Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks: the First Step Towards Planet Formation
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Laura Perez
The growth of dust inside circumstellar disks is a fundamental component
of the planet formation process. In the current planet formation
scenario the smallest grains easily grow to larger sizes, but once
macroscopic sizes are attained difficulty arises: not only collisional
coagulation efficiencies drop, but
the interaction of grains with the gaseous disk contributes to their
demise by radial drift. Radio-wave
observations -- from sub-mm to cm wavelengths -- directly trace the
emission from dust of different sizes, allowing us to study their growth
from micron-sized dust grains to centimeter-sized particles. I will
discuss recent observational constraints of particle growth in
protoplanetary disks, which are only now
possible thanks to sensitive observations with radio-interferometers,
particularly at cm-wavelengths with the VLA. In the systems studied,
larger particles where segregated to the inner disk regions, consistent
with theoretical theoretical barriers that limit further growth. A
possible solution to to the posited barriers for growth exist: regions
of local pressure maxima that can efficiently trap grains and create
appropriate conditions for growth. I will present recent ALMA
observations that reveal large-scale
asymmetries in the disk dust distribution, which may be the
observational signature of these regions.
Massive Star Formation Through The Universe
Special Colloquium
Prof Jonathan Tan
Massive stars have played a dominant role in shaping our universe since
its earliest
times, but there is no consensus on the mechanism by which they form. I
review the
physical processes thought to be important in massive star formation,
concentrating on
a particular theoretical model, Turbulent Core Accretion. This assumes
the initial
conditions are massive, turbulent, magnetized cloud cores of gas and
dust that are
reasonably close to virial equilibrium. We test this via theoretical
models and
simulations of the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium and
searches for these cores. We next consider the protostellar collapse
phase as a
massive star grows from the core. Various forms of feedback become
important in
reducing the efficiency of accretion, although it is not clear if one
mechanism operates to set a fundamental limit on the maximum stellar
mass. Again,
these theoretical ideas can be tested by observations of massive stars
forming in our
Galaxy today. Finally, I discuss an application of massive star
formation theory to
the early universe: how massive were the first stars and could they
been the
progenitors of supermassive black holes?
Star formation and AGN activity in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Dr. Rubén Herrero-Illana
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC), Granada, Spain
The violent processes that take place in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
(LIRGs) make them the ideal laboratories where to study both star
formation and active galactic. These two processes are in fact
intimately linked, and are both fuelled by molecular gas. In this talk I
will explain several results obtained from different approaches:
millimetre observations of molecular spectral lines, a multi-wavelength
study of the central kiloparsec region of LIRGs, and especially, radio
VLBI observations, which allows us to directly study the interplay
between nuclear starbursts and AGN.
Probing solar and stellar interiors by helio- and asteroseismology
Main Colloquium
Dr Markus Roth
Kiepenheuer Institute
The Sun is subject to sound waves that probe its interior. Observations
of these solar oscillations have emerged as a powerful tool to gain
information on the processes in the Sun.
Through helioseismology detailed inferences of the Sun's internal
structure, rotation and flows can be obtained. In addition
helioseismology allows studying sunspots and other magnetic active areas
on the Sun which have an important impact on our technological society
through the potentially harmful solar eruptions and which may play a
significant role in the variations of the Earth’s climate.
However, a complete understanding of the Sun, and in particular of its
magnetism, can only be obtained by understanding the internal structure
and properties of the stars in general.
Asteroseismology offers solving this problem by studying the interiors
of the stars.
Black hole accretion and wind in the Galactic center
Special Colloquium
Dr. Feng Yuan
Black hole hot accretion flows are perhaps operating in the nuclei of
most of the galaxies in our universe. In this talk, I will review the
main progress in recent years in this field, which is about the wind or
outflow. The progresses are mainly attributed to the rapid development
of numerical simulations of accretion flows, combined with the
observations of Sgr A*, the supermassive balck hole in the Galactice
center. The following topics will be covered: theoretically why we
believe strong winds exist; where and how they are produced and
accelerated; what are their main properties such as mass flux and
velocity; the comparison of the properties between wind and jet; the
main observational evidences for wind, mainly from Sgr A*; and one
observational manifestation of the interaction between wind and
interstellar medium, namely the formation of the Fermi bubbles in the
Galactic center.
Searching for pulsar-black hole systems in the Galactic Centre
Lunch Colloquium
Pablo Torne
Despite the predictions that many hundreds of pulsars should exist in
the innermost part of the Galaxy, repeated pulsar surveys in the
Galactic Centre have been (surprisingly) unsuccessful. However, the
undeniable importance of finding pulsars in the Galactic Centre justify
further and continuous efforts to survey this region. In this talk, I
will briefly introduce pulsars, their importance for Galactic Centre
studies, and past surveys. I will discuss the main challenges for
surveying the Galactic Centre and what have we learnt from the
radio-loud magnetar discovered there in 2013. Finally, two ongoing
high-frequency Galactic Centre pulsar surveys carried out with the
Effelsberg 100m and IRAM 30m radio telescopes will be presented, which
include acceleration search to be sensitive to the most extreme
pulsar-back hole systems, and make use of the highest radio
ever used for such surveys.
