measure (RM) and thus, of an extreme medium in these
sources. I performed single dish observations at 10.45 GHz using the
100-m Effelsberg telescope. At this high frequency, I detected
flux density on 30 sources, which became our high-RM candidates. Single
dish follow-up in the 2 to 15 GHz frequency range, were performed to
characterize their radio spectra and to determine their RMs. The
polarization angle behavior deviates significantly from the lambda^2
law, suggesting that several Faraday screens are present in the
intervening medium. I studied the most interesting high-RM cases
wide-band high sensitive observations at C and X bands using the JVLA.
modeled the polarization properties constructing a set of models which
are combinations of simple internal and the external Faraday screens.
This new approach of polarization study allows to spectrally resolve
multiple polarized components of unresolved AGN with the result to
some clumpy and dense region surrounding them. This new
spectropolarimetry approach can be adopted as a new way to trace clumpy
and dense regions surrounding the AGN.
[Referees: Prof. M. Kramer; Prof. T. Reiprich; Prof. M. Drees; Prof. B.
Jet formation in GRMHD models of black hole accretion and internal jet instabilities
Main Colloquium
Dr Oliver Porth
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt
Upcoming mm-VLBI observations will probe the SMBH in our galactic center
and the giant BH in M87 on the horizon scale. While both objects
accrete in a similar, highly sub-Eddington regime, only M87 shows clear
evidence for a persistent relativistic jet. In anticipation of direct
observations of the jet (non-) formation site, I will discuss the state
of the art of GRMHD jet formation models focussing on presence or
absence of a jet, intrinsic variability and the accretion/ejection
efficiency. While great progress has been made to understand how a once
formed jet accelerates and collimates in the framework of
dissipation-free magnetohydrodynamics, several key questions remain
unsolved. Among these are the problem of inefficient ideal MHD
acceleration, the question of how material is loaded and entrained in
the jet and the puzzle of the often remarkable jet integrity. Recent
idealized simulations on 3D instabilities and jet causality shed some
light on these issues: dissipation due to internal kink-
instabilities can aid in the jet acceleration while keeping the
integrity intact. The ambient medium plays a crucial role in the
evolution of the jet: Cosmic jets may become globally unstable when they
enter flat sections of external atmospheres. I propose that the
Fanaroff–Riley (FR) morphological division of extragalactic radio
sources into two classes is related to this issue.
RoboPol: high cadence monitoring of the optical polarisation of blazars
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Emmanouil Angelakis
We are presenting the highlights of the R-band polarization program RoboPol that has been monitoring a sample of gamma-ray-loud (GL) and one of gamma-ray-quiet (GQ) sources with cadence of days. We discuss both the amplitude domain as well as the angle domain findings. Motivated by the discovery that blazars occasionally display smooth and long rotations of their optical polarization plane, we designed, funded, constructed and are operating a 4-channel optical polarimeter for the systematic study of the phenomenon. The program has already completed its first 3 observing seasons with the monitoring of an unbiased sample of 65 GL taken form a flux-limited sub-set of 2FGL and 15 GQ sources selected from the 15-GHz OVRO monitoring program. The main goals of the program has been: (a) the temporal behavior of the polarization of blazars; (b) the quantification of the polarization parameters of GL sources and the search for possible systematic differences with those of GQ sources; (c) the systematic study of the polarization angle rotations and their association with the activity MeV – GeV energy band, and the search for possible physical connection between them. Some findings that will be discussed; Amplitude domain : we discover that GL sources are more polarized (as a population) than GQ ones, at a level beyond the 3 sigma. We also find that the higher the SED synchrotron peak frequency the lower the polarization and its variability. We also find that the polarization angle seems to be more stable with increasing peak frequency which implies a helical topology of the field to be dominant. The polarization shows a positive correlation with the flux density variability while a negative one with polarisation the variability. Angle domain: we find that the brightest gamma-ray flares tend to be closer in time to rotation events, an indication that two separate mechanisms produce rotations. We show that it is unlikely that all the observed rotations are produced by random walk of the polarization vector. Additionally it is highly unlikely that none of our rotations is physically connected with an increase in gamma-ray activity. The average fractional polarization during the rotations tends to be lower than that in a non-rotating state. The average fractional polarization during rotations is correlated with the rotation rate of the polarization plane in the jet rest frame.
APEX – the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment: 10 Years of Exploring the Southern Submillimeter Skies and some more to come!
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Karl Menten
Since 10 years, the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Project (APEX) has
been operating a 12 m diameter telescope on a 5100 meter altitude site
in the Chilean Atacama desert. APEX has opened the southern skies for
submillimeter wavelength astronomy, centering on dust and molecules
throughout the Universe. APEX has made a series of exciting, unexpected
discoveries. Large surveys of dust emission over the whole southern
galactic plane and deep observations of cosmological Deep Fields have
provided unbiased views of star formation in the Milky Way and at high
redshift. In comprehensive follow up programs with APEX itself, but also
with other observatories and at other wavelengths, the nature of the
sources found in these surveys is investigated. A continuous line of
state of the art, highly innovative detectors gives APEX full coverage
of all the submillimeter windows accessible from the ground for
spectroscopy and matchless wide area imaging capability for continuum
radiation that will soon be expanded enormously. APEX has been a
pathfinder not only for the recently completed Atacama Large
submillimeter/ Millimeter Array (ALMA), but also for Herschel and the
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). After an
overview of APEX including its instrumentation, key science results will
be presented together with an outlook for the coming years – the
Max-Planck-Society has just decided to extend the project until 2022.
Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Observations of Extremely Luminous High-z Sources Identified by Planck
Lunch Colloquium
Kevin Harrington
The Cosmic Infrared Background consists of the epoch where the majority
of the stars we see today were formed (1 < z < 3.5), and in this talk I
will present Planck's all-sky survey ability to pick out some of these
most luminous sources. I present the confluence of Herschel's higher
angular resolution to partially resolve Planck point sources to identify
dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs). As well, I present one of the
pioneering publications of the Early Science Campaign with the Large
Millimeter Telescope's single-dish sensitivity, 1.1mm camera (AzTEC)
and broad bandwidth spectrometer (the Redshift Search Receiver:
73-111GHz) in successful target follow-up to begin characterizing the
ISM and gas properties of these luminous sources with L_IR > 10^(13-14)
Phased Array Feed at a big single-dish radio telescope
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Xinping Deng
The first characterization, commissioning, calibration and pulsar
observation of a Phased Array Feed (PAF) on the 64-m Parkes radio
telescope will be presented. This is the first time a PAF has been
installed on a large single-dish radio telescope. The PAF will be
installed on the 100-m dish at Effelsberg after a 6-month trial
observing program at Parkes.
I will give an overview on the project and PAF system first and then
describe all commissioning tasks toward novel astronomical observations.
These tasks include 1) physical installation of the PAF and 2)
sensitivity measurement and beamforming using point radio source, etc.
I will also present the first pulsar timing observations with the PAF.
These observations demonstrate that 1) multiple pulsars (in FOV) can be
observed simultaneously, 2) it is possible to polarisation calibrate the
pulsars at any position in the FOV and 3) pulsars can be observed over
relatively long integration times even though the PAF is unable to
I will give update on Mark III PAF “rocket” at the end of my talk.
Magnetic reconnection powers the quiescent and flaring emission of the Crab nebula
Main Colloquium
Dr. Lorenzo Sironi
Harvard CfA
The quiescent emission spectrum of the Crab nebula, extending from the
radio up to the gamma-ray band, is usually modeled as synchrotron and
inverse Compton radiation from a non-thermal population of
electron-positron pairs. By means of 2D and 3D first-principle
particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we investigate particle acceleration
and magnetic field dissipation at the termination shock of a
“striped” pulsar wind, where the sign of the pre-shock field
alternates with the pulsar period. At the shock, the alternating fields
annihilate by driven magnetic reconnection, resulting in a hard
power-law tail of non-thermal electrons with slope between -1.5 and -2,
as required for the Crab nebula quiescent radio emission. In addition,
we show with 2D and 3D PIC simulations that explosive magnetic
reconnection in the nebula might explain the unusually short durations,
high luminosities, and high photon energies of the gamma-ray flares
recently detected from the Crab Nebula by the AGILE and Fermi
Estimating galaxy redshifts from spatial cross-correlations
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Christopher Morrison
Estimating the redshift or equivalently the distances to extra-Galactic objects is crucial for interpreting their properties and using them to measure cosmology. Redshifts are best confirmed spectroscopically however, for wide, deep surveys and simillarly for faint objects the telescope time required for a spectroscopic confirmation is prohibitive. Faint objects often have their redshift estimated from board band pass filters through photometric redshifts however these techniques require a representative set of spectra to calibrate them which can also be prohibitive. A complementary technique is to use spatial cross-correlations between a sample of objects with known redshifts to estimate and the sample of interested with unknown redshifts to estimate their redshift distribution. These clustering redshifts (cluster-zs) can be extremely powerful for galaxy samples without a representative, calibration sample and can use samples such as high redshift QSOs to estimate galaxy redshifts. I will present clustering redshift estimates of the wide-area, deep Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) using reference spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. I also present a unique method for estimating clustering redshifts for single galaxies instead of a large sample.
Blazar jets: launching, dissipation, and radiation
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dimitrios Giannios
Purdue University
Relativistic jets, i.e., collimated flows of plasma that move at a speed
close to the speed of light, are a common manifestation of accreting
black holes. When the jet from a supermassive black hole moves close to
our line of sight, it makes a "blazar". Blazars are spectacular
sources that outshine the host galaxy, show extremely bright, broadband
flares on timescales as short as minutes and make prime candidates for
accelerating ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.
The common hypothesis for jet formation is that they are launched by
powerful magnetic fields that thread the black hole and the inner
accretion disk. After reviewing our ideas of how the magnetic fields
make it to the source, I discuss the trip of the jet from the central
engine to the much larger scales where it radiates. I argue that the jet
emission is result of dissipation in the jet through the process of
magnetic reconnection. I will review our latest understanding of the
physics of magnetic reconnection and show how it can account, from first
principles, for the “emitting blobs” commonly invoked when modeling
the blazar flares.
Strong field electrodynamics experiments
Main Colloquium
Prof. Ulrik Uggerhoej
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Utilizing the relativistic invariance of the parameter χ=γE/E0,
ultrarelativistic particles in strong crystalline fields of the order
10^11 V/cm enable investigations of processes in fields of the order
QED critical field E0=m^2c^3/eħ=1.32·10^16 V/cm (with a corresponding
magnetic field of B0=4.41·10^9 T) in the particle rest frame. In the
framework of the CERN NA63 experiment we have obtained experimental
results on e.g. quantum synchrotron radiation emission, trident
production and coherent pairs in such fields, as well as observing
effects related to the mesoscopic photon formation zone. Apart from
their relevance to astrophysical emission processes as e.g. taking
place at neutron stars, and relevance to the fields encountered in
heavy ion collisions, these studies are important for the design of the
interaction point of future high energy colliders. Last, but not least,
many of the processes studied are relevant in the context of intense
laser fields, as e.g. aimed to be investigated at the Extreme Light
Infrastructure (ELI).
Magnetic Fields in a nearby Intermediate-Velocity filament in the First Galactic Quadrant
Special Colloquium
Dr Jeroen Stil
Outside the Galactic plane we can investigate small-scale structure in the interstellar medium without confusion with unrelated structure in the background. Faraday rotation of polarized extragalactic sources reveals structure with angular scales up to tens of degrees in angular size far from the Galactic plane. Interpretation of the observed Faraday rotation is challenging without an appropriate model for the electron density distribution. I will discuss recent results and new data from the GALFACTS survey (Arecibo) for a 35-degree-long ionized intermediate-velocity filament to discuss what we can learn about these high-latitude measurements. Specifically, I will discuss a lower limit to the Alfven velocity derived from rotation measure and emission measure that indicates that this filament has a plasma beta < 1 (gas pressure over magnetic pressure).
Two lessons from the star formation main-sequence
Special Colloquium
Sarah Leslie
Multiwavelength studies have revealed that star forming galaxies
typically exhibit a current star formation rate proportional to their
assembled stellar mass forming a main-sequence in the star formation
rate-stellar mass plane. Using 200,000 local galaxies at 0.04 < z < 0.1
the Sloan Digital Sky Survey we have classified galaxies (into
different activity classes: star forming, AGN) according to their
emission line ratios. We find that these different classes occupy
specific regions in the star formation rate - stellar mass plane:
galaxies show a trend from the `blue cloud' galaxies which are
actively forming stars, through a combination of composite,
and LINER (Low-ionization nuclear emission-line region) galaxies
(through the green valley), ending as 'red-and-dead' galaxies. This
observational trend supports an evolutionary pathway for galaxies in
which star formation quenching by active galactic nuclei (AGN) plays
a key role. We then look at the position of star-forming disc
galaxies SFR-stellar mass plane as a function of galaxy
By measuring the attenuation of light at different wavelegnths for
inclined galaxies, we can probe the global dust properties. We
compare our local results to a sample of discs at z~0.7 in the COSMOS
field. We find that the inclination effects due to dust extinction
the same at z~0.7 as they are locally, indicating that there is no
evolution in dust properties between z=0 and z=0.7.
AGN variability in the radio band
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Walter Max-Moerbeck
A complete understanding of the physics blazars requires monitoring
observations over the whole electromagnetic spectrum, and includes
studying their properties at a given band and also the relationship
between multiple wavelengths. Here I present the main results obtained
so far with the ongoing OVRO 40m blazar monitoring program at 15 GHz
with twice a week cadence. This program started in mid-2007 and is
currently monitoring about 1800 blazars, including most of the bright
blazars north of declination -20 degrees. These results include:
characterization of the variability in the radio band; its relationship
with optical and gamma-ray properties; and its relationship to gamma-ray
emission as observed with Fermi-LAT, which can provide constrains on the
location of the gamma-ray emission region. I will also discuss our
ongoing work on the characterization of radio variability using the
power spectral density. For this, we are using 8 years of OVRO 40m data
for ~1200 sources, and also F-GAMMA monitoring data taken with the
Effelsberg 100m telescope for 60 sources with about monthly cadence
monitoring data at 8 frequencies between 2.6 and 43.0 GHz. These studies
will provide an improved understanding of blazar variability, a better
basis to evaluate the statistics of correlated variability between
different emission bands, and a long and consistent record of radio
observations to be used in gamma-ray and multi-wavelength
The Cherenkov Telescope Array - a major new astronomical facility
Main Colloquium
Prof. Jim Hinton
MPI, Heidelberg
CTA is an international effort to implement the first proposal-driven
open observatory
for the highest energy photons. Building on the success of current very
high energy
gamma-ray telescopes such as HESS, CTA will help us to understand the
origin of
relativistic cosmic particles and their role in the evolution of star
forming systems
and galaxies, allow us to probe extreme environments such as those
around neutron
stars and black holes, but also the cosmic voids, and explore frontiers
in physics,
including the nature of dark matter. CTA construction is expected to
start next year.
In this talk I will discuss the scientific motivations for CTA and
synergies with
other wavebands as well as the plans for implementing the Observatory.
Principal Component Analysis applied to Astronomical Datacubes (or) How to Extract Information from Datacubes
Lunch Colloquium
Felipe Navarete
Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
In the past years, astronomy has evolved from the usage of spectroscopic and imaging techniques, operated separately, to more modern data acquisition methods that combining both techniques simultaneously, producing images with spectral resolution. Here, I will show a method of analysis of datacubes (data containing two spatial and one spectral dimension), developed at University of São Paulo (USP/Brazil), that uses PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to transform the system of correlated coordinates into a system of uncorrelated coordinates ordered by principal components of decreasing variance. The new coordinates are referred to as eigenvectors, and the projections of the data onto these coordinates produce images we will call tomograms. The association of the tomograms (images) to eigenvectors (spectra) is important for the interpretation of both. By handling eigenvectors and tomograms one can enhance features, extract noise, extract spectra, etc. I will show a few examples of the applicability of the PCA Tomography, that has shown very promising results in scales ranging from AU to kpc by identifying circumstellar disks around young stellar objects and probing the content of galaxies in the Local Universe.
Formation of globular clusters with multiple stellar populations
Main Colloquium
Prof Kenji Bekki
ICRAR, Perth
Globular clusters (GCs) have long been considered to be single stellar
(SSPs) - collections of coeval and chemically homogeneous stars.
Recent photometric and spectroscopic observations, however, have
revealed that most of the Galactic GCs contain at least two different
stellar populations with difference chemical abundances, and possibly,
different ages. I will discuss the following three topics related to
this recent discovery of multiple stellar populations of GCs. First,
I will show our new observational results on the presence of
multiple-generation of stars in star clusters of the Large Magellanic
Second, I will show the results of numerical simulations on the
two-stage formation process of GCs in gas-rich
dwarf disk galaxies. Third, I will discuss how the 'anomalous GCs'
metallicity spreads can be formed within their host galaxies using
our latest simulations of GC merging.
Giant gas stream in the sky
Special Colloquium
Dr. Bi-Qing For
The Magellanic Stream and Leading Arm which originated from the Magellanic Clouds are spectacular gaseous features. They extend for tens of kpcs and span for ~200 degree in the southern sky. The close proximity of the Magellanic Clouds to the Milky Way provides an excellent opportunity to study interacting galaxy system. I will present the results of a study of High-Velocity Clouds (HVCs) in the Magellanic Stream and the Leading Arm. The properties of HVCs in the two regions are compared and contrasted in order to study the different mechanisms shaping their structure and evolution. I will also present potential studies using Australia SKA Pathfinder.
Spectral and Polarization Signatures of Diffusive Shock Acceleration in Blazar Jets
Main Colloquium
Dr Markus Böttcher
Ohio University
Diffusive Shock Acceleration (DSA) as a form of first-order Fermi
acceleration has
long been considered one of the leading contenders for the acceleration
of electrons
to ultrarelativistic energies in the jets of active galactic nuclei
(AGN). I will present
the results of a systematic study of the radiative signatures of DSA in
blazar jets.
Based on fits to the spectral energy distributions of blazars, one can
infer characteristics
of the hydromagnetic turbulence mediating DSA, specifically a strongly
mean-free-path for pitch-angle scattering. I will also present a
consistent treatment of
particle dynamics and polarization-dependent radiation transfer in an
model for blazar jets, which explains large polarization-angle swings,
correlated with
multi-wavelength flaring activity, without the need for non-symmetric
jet features.
Early-time Feedback in the Milky Way
Special Colloquium
Dr. Mubdi Rahman
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University
Understanding the process of energetic feedback from star formation requires comprehensive exploration of both the stellar and gaseous components of star forming complexes. The diversity of scales probed make conducting such studies difficult in extragalactic systems. The Milky Way provides an excellent opportunity to explore feedback processes in detail, albeit with a unique set of challenges. In this talk, I will be discussing our current strides in measuring and analyzing feedback from massive star formation in the Milky Way.
Stardust and stellar nucleosynthesis: An insight into the evolution of low and intermediate-mass stars
Main Colloquium
Dr Amanda Karakas
Low and intermediate stars (1 to 8 solar mass) are an important sources
of gas and dust in the Galaxy today. Most of the mass is lost while
stars are on the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB), with dust formation
occurring in the extended envelope surrounding the star. Ancient
meteorites harbour a tiny fraction of pre-solar dust grains, which
formed in the outflows and remnants of evolved stars such as AGB stars.
Pre-solar grains are particularly important because they can be used to
test our understanding of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis. The
majority of carbonaceous pre-solar grains likely formed in the extended
envelopes of low-mass AGB stars (1-4 solar mass), although other sources
include supernova and nova explosions. In this talk I will focus on a
couple of examples including using silicon carbide (SiC) grains to test
models of the slow neutron capture process, and I’ll discuss a
possible stellar source for the A+B grains, which are a type of SiC
grain whose origin is still unclear. I will also discuss how merged
binary stars may be an unrecognized source of carbon-rich stardust.
Near-Infrared Imaging of Barred Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Honey M.
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
We present the results of our near infrared (NIR) imaging study of
barred Low Surface Brightness (LSB), their 2D disk decomposition using
optical images and how their bar morphologies vary with central disk
velocity dispersion. LSB galaxies are extreme late type galaxies that
have low luminosity stellar disks but large, neutral hydrogen (HI) gas
disks . They are poor in star formation and are dark matter dominated
systems. Bars are not common in halo dominated disk systems. Using a
large sample of LSB galaxies from the literature, we found that the
fraction of barred LSB galaxies is only ~ 8.3% . Using our NIR images,
we examine their bar morphology, to see the properties of bars in the
dark matter dominated systems and how they differ from normal galaxies.
Our analysis of the NIR images shows that the bars in LSB galaxies are
similar to those found in normal galaxies. To get a more accurate
picture we did the 2D disk decomposition of their optical images. We
find that most of the LSB barred galaxies have bulges that are oval or
boxy in shape; this suggests that there is slow internal evolution
occurring in these systems. We also examined their central velocity
dispersion using their optical nuclear spectra, which can tell us about
the central mass concentration in these galaxies. We examined how this
varies with bar ellipticities. We compare our observations with
simulations of bar formation in dark matter dominated galaxies and
discuss the implications of our results.
Probing Gravity with High-Precision Pulsar Timing
R. Nicolas Caballero
Pulsars are highly magnetised neutron stars which spin tremendously
fast, at periods that are as low as a few milliseconds. Their periodic
signals reach us when the beamed emission from their magnetic poles,
which sweeps space, crosses our line-of-sight. Due to their remarkable
rotational stability, millisecond pulsars (MSPs), the fastest-rotating
pulsar population, are used as cosmic clocks to probe the curvature of
space-time and study the nature of gravity in regimes that cannot be
tested in the Solar system. In this talk, I will first explain the
pulsar-timing method and its applications. I will proceed with a
discussion on how an ensemble of MSPs, known as a Pulsar Timing Array
(PTA) can be used to directly detect nHz gravitational waves (GWs) and
present my work in the framework of the European Pulsar Timing Array
collaboration, which focused on high-precision timing of 42 MSPs, the
characterisation of their noise properties and the definition of the
PTA's sensitivity as a GW detector. Finally, I will present the results
from using the timing data of specific MSPs to place stringent limits
on the parameter spaces of alternative theories of gravity in the
quasi-stationary strong-field regime of gravity. [Referees: Prof. Dr.