Eta Carinae: New information . . . even more mysteries
Special Colloquium
Dr. Theodore Gull
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA
We have intensively followed the massive binary, Eta Carinae, and its
bipolar ejecta, the Homunculus, over the past 5.5-year cycle: — With HST/STIS, we mapped expanding fossil wind structures in the
light of [Fe III] and [Fe II] as they responded to the hot secondary
FUV for most of the cycle, and relaxed in ionization when the hot secondary
plunged deeply into the very extended primary wind during periastron. — We followed the changes in He II 4686A emission across the 2014.6
periastron and find that, even though Eta Carinae is several times
brighter over the last three cycles, the properties of the binary winds
have not changed substantially. — With VLT/XShooter, we mapped the Homunculus in molecular hydrogen
and found substructures that provide clues about the 1840s massive
ejection. This is especially relevant given two recent astroph papers describing
two possible scenarios leading to the 1840s massive event. Finally we present 3D print models of the Homunculus molecular hydrogen
shell and of the interacting winds .. . . Made from 3D print files attached to refereed journal articles, these
models prove to be both research tools and educational tools for
understanding this complex system.
The HI and H2 gas content and sub-mm line emission of galaxies over cosmic time
Main Colloquium
Dr. Gergö Popping
The star-formation activity of our Universe increased from early epochs
(z~6), peaked around z=2, and then decreased by an order of magnitude
until present age. To fully appreciate the physical origin of the
star-formation activity of our Universe we need to focus on the gas
content of galaxies over cosmic time. The most recent versions of
cosmological models of galaxy formation explicitly include the detailed
tracking of the atomic and molecular hydrogen content of galaxies and
make predictions for the sub-mm lines emission from species such as CO,
HCN, [CII]. New semi-empirical approaches provide data-driven
predictions for the atomic and molecular gas content of galaxies. I will
discuss the predictions made by these different types of models for the
HI and H2 content of galaxies and their sub-mm line emission. These
predictions include a weak evolution in the HI content and HI mass
function of galaxies, strong evolution in the H2 content of galaxies,
the weak evolution in the cosmic density of HI, the evolution of atomic
and molecular gas in dark matter haloes, CO SLEDs of galaxies over
cosmic time, and predictions for CO luminosity functions. I will compare
these predictions to current observational samples, discuss future
observing strategies, and will also demonstrate how the combination of
cosmological and semi- empirical models can help to reveal caveats in
our understanding of galaxy formation.
A new view of the physics of energetic binary systems: from cm-VLBI to m-VLBI
Special Colloquium
Dr. Javier Moldón
Some binary systems, from X-ray binaries to transitional millisecond
pulsars, produce outflows of relativistic particles that can be detected
and studied through the whole electromagnetic spectrum from
low-frequency radio emission to very-high-energy gamma-ray emission,
which makes them excellent natural physical laboratories. We want to
understand how energy can be produced and transported so efficiently in
these systems, how their energy budget is channeled away from the
system, and to describe their population in the Galaxy. To answer these
questions we need to push the
limits of observational radio astronomy and explore new territory, as I
will illustrate with two projects. First, we are using the revolutionary
capabilities of the International LOFAR telescope to obtain
low-frequency high-resolution VLBI images for the first time. I will
show results for bright extragalactic jets that we are using to test and
develop low-frequency VLBI. Second, accurate astrometry is fundamental
to study any Galactic population. I will show how accurate VLBI
astrometry can help us
understand binary systems, and what are we doing to better plan and
conduct long-term astrometric projects in the future. In summary, we are
applying and developing state-of-the-art radio techniques to open new
observational windows to explore relevant physical regimes. The
scientific and technical
outputs of these projects will have a significant impact in the
exploitation of SKA during the next decades.
Opacity broadening and interpretation of suprathermal CO linewidths: Macroscopic Turbulence and Tangled Molecular Clouds
Special Colloquium
Dr. Alvaro Hacar
Institute for Astrophysics, Univ. of Vienna
Since their discovery in the early 70's, the carbon monoxide
(12CO) and its less abundant isotopologues (13CO, C18O, C17O,...) have
been regularly employed as tracers of the molecular structure and gas
dynamics of the ISM in both local and extragalactic studies. Already in
these first observations, the ground transitions of molecules like 12CO
and 13CO were recognized by presenting broad linewidths that highly
exceed those expected thermal FWHM at the typical gas at temperatures of
10-20K measured within GMCs. In addition to the Larson's velocity
dispersion-size relationship, these suprathermal linewidths represent
the observational foundation of the prevalent paradigm of the turbulent
ISM. Typically overlooked in this description are the differential
opacity broadening effects on the distinct CO lines. Combining
large-scale observations of the three main CO isotopologue (i.e. 12CO,
13CO, and C18O) in different regions of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, we
have investigated the evolution of the observed linewidths in each of
these tracers as a function of their optical depths. Our results
demonstrate that most of the apparently highly supersonic 12CO
linewidths reported in clouds can be explain by the combination of
multiple (tran-)sonic velocity components superposed along the
line-of-sight, heavily saturated in the most abundant CO isotopologues.
During my talk I will discuss the relevance of these findings in our
current turbulent picture of molecular clouds. Reference: Hacar A.,
Alves, J., Burkert, A., & Goldsmith, P., 2015, submitted to A&A
Fundamental Roles of Magnetohydrodynamics in the M87 Jet
Special Colloquium
Masanori Nakamura
Properties of relativistic jets are discussed from the event horizion to
the galaxy cluster scales. Semi-analytical solutions and numerical
simulations of MHD outflows give us a crucial understanding, but the nature of AGN
jets needs to be considered in a realistic galactic environment. Multi-wave
length observations provide key parameters on the BH accretion and jet
dynamics in nearby LLAGNs. We argue M87, one of the most studied radio galaxies,
in terms of 1) the jet formation from a spinning BH, the jet
spine-sheath structure, the acceleration and collimation, superluminal motions, and
the jet break as various MHD processes.
Multi-wavelength polarimetric studies of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei
Special Colloquium
Ms. Carolina Casadio
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC), Granada, Spain
With the aim of understanding more about the location and mechanisms for
the production of gamma-ray emission in jets of AGN, we performed
multi-wavelength studies of the blazar CTA102 and the radio galaxy 3C120
during unprecedented gamma-ray flares for both sources. We also
investigated the radio galaxies M87 and its peculiar feature HST-1,
being a possible candidate, together with the core, for the very high
energy events occurred in M87. Despite representing very different classes of AGN, the radio galaxy
3C120 and the blazar CTA102 have similar properties during gamma-ray
events. The gamma-ray flares are associated with the passage of a new
superluminal knot through the mm VLBI core, but not all ejections of new
components lead to gamma-ray events. In both sources gamma-ray events
occurred only when the new components are moving in a direction closer
to our line of sight. We locate the gamma-ray dissipation zone a short
distance downstream of the radio core but outside of the broad line
region, suggesting synchrotron self-Compton scattering as the probable
mechanism for the gamma-ray production. In addition, during the
multi-wavelength outburst observed in CTA102, the optical polarized
emission displayed intra-day variability and a clear clockwise rotation
of the polarization vectors, which we associate with the path followed
by the knot as it moves along helical magnetic field lines. A monitoring of the radio galaxy M87 with VLBA and EVN observations gave
us the opportunity to follow the evolution of HST-1 during many years,
resulting formed by subcomponents that move at superluminal speeds.
Comparing observations with relativistic hydrodynamic simulations we
obtained that HST-1 may be a decollimation shock that emits and then
become visible only when new particles cross that region and are
accelerated in the shock front.
The LOFAR Reionization Key Science Project: Current Status
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Leon Koopmans
Groningen University
The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is currently the most sensitive low
frequency array in the world, in
part designed to detect the feeble 21-cm emission of neutral hydrogen
from redshifts between
z=11 and z=6, an era called the "Epoch of Reionization" (EoR). During
the EoR the first
(Pop III and II) stars not only ionized neutral hydrogen, but also
caused radiative/mechanical feedback, enriched the ISM/IGM with metals,
formed galaxies and black holes, etc. The EoR forms the foundation for
much of what we see in the present-day Universe. I will review the
LOFAR EoR Key Science Project that we are currently undertaking to
detect this 21-cm emission, to quantify it, and to learn about new
physical processes in the infant universe.
Magnetic fields in large-scale structures
Main Colloquium
Dr. Valentina Vacca
A detailed knowledge of magnetic fields in the large-scale structure of
the Universe is crucial to better understand cosmic magnetism. In the
last decade, significant progress has been made in the characterization
of the properties of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters, mainly from the
study of radio halos and Faraday rotation measures of polarized radio
galaxies located inside or behind these clusters. In principle, more
tighten constraints on the magnetic field origin and
evolution could be obtained from the study of the magnetic fields on
larger scales, i.e., in filaments, voids, and sheets, before they are
affected by cluster formation processes.
During this talk I will give an overview on the present knowledge of
intracluster magnetic fields and I will present a new statistical
approach to study magnetic fields on large scales, with the rotation
measure grid data that will be obtained with the new generation of radio
High velocity stars from close interaction of a globular cluster and super-massive black holes
Lunch Colloquium
Giacomo Fragione
La Sapienza University, Rome
"High velocity stars" are stars moving at velocities so high to
require an acceleration mechanism involving binary systems or the
presence of a massive central black hole. In the frame of a galaxy
hosting a supermassive black hole (10^8 Msun), we investigated a
mechanism for
the production of high velocity stars between a massive, orbitally
decayed, globular cluster and the supermassive black hole. Moreover, the
case of close interaction between a globular cluster and a black hole
(of total mass 10^8 Msun) is taken into account. The high velocity
acquired by some stars, originally orbiting around the cluster, comes
from the transfer of gravitational binding energy into kinetic energy.
After the close interaction with the massive black hole(s), stars could
reach a velocity sufficient to travel across the halo, or even overcome
the galactic gravitational well, while some of them are just stripped
from the globular cluster and start orbiting on precessing loops around
the galactic centre.