Michael Kramer, MPIfR; Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer, Argelander-Institut;
Prof. Dr. Klaus Desch, Physikalisches Institut;Prof. Dr. Theo C. M.
Bakker, Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie]
Young massive star clusters: from observation to simulations
Main Colloquium
Dr Xiaoying Pang
Shanghai Institute of Technology, NAOC
Young massive star clusters (YMSCs) have been an interesting research
targets due to their special observational results, such as significant
mass segregation, discovery of the most massive stars, grey extinctions
etc. We take the Galactic YMSC, NGC 3603, as an example to investigate
the properties of YMSC. Despite of being only an age of only 1 Myr,
3603 is found to mass segregate down to 30 M⊙ , according to the Λ
minimum spanning tree technique. The dependence of the velocity
dispersion on stellar mass imply that the mass segregation of NGC 3603
might owning to fast dynamical evolution. The segregated massive stars
in NGC 3603, one of which is the most massive stars in the Milky Way,
disperse the parental molecular gas via radiation and stellar
Though the core of NGC 3603 looks almost free of gas, its total to
selective extinction ratio is R_F555W=3.75+/- 0.87, higher than the
average Galactic value. Furthermore,
its extinction curve, E(λ -F555W)/E(F435W-F555W), at ultraviolet
wavelengths tends to be greyer than the average Galactic extinction
from Cardelli et al. and Fitzpatrick. It is closer to the extinction
derived by Calzetti et al. for starburst galaxies, where the 0.2175 μm
bump is absent. Both evidence may indicates an anomalous extinction in
NGC 3603, which may due to the clumpy dust distribution within the
cluster, and the size of dust grains being larger than the average
Galactic ISM. Besides the comprehensive multi-band data of NGC 3603,
formation mechanism is still under debate. To tackle this problem,
N-body numerical simulation has been an excellent tool to investigate
different scenarios: hierarchical or monolithic. In order to aid the
comparison between simulations and observations, we develope GalevNB
(Galev for N-body simulations), a utility that converts stellar
properties: mass, temperature, luminosity and metallicity of N-body
simulations into observational spectral energy distribution and
multi-filter magnitudes using the GALEV (GAlaxy EVolutionary synthesis
models) package.
The structure of nuclei of extragalactic radio sources using VLBI observations
Special Colloquium
Dr. Jacques Roland
IAP Paris
Abstract: Structure of nuclei of extragalactic radio sources using VLBI data can be done: 1) modeling the ejection of VLBI components assuming a simple precession of the accretion disk, or the presence of a binary supermassive black hole system, 2) using the results of geodetic suveys, particularly the time series RMS and their correlations with the flux variations and the results found previously, 3) making high frequency VLBI observations at frequencies larger or equal to 43 GHz, these obervation can detect the possible radio emission associated with the 2 black holes. If nuclei of extragalactic radio sources contain binary black hole systems of size of about 1 pc, their size will be between 0.1 to 1 mas. I will present the problems to make the link with GAIA observations with a precision better than 0.15 mas. These binary black hole systems lose the energy emitting gravitational waves, I will discuss their life time and how long they are observable by eLISA during their coalescence phase and the frequency of coalescence of these binary systems
Studying the interstellar medium by means of multi-fluid simulations tracing the dynamics and the ionic structure of the gas
Informal Colloquium
Dr. Miguel A de Avillez
Computational Astrophysics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Evora, Portugal
We have studied the evolution of the interstellar medium and in
particular of the Local Bubble (a cavity excavated by 17 SNe in the
14 Myrs) by means of three-dimensional multi-fluid numerical
which model (i) the gas and its ionic structure, (ii) the formation of
molecular clouds and massive stars, (iii) how stars evolve and
eventually explode, and (iv) isotope yields in these explosions (in
particular ^60 Fe). These simulations require knowing the atomic and
molecular data, and depend on a recalculation of all atomic and
molecular process rates if the electron/proton distribution function
deviates from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. In this talk I will
discuss these matters and how we can follow the evolution of the Local
Bubble by tracing the Civ, Nv, and Ovi ions, and the distribution of
^60 Fe isotope between its creation in nearby supernovae and its
eventual deposition in ferromanganese crusts in the Earth's oceans.
The hot interstellar medium
Main Colloquium
PD Dr Manami Sasaki
Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen
The interstellar medium (ISM) is heated and ionized by radiation,
stellar winds, and finally, by supernova explosions of massive stars.
These processes are often correlated in space and time, generating
interstellar bubbles and superbubbles filled with hot thin plasma with
sizes of typically
100 - 1000 pc. Bubbles and superbubbles can be studied best in soft
X-ray line and continuum emission, since the plasma in their interiors
is very hot (10^6 - 10^7 K). I will present recent results of the
observational studies of the hot ISM and discuss the physics of the hot
Broadband, radio spectropolarimetry of radiative-mode and jet-mode AGN
Special Colloquium
Dr Shane OSullivan
Observations of polarised synchrotron emission from radio galaxies,
along with the associated Faraday rotation, provides a highly sensitive
probe of magneto-ionic material in radio galaxy environments. Here we
present the results of our investigation of the environments of two
broad classes of radio-loud AGN (radiative-mode & jet-mode) using
broadband radio spectropolarimetry from 1 to 10 GHz. Our results show
how we can distinguish between the intrinsic magnetic field properties
of sources and the external magnetised environment that causes
depolarisation, using our polarization model-fitting approach. Overall,
we find that the radiative-mode AGN are in more turbulent magnetised
environments and have more intrinsically disordered magnetic field
structures than the jet-mode AGN, on average. To finish, I will outline
some prospects for future Faraday rotation studies from all-sky radio
polarisation surveys, such as with the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Radiative Feedback and the Formation of Massive Stars and Stellar Clusters
Main Colloquium
Prof. Ralph Pudritz
McMaster University
Radiative feedback is thought to play a crucial role in the formation of
massive stars and the star clusters in which they form. I will review
the physical problems and large body of work that has addressed these
basic questions before turning to our own contributions. For massive
star formation, we have developed a new hybrid radiative transfer code
that operates in a 3D, adaptive mesh code (FLASH) that can, for the
first time, follow the heating and momentum transfer by both discrete
stellar sources as well as by diffuse radiative background in complex
geometries. We simulate the gravitational collapse of massive dense
gaseous "cores" of 30 to 200 solar masses. We find several major
differences with respect to previous works including radiatively driven
bubbles that don't cool and fragment, as well as a suppression of
fragmentation of the massive disks into multiple stars. Our results
compare favourably to recent observations of massive disks around
massive stars.
I will also present our new work on radiative feedback simulations of
the formation of young clusters in turbulent Giant Molecular Clouds and
on how cloud structure affects this process. In particular, we find
that the star formation efficiency in such clouds and the masses of star
clusters are strongly influenced by how gravitationally bound the cloud
are initially - an effect that is more important than radiative
feedback. These results are compared with observations.
Magnetic fields and the formation of star clusters in turbulent, filamentary molecular clouds
Special Colloquium
Prof. Ralph Pudritz
McMaster University
Herschel observations have shown that molecular clouds are highly
filamentary, and that these are the sites of star and cluster formation.
Observations of magnetic fields in star forming regions indicate that
magnetic field strengths are comparable to gravitational energy
densities, and must play some dynamical role in star formation. The link
between the structure of magnetic fields and filaments revealed by
Planck and SMA observations of molecular clouds, suggests that magnetic
fields are fairly ordered with respect to dense filaments. On larger
scales, fields are often perpendicular to the dense, star forming
filaments. In this talk, I will focus on our MHD simulations of magnetic
structure on the scales of cluster formation, and explore the question
of how magnetic field structures and filamentary flows are related and
lead to cluster formation. We also explore how radiative feedback from
forming clusters acts to alter the geometry of filaments and fields,
ultimately shutting off filamentary flow.
Deep radio continuum study of NGC4631 and its Faraday tomography
Silvia Carolina Mora
NGC4631 is a nearby edge-on spiral galaxy with a spectacular radio halo, one of the largest observed among edge-on galaxies. This makes the galaxy an ideal target to study the properties of synchrotron halos, the propagation of cosmic rays from the disk into the halo and to investigate the configuration of the magnetic field out of the plane. Radio continuum observations of NGC4631 were performed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array at C-band in the C & D array configurations, and at L-band in the B, C & D array configurations. To recover the large-scale emission the data were combined with single-dish Effelsberg data. In order to determine the best approach to separate the thermal free-free and nonthermal synchrotron components of the total radio emission in the context of edge-one galaxies, we derive the thermal emission of NGC4631 on a pixel-by-pixel basis by using three different methods to account for dust extinction. We analyze the nonthermal synchrotron emission by deriving vertical scale heights, studying its spectral index distribution and by estimating energy losses of cosmic rays. In addition, we present the distribution of polarized emission, Faraday depths, and the intrinsic magnetic field orientation of NGC4631 estimated by employing the RM-synthesis algorithm. [Referees: Prof. Michael Kramer, MPIfR; Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Reiprich, Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Universität Bonn; Prof. Dr. Jochen Dingfelder, Experimental Particle Physics (Belle/Belle II and ATLAS Experiments) Physikalisches Institut Universität Bonn; Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner. Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Bonn]
ALMA view of Galaxy Clusters
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Kaustuv Basu
ALMA, the most powerful millimeter/submillimeter telescope ever built,
is producing an impressive array of scientific results. Its power comes
from an unmatched combination of sensitivity and angular resolution,
how does it see galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound
objects in the universe, that can span tens of arcminutes on the sky? I
will present some results from the ALMA Early Cycle observations where
the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect was used to image galaxy clusters
the lowest frequency ALMA band (100 GHz). This way, ALMA is probing
directly the diffuse baryonic component of galaxy clusters and not its
constituent galaxies or lensed background galaxies. In particular, I
will show the ALMA detection of a galaxy cluster merger shock at half
the current age of the universe, the highest redshift such structure
The Radio Continuum Halos of the Edge-On Galaxies NGC 891 and NGC 4565
Philip Schmidt
The nearby edge-on spiral galaxies NGC 891 and NGC 4565 have been
studied in terms of cosmic-ray (CR) propagation and magnetic field
properties, based on observations in the framework of Continuum HAlos in
Nearby Galaxies – an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES). This full-polarization
survey makes use of the novel broad-band technology of the recently
upgraded Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) to study a sample of 35
edge-on galaxies at radio frequencies of 1.5 GHz (L-band) and 6 GHz
(C-band), at various spatial resolutions. Investigating the spectral
index distribution in both galaxies shows that in NGC 4565 the spectral
steepening between the two frequencies is significantly stronger than in
NGC 891, and in agreement with single-shot CR injection models rather
than continuous CR injection. This suggests very low CR injection rates
for NGC 4565, consistent with its low SFR and its relatively weak
synchrotron emission. While the scale heights of the synchrotron halo
are similar for both galaxies, they are found to be identical at 1.5 and
6 GHz for NGC 891, whereas for NGC 4565 a slight frequency dependence is
observed. These findings indicate that CR transport is dominated by
convection in NGC 891 and at least to a significant degree happening by
diffusion in NGC 4565. Modelling the vertical decrease of the
synchrotron intensity and of the total magnetic field strength in NGC
891 by solving the vertical diffusion-loss equation confirms a
predominantly convective CR transport mode for this galaxy. Convection
speeds are likely to exceed 300 km/s, indicating that the CRs are able
to escape the gravitational potential of the galaxy as a galactic wind.