The MeerKAT - status and plans
Special Colloquium
Prof. Justin Jonas
Rhodes University
The MeerKAT is a Precursor for SKA MID and is currently under
construction at the Karoo. The array will comprise 64 Gregorian offset
antennas with a projected diameter of 13.5m. The array configuration
centrally concentrated, and the maximum baseline is 8km. Currently
three receivers (including the MPIfR S-band receiver) are under
development for MeerKAT, covering the frequency range 580 MHz to 3.5
GHz, but the antennas have a surface accuracy that will allow operation
to ~20 GHz. The point-source sensitivity of the array will exceed that
of the JVLA in its B, C and D configurations. Ten large legacy surveys
have been allocated observing time on MeerKAT, and the science case
be refreshed after a science workshop in May 2016.
The talk will outline the science and technical specifications, design
process and physical implementation of the MeerKAT and associated
infrastructure. The deployment schedule will be presented, together
with plans for the scientific exploitation of the telescope.
Structure of nuclei of extragalactic radio sources and the link with GAIA
Special Colloquium
Prof. Jacques Roland
Institut d'Astrophysique, Paris, France
I will discuss the nature and the properties of the plasma ejected by
the nuclei
of extragalactic radio sources and present how we can determine the
of their nuclei using VLBI data. VLBI observations show that nuclei of
radio sources contain binary black hole (BBH) systems and I will show
the link between
the characteristics of the BBH systems and the RMS time series
of the ICRF2 survey. To finish, I will discuss the consequences of
linking VLBI observations
to GAIA observations.
Galaxy clusters at the lowest frequencies: radio halo and relics
Main Colloquium
Dr. Francesco de Gasperin
Universität Hamburg
In the first part of my talk I will present the recent study of some
merging galaxy clusters made with GMRT and VLA, focusing on the
phenomena of radio halos, radio relics, radio phoenixes and on their
interplay. The LOFAR LBA (low band antenna) norther sky survey will
start in a few months. To show the potential of this survey I will
present the LOFAR LBA system which is capable of observing at 30-70 MHz.
Observing at these frequencies is extremely challenging and several new
techniques are being developed to deal with ionospheric induced
systematic errors. I will conclude presenting some preliminary LOFAR
observations of galaxy clusters.
SKA as Piggyback on Solar Power Towers?
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Alan Roy
The growing global investment in renewable energy has lead to the
construction of enormous areas of solar concentrators, all of which lie
idle at night. They have surface accuracies sufficient for efficient
operation at gigahertz frequencies and so far four square
kilometres of collecting area are operating in the form of solar power
towers, which form a point focus convenient for installing a radio
Following contact from Gemasolar in Spain, a few of us have been
thinking how one might combine signals from their mirror field
to form a single dish or interferometric array with equivalent diameter
of 620 m. I will present some thoughts so far and ideas from the floor
are welcome.
Prospects of measuring the Lense-Thirring precession in the Double Pulsar
Master Colloquium
Marcel Kehl
This month we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s
General Relativity. His theory is a cornerstone of modern physics and
astrophysics. It is used to describe the effects of gravity in a broad
range of physical systems. To be confident that our theory applies in
these regimes, we have to perform precise tests. One of the best
we know for testing General Relativity in the quasi-stationary
strong-field regime is the Double Pulsar. This system has already
provided unique tests for the validity of General Relativity. In my
talk, I will focus on the future capabilities of this system in the SKA
era using mock data simulations. In particular, I will discuss the
prospects of testing quantitatively the Lense-Thirring effect for the
first time outside the Solar system. Such a measurement provides a
chance to constrain the moment of inertia of the neutron star PSR
J0737-3039A and to restrict the equations of state for nuclear matter
ultra high densities. I will also address the role of several external
contributions that have to be accounted for achieving this goal.
Black Hole Lightning from the Peculiar Gamma-ray loud AGN IC 310
Special Colloquium
Dr. Dorit Glawion
Universität Würzburg
The AGN IC 310 has been identified as a gamma-ray emitter based on
observations at very high energies (VHE, E > 100 GeV) with the MAGIC
telescopes. Despite IC 310 having been classified as a radio galaxy
the jet observed at an angle > 10 degrees, it exhibits a mixture of
multiwavelength properties of a radio galaxy and a blazar, possibly
making it a transitional object. On the night of 12/13th of November
2012, the MAGIC telescopes observed a series of strong outbursts from
the direction of IC 310 with flux-doubling time scales faster than 5
and a peculiar spectrum spreading over two orders of magnitude. Such
fast variability constrains the size of the emission region to be
smaller than 20% of the gravitational radius of its central black hole
possibly allowing us to probe the alleged region of jet formation. In
fact, the measurement challenges the shock acceleration models,
used in explanation of gamma-ray radiation from active galaxies. Here,
will show that this emission can be associated with pulsar-like
acceleration by the electric field across a magnetospheric gap at the
base of the jet.