The modelling furthermore yields magnetic field scale heights
significantly lower than the expected equipartition value, which shows
that energy equipartition between CRs and magnetic fields breaks down in
the halo of NGC 891. Analyzing the broad-band polarization data using
rotation-measure (RM) synthesis provides the first unambiguous detection
of a non-plane-parallel halo magnetic field in NGC 4565, which is
probably X-shaped, like that of NGC 891. At the highest resolution
(3''), the total intensity maps of NGC 4565 reveal a ring-shaped
structure of the inner spiral arms that was previously only seen in the
dust and molecular gas components. Given the high inclination of 86°,
these inner spiral arms must be comparatively thin in the vertical
and/or coplanar direction. [Referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer,
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie; Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa,
Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik; Priv.-Doz. Dr.
Paul-Dieter Eversheim, Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik;
Prof. Dr. Barbara Reichert, Steinmann-Institut für Geologie,
Mineralogie und Paläontologie]
What we know and do not know about Fast Radio Bursts
Main Colloquium
Dr Simon Johnston
CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science, Australia
I will describe what we know about Fast Radio Bursts with particular
emphasis on observations with the Parkes radio telescope in Australia. I
will talk about the particular case of FRB150418 recently published in
Nature and I'll end with some speculation of how the field might
Hiding and Feeding the AGN – What interferometry has revealed about the dusty torus in AGN
Special Colloquium
Dr Konrad Tristram
The central engine of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is surrounded by
dense molecular and
dusty material on parsec scales. Typically referred to as the "dusty
torus", this material
is a key ingredient of AGN because it (1) provides the angle dependent
obscuration of the
central engine and (2) most likely plays an important role for the
accretion of the
material onto the supermassive black hole.
In the last ten years we have made a large progress in determining the
properties of the
torus using interferometry in the infrared. These measurements go far
beyond AGN
demographics and the modelling of spectral energy distributions, because
they spatially
resolve the thermal emission from AGN heated dust.
In my talk I will give a brief overview of the results our
interferometric measurements
have revealed: In general, the thermal dust emission is parsec-sized,
and scales with the
luminosity of the central source, albeit with a large scatter suggesting
differences in the dust distributions between individual objects.
Surprisingly, we
discovered the dust emission to be elongated rather in the polar
direction in several
objects, than in the direction of the plane of the torus. I will
specifically demonstrate
this using the case of the Circinus galaxy, which is one of the sources
best studied
interferometrically. For this source, I also hope to be able to show a
first glimpse at
our recently taken ALMA data on which I will be working during my visit
in Bonn.
Are FRB Sources Always Producing Bursts?
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Jim Cordes
Cornell University
I will discuss possible answers to the question in the title that
involve scattering and scintillations in host galaxies and in the Milky
Way. Gravitational microlensing also will be briefly discussed.
The mystery of IceCube neutrinos
Main Colloquium
Dr Paolo Padovani
IceCube has recently reported the discovery of high-energy neutrinos of
astrophysical origin, opening up the PeV (10^15 eV) sky. These
are challenging to interpret on the astronomical side and have triggered
a fruitful
collaboration across particle and astro-physics. I will make the case
extreme blazars, i.e. strong, very high energy gamma-ray sources of the
high energy
peaked type, to be the counterparts of at least some of the IceCube
neutrinos. Our results are based on: 1. a joint positional and
diagnostic that makes use of high-energy source catalogues; 2. a
modelling of their spectral energy distributions within a lepto-hadronic
3. a detailed calculation of the neutrino astrophysical background from
the whole
BL Lac class based on an extrapolation of our findings from individual
sources through
sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations, which reproduce all the main
properties of
blazars in the radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray bands. Our first approach
a positive correlation between extreme blazars and IceCube neutrinos,
which is
significant at the 0.4% level, with these sources explaining ~ 10 - 20%
of the
IceCube signal. This scenario should be testable in the next few years
by further IceCube data.
The talk is self-contained, requires no previous knowledge of neutrinos
or blazars,
and has been prepared for a very broad audience.
Constraining the Inner Structure of Quasar Accretion Flows Based on X-ray Observations of Gravitationally Lensed Sources
Special Colloquium
Prof. Henric Krawczynski
Washing University in St. Louis
Gravitational lenses have emerged as a powerful tool to study the inner
structure of the accretion flows and jets of Active Galactic Nuclei
(AGNs). The most exciting results have come from monitoring
gravitationally lensed Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs) in the optical, UV,
and X-ray bands. For a subset of the monitored sources, the
observations revealed clear evidence of microlensing of the QSO emission
by stars in the lensing galaxy. I will report on a study of the
gravitationally lensed quasar RX J1131−1231 for which Chandra
observations reveal the presence of one or two Fe K-alpha lines with
time variable line amplitudes, line centroids, and line widths (Chartas
et al. 2015). The detection of multiple and time variable lines can be
explained by the selective magnification of X-rays coming from different
regions of the accretion disk with different Doppler and gravitational
red and blue shifts of the emergent radiation. I will discuss the
potential of using such observations for measuring the black hole
inclination and spin and for constraining the geometry of the accretion
disk and its corona.
Exploring the magnetic field configuration close to supermassive black holes using the GMVA
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Bindu Rani
The high radio frequency polarization imaging of non-thermal emission from AGN is a direct way to probe the magnetic field strength and structure in the immediate vicinity of SMBHs and is crucial in testing the jet-launching scenario. To explore the magnetic field configuration at the base of jets in blazars, I took advantage of the full polarization capabilities of the GMVA. I studied the sub-milliarcsecond structure of the core and central jet of BL Lac. The source is polarized and the EVPA is aligned well with the jet in the North-South direction. This suggests a well-ordered magnetic field, with its main component being perpendicular to the jet axis. Such a field configuration is consistent with a helical magnetic field in the get. I will also compare the source morphology at 7mm/3mm ground VLBI and the 1.3cm RadioAstron imaging results.
Ice chemistry: formation of complex organic molecules in interstellar ice
Special Colloquium
Prof Patrice Theulé
Aix-Marseille University, France
I will review in this talk how it is possible to form complex organic
molecules (COMs) in laboratory, on the surface of interstellar grains
analogues or in the mantle of interstellar ice analogues. I will stress
on a particular class of reactions: the purely thermal reactions, which
happen when warming-up the ice mantle. I will then present how it is
possible to measure in laboratory the dynamics of these reactions.
Laboratory experiments enable to understand the microphysics on grains
and help to improve gas-grain astrochemistry models.
Cloud Fragmentation and Core Formation
Special Colloquium
Dr Mario Tafalla
Osservatorio Astronomico National, Madrid
Star formation is largely a fragmentation process. A molecular cloud
typically contains tens of thousands of solar masses of material, and
to form stars, it needs to fragment into parcels about the mass of our
Sun. Understanding star formation therefore requires following the
process of cloud fragmentation over multiple spatial scales, and
identifying the different structures that appear at each of these
scales. Dense cores have been recognized for some time as the
simplest structures that form stars, and probably represent the last
stage in the fragmentation cascade of a molecular cloud. In recent
years, filaments have been identified as larger but also characteristic
structures of cloud fragmentation. Filaments appear in both inert and
star-forming gas, and kinematic studies of their material often show
that they have a complex internal structure. In this talk, I will
present recent work that attempts to understand the internal structure
of star-forming filaments, and their connection with dense cores. For
this, we make use of molecular lines, which provide critical
on the gas kinematics and chemical constraints on the core-forming
Galactic Archaeology to its Limits
Main Colloquium
Dr. Else Starkenburg
The lowest metallicity stars that still exist today probably carry
the imprint of very few supernova. As such, they represent our best
observational approach to understand the First Stars. In this talk I
will review the early (chemical) evolution of the Milky Way system from
both modeling and observational perspectives. In particular, I will
present results of the Pristine survey, a Franco-Canadian photometric
survey of
the Milky Way halo designed to efficiently decompose the metallicity
structures of the Milky Way halo. I will show how we can use this great
discriminatory power to hunt for the very rare extremely metal-poor
stars (bearers of the chemical imprint of the first stars), to weed out
around metal-poor dwarf galaxies, and to search for stellar structures
in the
Physical processes behind the periodic radio and GeV emission from the X-ray binary LS I +61°303
Frédéric Jaron
X-ray binaries are composed of a normal star and a compact object which
accretes matter from the companion. A subclass of these systems also
emits in the gamma-ray regime, the physical processes behind this
gamma-ray emission, however, are still under debate. The binary
LS I +61°303 is particularly suitable to study the physical
behind radio and gamma-ray emission, because the emission from this
source is highly periodic, implying that the physical conditions
repeat on timescales of about one month. LS I +61°303 is composed of
a Be star and a compact object in an eccentric orbit, along which
accretion is predicted to peak twice, giving rise to two ejections of
relativistic particles along the orbit. Timing analysis of radio data
results in two close periods, P1 ~ 26.5 days, which is the orbital
period, and P2 ~ 26.9 days, which is compatible with the precession
period of a relativistic jet. Knowledge about these intrinsic
periodicities allows for a straightforward prediction of radio
outbursts, occurring during orbital phases around apastron passages.
We used that predictability to schedule radio observations with the
100-m telescope Effelsberg, the resulting light curves reveal the
presence of further periodicities at much smaller time scales
Analysis of Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data led to the discovery that the
apastron emission presents the same timing characteristics (P1 and
as the radio outburst. In contrast to that, the periastron emission
only modulated by P1 and not P2. We present a physical model able to
reproduce and explain both the timing characteristics and the
relationship between precession (P2) and Doppler boosting of the
emission. The model calculates the synchrotron and inverse Compton
emission of a relativistic precessing (P2) jet, periodically (P1)
refilled with relativistic electrons twice along the orbit.
of this work is that the GeV emission is mainly the result of
upscattering stellar seed photons to GeV energies via the inverse
Compton process (external inverse Compton) with additional Doppler
boosted emission of the upscattered jet photons (synchrotron self
Compton) when the jet is almost aligned with the line of sight. In this
context we discuss how all gamma-ray emitting X-ray binaries have
indeed a high-mass companion and in addition present our radio
for the Be-BH binary MWC 656.
[Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Massi, MPIfR; Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer,
Argelander-Institut; Prof. Dr.Dr. Ian Brock, Physikalisches Institut;
Prof. Dr. Hubert Schorle, Institut für Pathologie]
Triggering LOFAR with Effelsberg, the development of a real-time transient pipeline
Master Colloquium
Leon Houben
Since the discovery of a new type of radio transient called fast radio
bursts, no detection has been able to unambiguously pinpoint the sky
position of their source. These bright, millisecond-duration radio
pulses show large dispersion measures that are most easily explained by
an extragalactic origin. Fast radio bursts, therefore, might present a
method to probe the intergalactic medium and test cosmology if the
positions and distances of their sources are known. Much effort is
undertaken to develop new detection methods that can determine the exact
location of an occurring fast radio burst, but their supposed
non-repeating nature makes this determination difficult. In this
thesis we present a pipeline currently under development at the Max
Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and the Radboud University that
enables the simultaneous detection of a radio transient with the
Effelsberg 100 m single dish radio telescope and ASTRON’s Low
Frequency Array (Lofar). The main contribution of this thesis was to
implement the communication framework that sends triggers from
Effelsberg to Lofar, allowing the observatories to detect the same
signal. This is possible since a burst with a DM typical for FRBs has a
delay of up to a few minutes to arrive at Lofar’s observing frequency
from the top of the Effelsberg band. If a radio transient like an FRB is
so detected, it is possible to pinpoint its exact location by imaging
Lofar’s interferometric data and possibly discover its host galaxy.