Internal and relative motions in Taurus and Ophiuchus
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Laurent Loinard
Combining radial velocities taken from the literature with
trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions measured
with radio interferometers, we measured the complete
3D velocity vectors for a sample of young stars in the Taurus
and Ophiuchus regions. We use them to investigate both
their internal dynamics and the relative motion between
the two regions. We find evidence for a significant large-scale
rotation in Taurus, but no evidence for global collapse or
expansion. We also find that Taurus and Ophiuchus are
moving almost exactly away and must have been very near
each other about 25 Myr ago. This suggests a common origin,
presumably related to the local Galactic structure known as
Gould's Belt.
Probing the earliest stage of protostellar evolution
Special Colloquium
Dr. Naomi Hirano
The object formed at the beginning of the star formation process, the
first hydrostatic core (FHSC), has been predicted theoretically.
Because of its short time scale, deeply embedded nature, and low
luminosity, it is not easy to confirm the FHSC observationally. To
date, only a handful sources are
recognized as the candidates for FHSC. Two sources in the Barnard 1b
(B1-b) core are bright in submm/mm wave ranges but dark in mid-IR even
in the Spitzer MIPS 24 and 70 micron bands. The physical and chemical
properties of these two sources have been studied with the single-dish
and interferometer in the wave range from 7 mm to 0.85 mm. The very low
dust temperatures of
T_dust < 20 K, the low bolometric luminosities of 0.15--0.31 L_sun, the
high D/H ratio of ~0.2, and low velocity molecular outflows imply that
these two sources in the B1-b core are in an earlier evolutionary stage
than most of the known class 0 protostars. Especially, the properties of
the northern source, B1-bN, having an internal luminosity of <
0.01--0.03 L_sun, agree with those of the FHSC predicted by the
numerical simulations.
Main Colloquium
Dr. Jim Hinton
MPI, Heidelberg
Relativistic spin-precession in the young binary pulsar J1906+0746
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Gregory Desvignes
PSR J1906+0746 is a young relativistic pulsar (discovered by the Arecibo
radio telescope in 2005) in a 4-hr orbit, most likely around another
neutron star. Here we report the measurement of relativistic spin-precession, an
effect known to occur when the pulsar spin axis is misaligned with
respect to the orbital angular momentum vector, that makes our line of
sight cut different part of the radio beam. Using observations from the
Arecibo, Green Bank and Nancay radio telescopes from 2005 to 2009, we
detected severe pulse profile variations, leading towards the
disappearance of the pulsar from our line of sight. Modeling the
polarimetric data to the Rotating Vector Model (RVM), we determined the
geometry of the system and confirmed that our line of sight is moving
away from the center of the pulsar's radio beam. We also derived a
tentative model for the radio beam shape and made predictions for its
Probing the early Universe with sub-millimeter observations of extremely luminous QSOs
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Amy Kimball
CASS, Sydney
I will present ALMA observations of some of the most luminous
objects (QSOs) known, investigating their far-infrared emission and
an extremely broad and luminous double-peaked [CII] line in a QSO at
z=4.6. The parent sample was compiled from multi-wavelength sky survey
with which we were able to identify the most luminous (unobscured) QSOs
the Universe. Of over 100,000 broad-line quasars identified in the
SDSS, just
90 have bolometric luminosities greater than 10^14 solar luminosities
(as or
more luminous than the most luminous obscured quasars currently known).
We are for the first time determining the far-infrared continuum of this
luminous population. In addition, an unusually broad [CII] line
observed in one
target suggests a massive rotating disk in place at redshift z=4.6, with
for the high-redshift M-sigma relation.
Physical Conditions in the Central Molecular Zone
Master Colloquium
Aida Ahmadi
The Galactic center is an excellent laboratory for studying a galactic
nucleus at high spatial resolutions. The molecular gas in the inner ~
500 pc of the Galaxy, called the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), is
different from the gas found in the disk of the Galaxy. In the CMZ, the
gas is on average much hotter, denser, and more turbulent. Due to the
existence of a thin, warm, and diffuse intercloud medium in the CMZ,
surveys of CO fail to tell us much about the morphology of individual
gas clumps. Therefore, it has been evident for some time that to
understand the physical conditions in this region, surveys in rarer,
less abundant molecules are required. We have combined molecular line
spectra from the Mopra telescope at 3-mm with observations of 14
using the APEX telescope in the sub-mm regime in order to cover
lines in a few molecular species.
We modelled several lines in H2CO, C3H2, HC3N, H13CO+, HN13C, and HNC
with RADEX under non-LTE conditions and derived constraints on the gas
temperatures and densities in these regions. We find high gas
temperatures in the range of ~ 90 - 140 K, much higher than the average
dust temperature of 20 K derived from Herschel maps of the CMZ. This
decoupling between the gas and dust temperatures would mean that the
is not heated by collisions with dust and some other heating mechanism
must exist in the Galactic center. We find gas densities higher than
6X10^4 cm^-3 and will also briefly discuss discrepancies between the
gas-derived and dust-derived densities.