Simultaneous Effelsberg and Lofar test observations on pulsars showed
that the basic concept of the pipeline works, but that it has to be
improved to resolve some minor shortcomings prior to regular use.
Analysis of this data revealed pulse-to-pulse variations as well as
frequency-dependent variations between the observatories bands, which
could tell us more about single pulse properties of pulsars. Thus, the
pipeline would not only contribute to the detection of new radio
transient phenomena but also lead to a better understanding of known
Studying turbulent electron plasma with radio pulsars
Main Colloquium
Dr Stefan Oslowski
Bielefeld University
Some of the quickly-spinning, highly-magnetized neutron stars emit radio
waves in two beams originating in their magnetic poles. Because of the
misalignment of the dipolar magnetic field poles with the angular
vector, these beams sweep through our Galaxy. If one such beam passes
the Earth we may detect a burst of polarised radio emission. Thanks to
polarization and pulsed nature of the signal we can use these stars to
the cold free electron plasma in the interstellar medium as we can
detect its
effects on the propagating emission from the neutron star. In this talk
will present some recent results related to such phenomena based on
observations undertaken with facilities available in Germany such as the
Effelsberg Radio Telescope as well as the international LOFAR stations.
Study large-scale structures and polarization of the Northern sky facilitating singe-station data of the Low Frequency Array (LO
Jana Köhler
The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is an international telescope operating
at frequencies from 10 to 240 MHz. The use of a single international
station with a diameter of around 60 m allows to study large scale
structures in the universe. Even more, with its wide frequency range and
the ability to observe in polarization, LOFAR allows polarization
studies at frequencies below 240~MHz.
In this talk I will present a new northern sky survey at radio
frequencies below 200 MHz, observed with the LOFAR station located in
Effelsberg. Using data of a single station of this array a novel
approach has developed to produce this survey. The necessary steps are
described on how to generate a scientific usable sky map from the raw
voltages. Especially the self-calibration will become an important
method, to calibrate strong unknown structures and individual sources,
to improve the image quality. Some of the strong unknown source can be
an active Sun, a bursting Jupiter or even just strong men made radio
frequency interference (RFI).
Afterwards an analysis of the spectral index maps between frequencies
below 50 MHz and the high frequency surveys at 408 MHz (Haslam et al.,
1982), 820 MHz (Berkhuijsen, 1972) and 1400 MHz (Reich et al., 1981)
will be investigated. This allows to study physical nature of the
continuum emission and a possible flattening of the spectrum toward
lower frequencies due to thermal absorption.
At the end of my talk the polarization properties of Jupiter bursts
observed with a single LOFAR station will be discussed. The measurements
show that the bursts are highly linear- and circular-polarized and that
the rotation measure (RM) values per burst are frequency depended.
What are Observations of Fine Structure Lines Telling Us?
Special Colloquium
Dr Paul F. Goldsmith
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Atomic and ionic fine structure lines are potentially powerful probes of conditions in multiple phases of the interstellar medium. With the advent of space observatories, astronomers have been able to measure their emission from a range of galaxies, and Herschel enabled large-scale surveys of the Milky Way and imaging of nearby galaxies. Models for fine structure line (FS) line emission are thus being tested, and new uses of these lines are being developed. In this talk, I focus on recent Herschel surveys of the Milky Way in the [CII] 158 μm line and [NII] 122 and 205 μm lines. Carbon is ionized in a wide range of conditions and thus its emission is widespread, but determining the actual source of the emission is a challenge. In the GOT C+ survey, we used comparisons with HI and CO surveys to determine that a significant fraction of the 158 μm line emission arises from gas in which hydrogen is molecular but carbon is ionized rather than being in molecular form. This “CO Dark Molecular Gas” adds approximately 30% to the molecular mass of the Milky Way, and is particularly prevalent in the outer portions of our galaxy. A second survey of [NII] emission, which arises from ionized gas, used its two FS transitions to determine a mean electron density of ~30 cm-3 in this gas that seems widespread in the inner portion of the Milky Way. Other topics that I will cover include the use of and problems with FS lines as tracers of star formation, and the contribution that upcoming balloon, aircraft and space missions should make to our understanding of the evolution of the ISM and star formation.
3D modeling of the Wolf-Rayet 98a environment
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Rony Keppens
KU Leuven
The dustproducing WolfRayet 98a binary system is one of a few known
rotating pinwheel nebulae, when probed at infrared wavebands. We present
the first comprehensive 3D hydrodynamic model for WR98a, where dust
creation and redistribution are selfconsistently incorporated. With
gridadaptive gasdust simulations [using our open source MPIAMRVAC
simulation toolkit: Keppens et al., 2012, JCP 231, 718; Porth et al.,
2014, ApJS 214, 4], we resolve details in the wind collision region
(WCR) between the WC9 and OB star at scales below one percent of the
orbital separation (about 4 AU), while simulating a region extending up
to 1300 AU. We cover several orbital periods in models where either
adiabatic, or radiatively cooling conditions prevail. In the adiabatic
case, mixing between both stellar winds is most effective in a
welldefined spiral pattern, where optimal conditions for dust creation
are met. We parametrize the (subgrid) details of dust formation, but
model the resulting dragforce mediated redistribution in detail. When
radiative cooling is incorporated, the wind interaction gets dominated
by thermal instabilities along the WCR, and dust concentrates in clumps
and filaments, in a more spherical, volumefilling fashion. With a
Monte Carlo radiative transfer code, we obtain synthetic infrared views,
which mimic Keck, ALMA, or EELT sensitivities. We then investigate the
effects of resolution, orientation and variability in virtual infrared
images, for cases with and without cooling. The largescale, longterm
aspect of our model also allows for virtual photometric observations.
These confirm the observationally inferred variability and orientation
of the WR98a system, which must obey close to adiabatic evolutions to
demonstrate the rotating pinwheel structure, with the observed flux
Supermassive Black Holes: Pairs or Singles?
Lunch Colloquium
PD Dr. Silke Britzen
Despite numerous and detailed studies of the jets of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) on pc-scales, the phenomenon remains intriguing and many questions are still debated. The physical nature of the jet-components is one of the most prominent unsolved problems as is the launching mechanism of jets in AGN. Another long-standing question is whether the central massive objects in AGN are instead close pairs of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). Gravitational waves from binary SMBHs should be detectable by pulsar timing arrays. I will present examples of how we identify potential close binary black hole candidates based on in-depth investigations of long-term archival VLBI and multi-wavelength data (several decades) in combination with the application of theoretical models. This enables us to discriminate between motion scenarios and to derive a more physical understanding of the nature and and origin of jets in general.
First Measurement of the Small Scale Structure of the Intergalactic Medium
Main Colloquium
Dr Joe Hennawi
There is no such thing as empty space. Indeed, the most barren regions
of the universe are the vast expanses between the galaxies, known as the
intergalactic medium (IGM). Averaging just one lonely atom per cubic
meter, this primordial gas left over from the Big Bang encodes
fundamental information about our universe’s history. About half a
million years after the Big Bang, the plasma of primordial baryons
recombined to form the first neutral atoms, releasing the cosmic
microwave background and initiating the cosmic 'dark ages'. During
this period primordial gas expanded and cooled to very low temperatures
T~20 K, until the stars and black holes in the first galaxies emitted
enough ionizing photons to reionize and reheat the universe. The
thermal state of gas in the IGM is a relic of this reionization phase
transition, which can be measured via optical observations of bright
distant quasars at cosmological lookback times of a few gigayears. On
Mpc length scales, gas in the intergalactic medium traces density
fluctuations in the underlying and gravitationally dominant dark matter,
but on smaller scales of one hundred kpc, fluctuations are suppressed
because the ~10^4 Kelvin gas is pressure supported against gravity,
analogous to the classical Jeans argument. This Jeans pressure
smoothing scale thus quantifies the small scale structure of the IGM and
provides a record of cosmic reionization and thermal evolution. Recently
we have shown that it is possible to directly measure this scale by
characterizing the coherence of correlated intergalactic absorption
lines in the spectra of pairs of quasars with small angular separation
on the sky. I will describe a statistical method which quantifies
correlated absorption in quasar pair spectra that is highly sensitive to
the pressure smoothing scale, and present its first-ever measurement
with data collected from 8m telescopes. Our results suggest that the
pressure smoothing scale is smaller than expected from standard models
of reionization and the thermal evolution of the IGM.
The nature of high-redshift damped Lyman-alpha systems
Special Colloquium
Dr. Nissim Kanekar
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India
Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs) are the high-redshift counterparts of today's normal gas-rich galaxies, with high HI column densities, N_HI >= 2e20 per cm^2. Despite their acknowledged importance in the context of galaxy evolution and thirty years of research, the nature of high-redshift DLAs remains an open issue. I will describe results from a slew of studies over the last decade, probing the gas temperature of DLAs, their HI mass, their molecular gas mass and their star formation rate. Finally, I will attempt to relate the host galaxies of DLAs to emission-selected high-z galaxy populations, such as the Lyman-break galaxies and the Lyman-alpha emitters.
The New Horizons radio science experiment at Pluto
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Michael Bird
The Radio Science Experiment (REX) on the New Horizons mission measured key characteristics of Pluto and Charon during the brief encounter on 14 July 2015. The REX flight hardware, integrated into the spacecraft’s X-band radio transceiver, provides high precision, narrow band recording of powerful uplink transmissions from Earth- based stations, as well as measurements of broadband radiometric power. This talk is a brief overview of the performance and initial results of the radio occultations and radiometric temperature profiles of Pluto and Charon. While the New Horizons spacecraft was flying behind the limbs of Pluto and Charon, the REX instrument recorded four 20-kW uplink signals that were transmitted from the NASA Deep Space Network in two polarizations at 4.2 cm wavelength. The tiny phase shifts of the uplinks during occultation ingress and egress provide a precise measure of the density structure of the lower atmosphere, including height profiles of pressure and temperature down to the surface. In addition, shortly after the closest approach, REX measured the thermal radio emission from Pluto at 4.2 cm during two limb-to-limb scans across the disk. Radiometric observations of Pluto and Charon were also obtained on the night side during the interval between occultation ingress and egress.
The Gould's Belt Distances Survey
Main Colloquium
Prof. Laurent Loinard
Using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), it is possible to
the distance and the velocity vector of young stars located within 500
pc of the Sun
with an accuracy of order 1%. In this talk, I will present the first
results of a
large project called "The Gould's Belt Distances Survey" that takes
advantage of this
possibility to measure the mean distance, and the internal structure
and kinematics
of the most prominent star-forming regions associated with Gould's
Belt: Ophiuchus,
Taurus, Serpens, and Orion. I will discuss the implications of these
measurements both
for star-formation and for Galactic structure studies.
The effect of environment on Giant Molecular Cloud properties in nearby galaxies
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Dario Colombo
Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) represent one the preferred ways in which
the molecular gas organizes itself and are consider as the places where
stars are born. These objects, therefore, play a key role in
controlling star formation and defining its modes. However, the
relationships between their physical properties and environment are
still poorly understood - especially in spiral galaxies. The development
of powerful interferometers, as NOEMA and ALMA, opened up the era of the
high resolution, wide-area mapping of the molecular ISM in galaxies
outside the Local Group, able to fill this gap. In particular, the
pioneer PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey of the inner part of M51 has
demonstrated that large-scale dynamics have profound impact in the
formation and evolution of GMCs, and in their capability to form stars.
Guided by these results, in this talk I will show new GMC decompositions
of ALMA observations as NGC628, NGC1068, and M100. Together, I will
discuss how dendrograms can be useful tools to study the environments
where GMC form and evolve, and to compare between galaxy observations of
different resolution and sensitivity.
Be grateful for LITTLE THINGS
Main Colloquium
Prof Elias Brinks
Center for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire
LITTLE THINGS is a deep, high resolution VLA HI survey of 40 nearby
irregular galaxies. The survey is supported by a host of ancillary data,
ranging from the
FUV (GALEX) through optical/IR to the Far-IR (Spitzer and Herschel). It
has spawned a
parallel VLA survey to map the same sample at radio continuum (6 GHz)
and, for a few
targets, millimetre wavelengths with APEX and ALMA.
The motivation for undertaking this massive project is to gain a better
understanding of
the star formation process, by probing star formation in the low mass,
low metallicity
regime, thus extending the work done in “normal” spiral galaxies
based on the THINGS (The
HI Nearby Galaxy Survey).
I will present our analysis of the Schmidt-Kennicutt behaviour in our
sample and compare
it with that found in spirals, will present deep radio continuum
resolved imaging (rms ~
6muJy) of our targets, and argue to what extent the radio data can be
used as an
alternative star formation rate indicator (i.e., follow the Condon and
radio-continuum -
Far IR relations). Lastly, I will report on our success in breaking the
low metallicity
barrier, revealing dozens of tiny CO clumps in our ALMA maps of the
nearby dIrr WLM which
has a metallicity corresponding to only 13% solar.
Cosmic Foregrounds and Deep Radio Surveys
Special Colloquium
Dr. Bill Cotton
The ARCADE-2 CMB balloon experiment detected an unexplained low frequency component which was postulated to be a previously unknown population of extragalactic sources. We conducted a deep 2-4 GHz survey with the recently upgraded EVLA to search for this population and to measure the faint radio source counts. Faint source counts constrain the cosmic evolution of the populations represented including sources powered by star formation. Previous attempts at measuring faint source counts produced more scatter in results than are easily accounted for and may reflect the variety of techniques used to correct for various effects. I will describe a deep confusion limited analysis using the "P of D" technique to derive the source counts at, and below the confusion which avoids many of the difficult to correct effects. Results are in excellent agreement with theoretical expectations effectively ruling out the ARCADE-2 anomaly being due to discrete sources. I will also summarize ongoing observations to determine the size distribution of the microJy population.
FRB 121102: The first repeating fast radio burst
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Laura Spitler
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are a population of broadband, short-duration,
isolated radio bursts that originate from extragalactic sources. The
exact astrophysical origin of these bursts is still unknown, but recent
observations of a repeating FRB, the first of its kind, have eliminated
a large number of models. FRB 121102, discovered by the Pulsar ALFA
survey with the Arecibo Observatory, was redetected first in follow-up
observation with Arecibo and then later with the Green Bank Telescope. I
will present these new bursts, as well as follow-up with the Jansky VLA,
Chandra, and Swift.
Kinematics and evolution of pre-main sequence stars in nearby star-forming regions
Special Colloquium
Dr Phillip Galli
Observatoire de Grenoble (France) and U. Sao Paulo (Brazil)
A precise determination of the distance to individual stars is required to reliably determine the fundamental parameters of young stellar objects. While the average distance to nearby star-forming regions is often known, the distances to individual stars are usually unknown. Individual distances for members of young moving groups can be derived from their proper motions, radial velocities and the convergent point of the moving group. In this talk I will present a new version of the convergent point method and its application to nearby star-forming regions and young stellar associations to calculate individual distances of cluster members. The newly derived distances are used in this work to investigate the cluster kinematics and to refine the physical properties of young stars (mass, age and the lifetime of circumstellar disks).
Diffuse radio foreground surveys
Main Colloquium
Prof. Clive Dickinson
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics
In this talk I will give a summary of my work, which is focussed on
diffuse radio
foregrounds. Foregrounds, such as synchrotron and free-free radiation,
hinder cosmological
analyses (e.g. for the CMB). They are also of astrophysical interest
themselves. For
example, CMB data have revealed a new component of diffuse Galactic
radiation, often
referred to as “anomalous microwave emission” (AME). AME is thought
to be due to electric
dipole radiation from spinning dust grains, but there is still
significant debate. I will
cover a number of areas, from low frequency radio surveys including
C-BASS, CMB analysis
including new Planck data, and radio recombination line (RRL) surveys. I
will discuss how
they aid CMB component separation, as well as revealing new information
about our Galaxy.
Spatial variations in the mid-IR/radio correlation in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki
Luminous infrared galaxies in the local Universe, due to their dusty nature, are excellent laboratories to study dust properties of galaxies and investigate the possible dust heating mechanisms, attributed either to an active galactic nucleus (AGN) or a starburst (SB). We use Spitzer and Herschel data to create dust temperature maps for a sample of LIRGs from the GOALS sample at low redshift (z < 0.088), which appear to be most extended at radio VLA 1.49 GHz observations (6 arcsec resolution). The purpose is to explore the connection of radio emission to star formation and dust heating mechanisms. We use PACS and Spitzer photometry to investigate cold and warm dust, and get a census of the warm/cold dust distribution and of the extend of the obscured nuclear regions in these LIRGs. With the aid of spatially resolved q maps (q = log(f_IR / S_radio), q8um & q24um) we point to the location of regions of intense synchrotron emission due to a SB or an AGN. By comparing dust temperature variations to variations in the IR/radio correlation, given by the q maps, we explore the AGN/SB connection in these LIRGs spatially. Finally, we compare the spatially resolved IR/radio correlation to radio spectral index maps for these sources in order to understand the physics behind the variations in q.
A framework for the study of physical processes and conditions in astrophysical plasmas through radio and optical
polarization and its application to extragalactic jets
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Ioannis Myserlis
MPI für Radioastronomie
We present a framework for the study of the physical conditions in
astrophysical plasma elements through linear and circular polarization
monitoring. This framework can be used to (i) estimate the four Stokes
parameters of the observed radiation with high accuracy, (ii) interpret
polarimetric observations based on the theoretical predictions of
synchrotron emission and propagation through magnetized astrophysical
plasmas as well as (iii) reproduce the observed polarization
characteristics and their dynamics using a polarized radiative transfer
code. Here we present the application of this framework on radio and
optical monitoring datasets of AGN jets. We present the linear and
circular polarization properties of 87 AGNs measured by the F-GAMMA
program. The dataset spans from 2010 to 2015 and includes 4 radio
frequencies between 2.6 and 10.5 GHz with a cadence of 1.3 months.
We use their polarization characteristics to extract information for
physical parameters and the variability processes in the jet regions
where the radiation is emitted and propagated through, e.g. the
field properties or the plasma composition. Furthermore, we implement a
realization of the polarized radiative transfer code that attributes
variability to evolving internal shocks, to investigate the conditions
and processes needed to reproduce the observed polarization behavior.
This model was successfully applied for the blazar 3C 454.3. Finally,
analyze R-band linear polarization light curves for 49 sources
with the RoboPol program since 2013 with a cadence of a few nights.
Here we present population studies based on the radio polarization
the results of the model application for 3C 454.3 and of the
analysis between the radio and optical linear polarization properties.
ALMA/VLBI view of the high-mass star forming region G24.78+0.08: fragmentation and kinematics.
Special Colloquium
Dr. Luca Moscadelli
Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri (Florence)
As predicted by models, well constrained by observations, low-mass
(M_star ~ M_sun) stars form by increasing mass via an accretion disk and
removing the angular
momentum excess in a fast jet collimated along the disk axis. The
process of formation of high-mass (M_star > 10 M_sun) stars is
complicated by the presence
of the ultraviolet radiation of the massive (proto)star, which, ionizing
and exerting pressure on the circumstellar environment, can
significantly alter the formation path compared with the "standard"
disk/jet scenario. Since massive stars form in tight clusters at typical
distances of several kpc,
previous observations have suffered from insufficient angular
resolution (>0.5-1") , which prevented resolving and studying the gas
kinematics around
individual high-mass (proto)stars.
This talk report on recent ALMA (thermal continuum and molecular line)
and multi-epoch VLBI (maser) observations of G24.78+0.08, one of the
best studied high-mass star forming regions. Combining the ALMA data
(angular resolution ~ 0.15") with the maser
information (on milliarcsecond scale) allows us to separate individual
objects and constrain the 3-D kinematics of the gas around them.
Galactic and Extragalactic Spiral Structure: Spinoffs from the BeSSeL Survey
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Mark Reid
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.
The BeSSeL Survey is providing parallax measurement for
high-mass star forming regions, which give a sparsely
sampled map of the Galaxy's spiral structure. We have
developed a Bayesian approach to leverage these results
to estimate distances to large numbers of sources from
surveys based only on Galactic coordinates and velocities.
Using this program we have made perhaps the most realistic
visualization of the Milky Way's spiral structure. Another
interesting result from BeSSeL parallaxes are that spiral
arms expand with increasing radius from the Galactic
center. We investigated if this happens in other galaxies
and found some interesting properties of spirals.
Special Colloquium
Prof. Naomi Ota
Nara Womens University, Japan
Automatic Facet Calibration for LOFAR
Lunch Colloquium
Andreas Horneffer
MPIfR Bonn / Radboud University Nijmegen
When working with LOFAR data to make total power images one faces two
particular problems: large amounts of data and the need for direction
dependent calibration. The raw data for a typical LOFAR observation is
about 20 TByte. We wrote a pipeline that combines the usual
pre-processing and initial, direction-independent calibration, and that
can efficiently run on a compute cluster with little human supervision.
During this pre-processing the data is usually compressed to about 500
GByte and a few dozens of files. When imaged the resulting images from
this calibration still show artifacts from the lack of direction
dependent calibration, but if not the very best image quality is needed
then they can already be used for science.
The Earth's ionosphere changes on time-scales of seconds and within the
LOFAR beam. To correct for this we do direction-dependent calibration
as facet calibration: the full field-of-view is split into facets and
each facet is calibrated independently. We are currently working on a
program that allows a non-expert astronomer to run the facet calibration
with minimal human supervision. There are still problems when processing
complicated fields, but on well behaved fields the program can already
now be used successfully.
Watching a Little Gas Cloud on its Way into the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert
Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
The Galactic center is one of the most fascinating and extreme places in
the Galaxy.
Harboring a supermassive black hole with a mass of order 4 million solar
it experiences cycles of activity and star formation, separated by
periods of quiescence
that last of order a million years. The Milky Way's SMBH currently is
inactive. However
a small, diffuse gas cloud (G2) has recently been detected (Gillessen+
2012, 2013, 2014, Pfuhl + 2015) on
an orbit almost straight into the Galactic SMBH.