AGN-driven winds and ionized clouds moving along the jet in PKS 0521-365
Lunch Colloquium
Eric Jiménez-Andrade
I present some results related with my master thesis in collaboration
with the AGN’s group at INAOE (Mexico). We carried out an
observational study of PKS 0521-365 by using optical spectroscopy
(FORS2, VLT) and high-resolution imaging (WFC2/HST). We find signatures
of ionized clouds along the jet direction moving at ~100 km/s in a
helicoidal fashion and extending beyond to 20 kpc. Along the direction
of the major axis we detect an outflow moving with a maximum projected
velocity of ~400 km/s (at 3 kpc). We discuss our results on the context
of AGN feedback and galaxy evolution.
A survey of Formaldehyde in the Galactic plane
Master Colloquium
Hans Nguyen
The main of objective of the GLOSTAR survey is to provide a GLObal view
on STAR formation in our galaxy. Through a combination of radio, submm
and IR data, the project will provide information on the distances,
composition, luminosities and masses, thus describing a complete
of massive star formation and Galactic structure. To this end, the
of the interstellar medium is integral as it is the birthplace of new
stars. The main constituent however is molecular hydrogen which cannot
be directly observed. As such, an indirect probe is required. The
formaldehyde 110-111 ground state
transition line at 4.8~GHz fulfills this role. It is adept at probing
the kinetic temperature and spatial density of molecular clouds.
Furthermore, they are known to be good tracers of HII regions, regions
with known associations to star forming regions. I present now the work
done to detect sources of formaldehyde in the Galactic midplane. A
source extraction code was written to detect formaldehyde emission and
absorption in the range of 28 < l < 36 degrees and -1 < b < 1 degrees. I compare
the code to the known DUCHAMP search program. I report on the 17
absorption detections found on which two sources have ancillary APEX
data from which the optical depth is calculated and the spatial density
and kinematic temperature estimated.
RadioAstron space-VLBI observations of the pc-scale jet in the quasar 0836+710
Master Colloquium
Laura Vega García
Space VLBI observations with RadioAstron provide an extraordinary
improvement of angular resolution. In this talk, I will present the
results obtained from RadioAstron imaging of the quasar 0836+710 at L,
C, and K bands. The images of 0836+710 show a wealth of structure on
scales ranging from 0.2 to 150 milliarcseconds, which enables detailed
studies of shocks and plasma instability development in the jet. Our
preliminary analysis shows that the observed structure is consistent
with a jet which has a lower density than the surrounding medium and
propagates with a Mach number of ~6. Further modelling of the internal
structure of the flow should yield a more detailed physical picture of
the jet propagation.
Information field theory & application - a primer
Special Colloquium
Dr. Torsten Enßlin
MPA Garching
Information field theory (IFT) describes probabilistic image
reconstruction from incomplete and noisy data. Based on field
theoretical concepts IFT provides optimal methods to generate images exploiting all available information. Applications in cosmology and
astrophysics are CMB analysis (non-Gaussianities, Gaussianities),
galactic tomography, as well as gamma- and radio-astronomical imaging. A
novel IFT-based gamma ray sky image derived from data of the
Fermi-satellite provides insights into the high energy properties of the
Milky Way.
Polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background: Toward an Observational Proof of Cosmic Inflation
Main Colloquium
Dr. Eiichiro Komatsu
Statistical properties of the observed fluctuations of temperature and
anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background are remarkably
consistent with the basic
predictions of cosmic inflation driven by a single energy component. The
fluctuations are Gaussian and adiabatic, and the strength of
fluctuations weakly depends
on spatial scales. The WMAP experiment has confirmed these predictions
with precision, and
the Planck experiment has further tightened the limits on deviations
from Gaussianity and
adiabaticity of fluctuations. So, has inflation really happened? We do
not know yet. A
definitive observational proof of inflation must come from a convincing
detection of
signatures of nearly-scale-invariant primordial gravitational waves
generated during
inflation. The so-called B-mode polarisation of the cosmic microwave
background is the
most promising method known to date to detect such gravitational waves.
In this
presentation, we first briefly review the physics of E- and B-mode
polarisation of the
cosmic microwave background. We then discuss how to measure these
signals in the data in
the presence of Galactic foreground and gravitational lensing. A simple
analysis shows
that it is possible to detect a faint B-mode signal at the level of the
ratio of 0.001, i.e., two orders of magnitude below the current limit
set by the
temperature anisotropy data. This is likely the smallest
tensor-to-scalar ratio we would
ever reach using the cosmic microwave background. Detection of nearly
B-modes at this level or above provides a definitive proof of inflation
happening at
“high-scales,” i.e., energy scales close to a grand unification
scale, 10^16 GeV.
Stereophonic hearing as a paradigm for interferometric imaging
Lunch Colloquium
PD Dr. Rainer Mauersberger
To most people (including professional radio astronomers) the concept of
using a digital correlator to combine signals from different antennas to
construct images is all all intuitive. I will describe the many
similarities between stereophonic hearing and interferometry, as we are
doing it with ALMA, PdB or VLBI. I will describe how sound waves arrive
in our ears with a difference in phase, how these signals are frequency
separated and digitized and, finally, transmitted via nerves with
different lengths to special cells in the brain that can perform a
multiplication of two incoming digital datastreams from each of your two
Thus, when ALMA takes one of its stunning images its nothing else than
we do when enjoying a concert with closed eyes and nevertheless
distingishing the frequencies and eroslocations of each instrument.