In 2014 G2 started to pass the SMBH at a small distance of just 2000
Schwarzschild radii, corresponding to 20 light hours with the emission
from being strongly redshifted prior to pericenterto strongly
blue-shifted past pericenter. This indicates that the ionized gas of G2
is now stretched
over more than 15,000 Schwarzschild radii around the pericenter.
Depending on its nature G2 will now begin to break
up and feed the SMBH, possibly triggering a phase of AGN activity.
The next years will therefore provide a unique opportunity to
investigate directly
the processes that drive and regulate gas accretion onto the Galactic
SMBH. In addition, G2 turns out
to be a powerful probe in order to probe the structure and composition
of the Galactic center.
This talk will summarize the observations of G2 and current models about
nature. Is G2 a diffuse gas clump that originates from winds of
high-mass stars
in the surrounding stellar disk, is it a disrupting gas planet or is it
the atmosphere of an evaporating, invisible
protostellar disk, surrounding a young low-mass stars. Is it connected
to a long gas filament that has
been discovered recently and that might feed and activate the SMBH in
the future? Or is it something completely different?
The existence of such a tiny, cold gas cloud in the hostile vicinity of
the SMBH raises numerous
fascinating questions related to its structure. Where did it come from
and where will it go?
Why is it on such a highly eccentric orbit? Which physical processes
constrain its properties
like its size, mass, density, temperature and geometrical shape?
Like comet Shoemaker Levy's 1994 collision with Jupiter,
the big challenge has started for astrophysicists to predict the outcome
of G2's close encounter with
the SMBH in the years 2015 and beyond. Their models will be validated
directly by observations
within the next couple of years.
Dynamical relaxation and the activity and evolution of massive black holes
Main Colloquium
Prof. Tal Alexander
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science
I discuss the role stellar dynamical relaxation mechanisms,
and in particular rapid but fragile resonant relaxation, plays in
various modes of activity displayed by massive black holes (MBHs), and
in their formation and evolution. I describe recent breakthroughs in
the understanding of relaxation in the relativistic regime, and apply
them to predict the rates of direct plunges and gravitational wave
emission from inspiralling compact objects, and to model stars around
the MBH of the Milky Way. I show how stellar relaxation can play an
important role in the behavior of circum-nuclear accretion disks, and
apply it to explain the radio observations of the maser disk in
NGC4258. Finally, I discuss how rapid relaxation may play a critical
role in allowing seed MBHs to grow supra-exponentially fast in the
very early universe.
Pulsar Discoveries and their Exploitation
Patrick Lazarus
Pulsars are the rapidly-rotating, highly-magnetized, neutron star remnants of the supernova explosions of massive stars. I will describe how pulsars are found and how they are used in a wide variety of studies of astronomy and physics. In particular, I will focus on the PALFA survey, a search for radio pulsars using the Arecibo Observatory which has found 163 pulsars to date, follow-up analysis of PSR~J1952+2630, a 20.7-ms pulsar in a binary system with a massive white dwarf companion found in the PALFA survey, the improvement in high-precision timing with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope afforded by its new PSRIX data recorder, as well as how studies of the Solar System with pulsars can be used to characterize the International Pulsar Timing Array data set, the largest, most sensitive pulsar timing data set ever assembled.
Probing the isotropy of cosmic acceleration
Lunch Colloquium
Behnam Javanmardi
Based on the cosmological principle, the expansion of the Universe and its acceleration should be statistically equal in all directions. In this talk, I present a method to test the isotropy of the magnitude-redshift relation of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) and single out the most discrepant direction with respect to the all-sky data. To show its potential, we applied our method to the high-redshift SNe Ia from the Union2.1 compilation. We found that though the deviation from isotropy is not significant based on pure signal-to-noise arguments, the most discrepant direction is unexpectedly aligned with the CMB dipole with the 95%-99% confidence level. If this result is not due to a statistical fluke, it might either indicate that the SN data have not been cleaned from all possible systematics or even point towards new physics. (Reference: arXiv:1507.07560)
New Insights from the Optical Study of ‘Spiders’
Main Colloquium
Dr. Rene Breton
University of Southampton
The number of known pulsar binaries belonging to the black widow and
redback subclasses has skyrocketed over the last decade. These
‘spiders’ now offer a number of new opportunities to measure neutron
star masses and study binary evolution not only in the context of
individual systems but also as a population of neutron stars. In this
talk, I will discuss some of the recent results that were obtained from
the optical follow-up of several of these systems. In particular, I will
present some new constraints on the mass of some of these pulsars, the
discovery of secular flux changes in a redback system and the study of
cataclysmic variable black-widow analogue.
Special Colloquium
Dr Ronald Laesker
University of Turku
In this talk, I will present revised scaling relations of masses (MBH)
of Supermassive
Black Holes (BHs) with galaxy and bulge properties, focusing on bulge
masses (Mbul) in
low-mass and late-type galaxies where the bulge is only a minor
component. By means of
HST/WFC3 optical and near-infrared data, we analyzed BH host galaxies
with MBH precisely
known by their nuclear Megamaser emission. Due to the superior image
quality and detailed
analysis techniques, we are able to decompose these complex systems, to
isolate and
parametrize their likely classical bulges apart from pseudobulge and
other disk-like
components. Thus we are able to test whether BH (AGN) feedback is
effective in and
primarily associated with (classical) bulges, irrespective of BH host
morphology at large.
However, we do not find a particularly tight relation between these
systems’ MBH and Mbul,
questioning the universal distinguished role of (classical) bulges in a
co-evolution with their BHs. We also note an apparent offset to lower
MBH on average, when
compared to the MBH - Mbul relation of early-type systems. Finally, the
log-slope of the
augmented MBH - Mbul relation is smaller than unity, in contrast to
predictions of
standard feedback scenarios. Our results demonstrate how nuclear
Megamasers are able to
significantly improve the characterization of BH scaling relations in
this otherwise
hard-to-access and undersampled regime of low masses and late host
morphologies, and
highlight our need for a more detailed and comprehensive theory of the
formation and
growth of BHs.
Five years of RadioAstron: main results from the Space-VLBI imaging projects, and the highest resolution image ever
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Gabriele Bruni
Since its launch in 2011, RadioAstron has been collecting data supported by a global ground array. The three AGN imaging projects based at MPIfR are now starting to produce interesting results, taking advantage of the record angular resolution achievable with space baselines. New details about magnetic fields structure in jets, as well as extreme brightness temperature have been found, questioning our current understanding of how the emission is generated in AGN. I will review these results, and give an update on the mission and the next observing opportunities.
Direct observation of gravitational waves from the merger and inspiral of two black holes
Physics Colloquium
Dr. Bruce Allen
AEI, Hannover
This talk follows the annoucement made on February 11th by the LIGO
Scientific Collaboration. On September 14, 2015, we detected the
gravitational waves emitted by the final few orbits and merger of two
black holes. In this talk, I present the main results, as well as some
of the "behind the scenes" details of the discovery and subsequent
analysis. Reference: B. P. Abbott et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116,
061102, 2016.
Broadband variability study of gamma-ray bright blazar 3C 273
Master Colloquium
Celine Chidiac
Detailed investigation of broadband flux variability in the blazar 3C
273 allows us to probe the location and size of emission regions, and
their physical conditions. The results of the correlation studies of the
flaring activity in 3C 273 observed for a period between 2008 and 2012
are presented. The PSD analysis showed that the optical/IR light curve
slopes are consistent with the slope of white noise processes, while the
slopes at radio, X-ray and γ-ray energies are consistent with the slope
of a red noise process. The variability behaviour is complex, where the
fractional variability depends on the frequency observed. A significant
correlation between the flux variations at γ rays and mm-radio bands
has been found. Using the observed time lag of (110±27) days between
γ-ray and radio light curves where the γ rays are leading the emission
at radio bands, the location of the γ-ray emission region is
constrained at a de-projected distance of (1.2 ± 0.9) pc from the jet
apex. Flux variations at X-ray bands were found to have a significant
correlation with variations at both radio and γ-rays energies. The
correlation between X-ray and γ-ray light curves provides a hint of two
possible time lags, which suggests two components for the X-ray
emission. One X-rayscomponent is emitted closer to the jet apex from a
compact region (0.02-0.05 pc in size), most likely from the corona at a
distance of (0.5±0.4) pc from the jet apex. and the second component
has a jet-based origin at ∼ 4-5 pc from the black hole. The flux
variations at radio frequencies were found to be well correlated with
each other such that the variations at higher frequencies are leading
the lower frequencies, which can be explained in the frame of the
shock-in-jet model.
A status on the IRAM observatories and current developments
Special Colloquium
Dr. Karl Schuster
Director, Institute de Radioastronomie Millimétrique, Grenoble
Both the 30m telescope and NOEMA currently undergo rapid changes in
their capabilities. The current status of the observatories will be
presented including an outline of the adopted science strategy and
related instrumental development programs.
The Radio Time Domain with the Murchison Widefield Array and Beyond
Main Colloquium
Dr. David Kaplan
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Explorations of the radio sky in the time-domain are an exciting
frontier in astrophysics, and one where new observational capabilities
will open up new windows on the universe. As one of a new generation of
widefield, low-frequency radio telescopes, the Murchison Widefield Array
has enormous potential to conduct blind searches for radio transients.
We are working to develop capabilities for the MWA that will continue to
serve the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Variables
and Slow Transients (VAST), eventually allowing real-time transient
detection and characterization. I will discuss the expected types of
sources that we hope to discover with the full array, explore some of
our initial results, and highlight plans for the next generation of
Structure of the ISM in the extreme environment of LMC/30 Doradus.
Special Colloquium
Mélanie Chevance
CEA Orsay
I will present a far-infrared (FIR) view of the extreme star-forming
region 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The 30 Doradus
region offers the best laboratory to examine the interplay between
stellar activity and a metal-poor interstellar medium (ISM). The main
stellar source of radiation is provided by the closest example of a
super star cluster, R136, while the ISM is half-solar metallicity. The
proximity of 30Dor (50kpc) makes it possible to study gas and dust over
large scales in this dramatic environment. The new Herschel/PACS and
SPIRE/FTS observation of far infrared (FIR) fine structure lines,
combined with Spitzer/IRS spectroscopic maps, are used to constrain the
physical conditions in the photo-dissociation regions (PDR) with the
Meudon PDR code (Le Petit et al., 2006). This allows us to construct a
comprehensive, self-consistent picture of the density, radiation field,
and ISM structure. We quantify the effect of intense radiation field on
this low metallicity ISM. In particular, we bring constraints to the
fraction of molecular dark gas not traced by CO, the so-called
“CO-dark gas”. Our follow-up observations with ALMA will reveal the
CO and [CI] structures at 0.1pc scales. This spatially resolved study
the star formation activity and the PDR/molecular gas aims at
identifying and calibrating the specific diagnostic tracers such as
[CII], [CI] and CO that can be used to characterize unresolved high
redshift galaxies.