I will also address another capability of our auditory system, namely to
mix signals with slightly different frequencies, and thus "hear" a
signal with the difference frequency of the two incoming signals.
A microscopic approach to cosmic structure formation
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bartelmann
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, Heidelberg
So far, the non-linear evolution of cosmic structures is accessible
for large-scale numerical simulations. The conventional analytic
treatment of cosmic density fluctuations with the hydrodynamical
equations runs into severe conceptual and technical difficulties even
moderately non-linear scales. As an alternative, we have developed a
microscopic, non-equilibrium, statistical theory for cosmic structure
formation which avoids these difficulties by construction and allows to
enter deeply into the non-linear regime of cosmic density fluctuations.
The theory also allows to unify approaches to kinetic theory and
hydrodynamics, offering a joint treatment of dark and baryonic matter.
will motivate and introduce this theory in simple terms, show some
results on non-linear cosmic structure formation obtained so far, and
discuss some possible future applications.
Cosmic ray feedback in galaxies and cool core clusters
Main Colloquium
PD Dr. Christoph Pfrommer
HITS, Heidelberg
Understanding the physics of galaxy formation is arguably among the
greatest problems in
modern astrophysics. Recent cosmological simulations have demonstrated
that "feedback" by
star formation, supernovae and active galactic nuclei appears to be
critical in obtaining
realistic disk galaxies, to slow down star formation to the small
observed rates, to move
gas and metals out of galaxies into the intergalactic medium, and to
balance radiative
cooling of the low-entropy gas at the centers of galaxy clusters.
However the particular
physical processes underlying this "feedback" still remain elusive. In
particular, these
simulations neglected cosmic rays and magnetic fields, which provide a
comparable pressure
support in comparison to turbulence in our Galaxy, and are known to
couple dynamically and
thermally to the gas. Using hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy
formation, I will show how
cosmic rays are able to drive powerful galactic winds in low-mass
galaxies. This reduces
the available amount of gas for star formation and implies a shallower
slope of the
faint-end of the galaxy luminosity function as required by observations.
In the second
part of the talk I demonstrate that cosmic-ray heating can balance
radiative cooling of
the low-entropy gas at the centers of galaxy clusters and helps in
mitigating the star
formation of the brightest cluster galaxies. New data on the
low-frequency radio and
gamma-ray emission of M87, the closest active galaxy interacting with
the cooling cluster
plasma, enable us to put forward a comprehensive, physics-based model of
feedback by
active galactic nuclei.
Effects of coplanar and inclined star-disc encounters on protoplanetary discs
Master Colloquium
Asmita Bhandare
Supervisor : Prof. Susanne Pfalzner (MPIfR), Prof. Pavel Kroupa (AIfA)
Most young stars are initially surrounded by protoplanetary discs. Owing
to the preferential formation of stars in stellar
clusters, the protoplanetary discs around these stars potentially may be
affected by the cluster environment. Various works have investigated the
influence of stellar fly-bys on discs, although most of them consider
only the effects due to parabolic, coplanar encounters often for
equal-mass stars, which is only a special case. We perform numerical
simulations to study the fate of protoplanetary discs due to the impact
of parabolic star-disc encounter for the less investigated case of
inclined and retrograde encounters. Here we concentrate on the disc
size after such encounters for different periastron distances and mass
ratios. We find that despite the prograde, coplanar encounters having
the strongest effect on the disc size, inclined and even the least
destructive retrograde encounters mostly also have a considerable
effect especially for close periastron passages. Interestingly, we find
a linear dependence of the disc size on the orbital inclination for the
prograde encounters but not for the retrograde case. We also determine
the final orbital parameters of the particles in the disc such as
eccentricities, inclinations and semi-major axes. Using this
information the presented study can not only be used to describe the
fate of discs but also that of planetary systems after inclined
encounters. In a follow up study we will investigate the possible
connection between non-coplanar encounters and Sedna-like objects in our
Solar System.
Preparing for the World Radio Conference 2015: What is at stake for radio astronomy?
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Talayeh Hezareh
The next World Radio Conference (WRC) will be held this November in
Geneva. A number of agenda items involving all radio services have been
developed and heavily discussed since the last WRC in 2012 and all
countries in the world have now finalised their positions on these
existing agenda. I will provide an overview of the issues relevant to
radio astronomy for this conference and also the proposals submitted and
approved for the next conference in 2019.
Watching a Little Gas Cloud on its Way into the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert
Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
The Galactic center is one of the most fascinating and extreme places in
the Galaxy.
Harboring a supermassive black hole with a mass of order 4 million solar
it experiences cycles of activity and star formation, separated by
periods of quiescence
that last of order a million years. The Milky Way's SMBH currently is
inactive. However
a small, diffuse gas cloud (G2) has recently been detected (Gillessen+
2012, 2013, 2014, Pfuhl + 2015) on
an orbit almost straight into the Galactic SMBH.
In 2014 G2 started to pass the SMBH at a small distance of just 2000
Schwarzschild radii, corresponding to 20 light hours with the emission
from being strongly redshifted prior to pericenterto strongly
blue-shifted past pericenter. This indicates that the ionized gas of G2
is now stretched
over more than 15,000 Schwarzschild radii around the pericenter.