Special Colloquium
Dr. Bruce Allen
AEI, Hannover
Radio Science and Technology at the MIT Haystack Observatory
Special Colloquium
Dr. Colin Lonsdale
MIT/Haystack Observatory
The research enterprise at Haystack spans a wide range of science and
technology topics. These include radio astronomy from HF frequencies to
sub-millimeter wavelengths, employing angular resolutions from degrees
to tens of microarcseconds. Various studies target atmospheric science,
comprehensive studies of the geospace environment, the genesis of space
weather, and nonthermal solar emissions. Geodetic VLBI and GPS
techniques are used in an operational setting, as well as to support
scientific investigations into cryosphere dynamics and earth deformation
phenomena. The Observatory develops advanced radio array architectures
both for passive receive and active radar applications, including high
speed voltage recording and data processing systems for VLBI and other
applications, systems for radio sensing on small satellite platforms,
and a rapidly developing astro and geo informatics program concentrating
on machine-aided discovery techniques. Haystack also hosts major
research instruments including a 37-meter telescope with ~70 micron rms
surface accuracy, and a multi-megawatt class incoherent scatter radar
An overview of the Haystack operation and future plans will be presented
in the context of evolving technological and scientific landscapes, and
associated collaborative opportunities.
Effects of embedded planets in protoplanetary disks: Models vs. Observations
Special Colloquium
Dr Paola Pinilla
Leiden Observatory
Transition disks are protoplanetary disks with inner dust cavities and
they may reveal an intermediate step of the ongoing disk dispersal
process, where planet formation might happen. The recent gas and dust
observations of transition disks have given major support to the idea
that clearing by planet(s) is the primary cause for the origin of the
cavities in transition disks. In this talk I will present gas and dust
evolution models of transition disks, and I will show the different
structures that disks can have (rings, vortices, spiral arms) when a
planet or multiple planets are embedded in the disk. Moreover, I will
connect these results with recent SPHERE/VLT and ALMA observations of
some of these disks, e.g. J160421, HD 100546, SR 21, and HD 135344B.
Population modeling of blazars: Connecting theory with observations in the struggle to look behind the relativistic effects
Lunch Colloquium
Iannis Liodakis
University of Crete, Greece (student visitor at the MPIfR)
Blazars are some of the most active and mysterious of galaxies with their intrinsic properties shrouded by relativistic effects due to the alignment of their jet to our line of sight. We parametrize the variability using a novel method that treats every outbursting event individually. The method provides accurate estimates of the variability parameters and allows different mechanisms to be operating in the same source and even observing frequency. From this we compute variability Doppler factor (i.e. the amount of the relativistic boosting) using the multi-wavelength radio light curves of the F-GAMMA program. We have constructed a realistic AGN population model which is used to produce all the relevant observables that are subsequently compared to the observed parameters. We will show that the multi-wavelength variability Doppler factors can adequately describe the blazar populations and are the most accurate method yet. We will then use these estimates to clear the fog or the relativistic effects and look straight in the heart of their central engines.
Comparing Simulations and Observations of Star Formation through Experimental Design
Special Colloquium
Eric Koch
University of Alberta
Star formation is governed by a complex mix of physical
processes; turbulent flows, magnetic fields, and gravitation are
to be the dominant effects. Determining the importance of each physical
parameter requires disentangling their nonlinear interactions, which
only be studied through numerical simulations. While many groups have
made high-quality simulations of the star formation process, it remains
unclear how to compare the results of these high resolution simulations
of star-forming regions to observational data. A method evaluating the
consistency of simulations with reality is crucial. I will show how the
statistical sub-field of experimental design suggests a general
framework for comparing simulations and observations. Using a carefully
constructed suite of simulations, I will demonstrate how this framework
can be used to test different tools for comparing datasets. This
which methods reliably track changes in physical parameters, such as
variations in the initial magnetic field, the virial parameter, or the
fraction of kinetic energy found in compressive vs solenoidal modes.
analysis finds that turbulence-based methods, such as the Spectral
Correlation Function and Delta-Variance, tend to be the most sensitive
tools for comparing simulations with observational data.
Cleaning up the Mysteries of Star Formation with Ammonia
Main Colloquium
Dr. Erik Rosolowsky
University of Alberta
The star formation process is intimately linked to dense
molecular gas. Extragalactic studies reveal that the luminosity of the
dense gas is well correlated with the star formation rate in a system,
though recent results point out that there are multiple parameters in
this relationship. At smaller physical scales in our own Galaxy, we
study the foundation of these broad trends by linking the structure of
dense gas to actual process of star formation occurring in cores and
clumps. In this talk, I will outline the unique properties of ammonia
as a dense gas tracer and summarize several studies that leverage these
properties. In particular, I will emphasize new results from the GBT
Ammonia Survey (GAS) that highlight the ubiquity of quiescent cores and
probe the connection of between cores and clouds. I will then connect
those results to follow-up studies in the Galactic plane that
how we can bootstrap our knowledge up to larger scales.
Toward the Dynamical Classification of Galaxies: Principal Component Analysis of SAURON and CALIFA circular velocity curves
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Veselina Kalinova
Circular velocity curves (CVCs) are considered one of the best tools to
trace the mass distributions of galaxies. There are several indicators
that the shape of the CVC, in addition to its overall amplitude, is
connected to galaxy properties and internal structure. Studying 82
galaxies with diversity in morphological types, we present a dynamical
classification system for galaxies based on their circular velocity
curves as provided by solutions of the axisymmetric Jeans equations. We
applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the CVCs to find
characteristics features and use k-means classifier to separate
curves into classes. This objective classification method identifies
four different classes, which we name Slow-Rising (SR), Flat (F),
Sharp-Peaked (SP) and Round-Peaked (RP) circular curves. SR-CVCs are
mostly represented by late-type spiral galaxies (Scd-Sd) with no
prominent spheroids in the central parts and slowly rising velocities;
F-CVCs span almost all morphological types (E,S0,Sab,Sb-Sbc) with flat
velocity profiles at almost all radii; SP-CVCs are represented by
early-type and early-type spiral galaxies (E,S0,Sb-Sbc) with prominent
spheroids and sharp peaks in the central velocities. RP-CVCs are
represented by only two morphological types (E,Sa-Sab) with prominent
spheroids, but RP-CVCs have much rounder peaks in the central
than SP-CVCs. RP-CVCs are typical for high-mass galaxies, while SR-CVCs
are found for low-mass galaxies. Intermediate-mass galaxies usually
F-CVCs and SP-CVCs. Circular curve classification presents an
alternative to typical morphological classification and seems more
tightly linked to galaxy's star formation, dark matter content and
The ALMA Phasing Project
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Helge Rottmann
The ALMA Phasing Project (APP) is an international effort that provides
the means to coherently sum all of the individual ALMA antennas,
allowing them to function as a single large aperture. This capability
will allow ALMA to participate in global Very Long Baseline
Interferometry (VLBI) networks operating in the mm and submm regime,
offering a dramatic improvement in sensitivity and resolution. Apart
from VLBI, phased-ALMA will provide exciting new science capabilities in
other fields, e.g., pulsar and maser searches, magnetic field studies
and many others. I will present the current status of the project
including results from the latest commissioning missions.
The Dance of Stars in Galactic Nuclei
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Michela Mapelli
NAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy
Super-massive black holes (SMBHs) give us a unique opportunity to study astrophysical processes under extreme conditions. The innermost parsecs around an SMBH should be a hostile environment for star formation. Molecular clouds are expected to be disrupted by the SMBH's tidal shear before they approach the central parsec. Thus, stars cannot form in 'normal conditions', even if the SMBH is quiescent. Despite this, we DO observe young (<<100 Myr) stars in the central parsec of our Galaxy. Furthermore, several observations suggest recent episodes of star formation in nearby galactic nuclei. Modelling the formation and the dynamical evolution of such young stars is an essential step to understand the interplay between an SMBH and its environment. In this talk, I will discuss the most recent scenarios proposed to explain the formation of stars close to SMBHs. I will show that the orbital evolution of the young stars can be used to probe the distribution of gas in the innermost parsecs of a galaxy. Finally, I will speculate on the chance of observing planets bound to SMBHs.
A Decade of Space Asteroseismology
Main Colloquium
Dr. Conny Aerts
Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven
After a basic introduction on how asteroseismology works in practice,
illustrate its application to various kinds of stars, covering the mass
from exoplanet host stars up to massive O-type stars. We show how
oscillation modes allow us to understand details of the interior
structure of
stars that are impossible to unravel in any other way. The talk will
focus on the
major questions of how stars rotate internally and what type of angular
distribution they have. We end by summarizing ongoing and future
projects on
asteroseismology of stars that were so far not treated and highlight
potential of the Gaia and future PLATO data for this research domain.
Astrophysical Application of Wavelet Transforms
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Rodion Stepanov
Wavelet transform (WT) presents a kind of ‘local’ Fourier
allowing us to isolate a given structure in physical space and in the
Fourier space simultaneously. A basic algorithm for 2D continuous WT
been developed as application for the "Wolfram Mathematica" package.
The code has a graphical interface and is available on an MPIfR server.
Outline of the talk:
- Brief introduction to wavelets and general purposes of its
- Presentation of a practical application of continuous wavelet
transform of two-dimensional image data, using different isotropic and
anisotropic wavelet functions
- General recipes how to use WT for filtration, in particular for
spectral and correlation analysis, 2D structure recognition including
anisotropic structures
- Demonstration of wavelet transform results for artificial examples
real data of astrophysical observations.
Formation and Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds: Gravity or Turbulence?
Main Colloquium
Dr. Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
American Museum of Natural History
Star formation in galaxies is observed to occur in molecular clouds.
However, the origins and evolution of these clouds remains unclear,
impeding the construction of a predictive theory of star formation.
Indeed, the necessity of molecules for star formation has come into
question, as it becomes clear that their formation may just be a side
effect of star formation, correlated with gravitational collapse but not
causing it. In this talk I will present kiloparsec-scale, well-resolved,
MHD simulations of the stratified, supernova-driven, interstellar medium
performed with the Flash code. I will use the results of these
simulations to argue that gravitational collapse rather than any sort of
turbulent equilibrium determines the dynamics of molecular clouds, with
a focus on the relationships between size, velocity dispersion, and
surface density of the clouds.
Dissecting the cosmic infrared background using the new generation of large (sub)millimeter single-dish antenna
Lunch Colloquium
Dr Benjamin Magnelli
In this talk, I will first review our current knowledge on the nature of
the cosmic infrared background (CIB). In particular, I will explain how
resolving most of the CIB at short wavelengths with Spitzer and
Herschel, has improved our understanding of the cosmic dust-enshrouded
star-formation activities from z~0 to z~1. However, our knowledge on the
nature of galaxies responsible for the CIB at large wavelengths (lambda
>250um) is still limited. I will then discuss how resolving the CIB at
such wavelengths would give us essential information on the Universe at
z>2 and how the next generation of large (sub)millimeter single-dish
antenna could help us in this quest.
Bert, Ernie, and Big Bird: Blazars as possible sources of IceCube PeV neutrinos
Special Colloquium
Felicia Krauß
Dr. Remeis Sternwarte, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The IceCube Collaboration has published results on a neutrino flux
significantly in excess of the atmospheric background. Due to low
atmospheric background at PeV energies, the highest energy events are
the most likely ones to be of extraterrestrial origin. We use broadband
spectra in the IceCube integration period to calculate the maximum
expected number of neutrinos assuming a simple pion photoproduction
model. We find a flaring blazar in positional and temporal agreement
with the highest-energy neutrino event. With this information we derive
the expected hadronic contribution to the high-energy emission.