Depending on its nature G2 will now begin to break
up and feed the SMBH, possibly triggering a phase of AGN activity.
The next years will therefore provide a unique opportunity to
investigate directly
the processes that drive and regulate gas accretion onto the Galactic
SMBH. In addition, G2 turns out
to be a powerful probe in order to probe the structure and composition
of the Galactic center.
This talk will summarize the observations of G2 and current models about its
nature. Is G2 a diffuse gas clump that originates from winds of
high-mass stars
in the surrounding stellar disk, is it a disrupting gas planet or is it
the atmosphere of an evaporating, invisible
protostellar disk, surrounding a young low-mass stars. Is it connected
to a long gas filament that has
been discovered recently and that might feed and activate the SMBH in
the future? Or is it something completely different?
The existence of such a tiny, cold gas cloud in the hostile vicinity of
the SMBH raises numerous
fascinating questions related to its structure. Where did it come from
and where will it go?
Why is it on such a highly eccentric orbit? Which physical processes
constrain its properties
like its size, mass, density, temperature and geometrical shape?
Like comet Shoemaker Levy's 1994 collision with Jupiter,
the big challenge has started for astrophysicists to predict the outcome
of G2's close encounter with
the SMBH in the years 2015 and beyond. Their models will be validated
directly by observations
within the next couple of years.
Wavelet cross-correlation as a tool to study scale dependent structural changes in molecular clouds
Special Colloquium
Tigran Arshakian
University of Cologne
Mapping observations of molecular clouds in different chemical tracers,
different transitions of the same tracer or different velocity channels
one transition reveal structural changes in the clouds such as phase
transitions, temperature profiles, and patterns of turbulent velocities.
We present a wavelet-based weighted cross-correlation (WWCC) method to
study the correlation between two maps of a turbulent molecular cloud
and displacement between their structures as a function of scale, in
which no assumption about the noise or boundaries are made. The method
includes a weighting function that allows us to deal with non-uniform
noise often present in the maps. The WWCC
is a powerful statistical tool allowing us to compare different maps and
trace scales with prominent or enhanced structures, chemical and phase
transitions, providing insight into the physical conditions of
interstellar gas. The WWCC is tested for simulated maps containing
circular and self-similar structures. I will discuss the advantages and
limitations of the WWCC, results of its application to simulated MHD
maps, and observed emission line maps of the giant
molecular cloud G 333.
A global view on the correlation of dust and gas
Lunch Colloquium
Daniel Lenz
The IRAS discovery of infrared cirrus clouds was the starting point of correlation studies of neutral atomic hydrogen and dust far-infrared emission. These yield important insights into the gas and dust physics, the accretion history of the Milky Way, the X_CO factor, and the distribution of the CO-dark molecular gas. So far, full-sky analyses were limited by the angular resolution of the HI data of about one degree. The recently finished Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS) improved this limit by an order of magnitude. Here, we aim to consistently quantify the relation between dust and gas, using the most accurate full-sky data sets. Moreover, a Bayesian framework and state-of-the-art methods of inference and image analyses allow us to deduce all-sky maps of e.g. the X_CO factor, dust emissivity, (CO-dark) molecular gas and the Cosmic Infrared Background. We present the first results of this work and compare our results with targeted observations.
Optical polarisation properties of X-ray binaries
Main Colloquium
Prof. I. Papadakis
Department of Physics and Institute for Plasma Physics, University of Crete
Interstellar science with RoboPol
Main Colloquium
G. Panopoulou
Department of Physics and Institute for Plasma Physics, University of Crete
The stages before the formation of stars in molecular clouds are poorly
understood. Insights can be gained by studying the properties of
quiescent clouds, such as their magnetic field structure. The
plane-of-the-sky orientation of the field can be traced by polarized
starlight. We present the first extended, wide-field (∼10 deg2 ) map
of the Polaris Flare cloud in dust-absorption induced optical
polarization of background stars, using the RoboPol polarimeter at the
Skinakas Observatory. This is the first application of the wide-field
imaging capabilities of RoboPol. Our analysis resulted in reliable
measurements of 641 stars with median fractional linear polarization
1.3%. The projected magnetic field shows a large scale ordered pattern
and appears to align with faint striations seen in the Herschel-SPIRE
map of dust emission (250 μm). The overall polarization pattern we
obtain is in good agreement with large scale measurements by Planck of
the dust emission polarization in the same area of the sky.
Optical and radio variability of very-high energy emitting blazars
Main Colloquium
Dr. Talvikki Hovatta
Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory
Our knowledge of the very-high emitting (> 100 GeV) gamma-ray sky has
increased tremendously thanks to the current generation imaging air
cherenkov telescopes MAGIC, VERITAS and HESS. Currently there are over
50 blazars detected by these instruments compared to only six in 2003,
enabling population studies for the first time. In the majority of these
blazars, the synchrotron emission peaks at X-ray energies so that they
are classified as high-synchrotron peaked (HSP) objects. However, not
all HSP blazars are detected at the very high energies and our aim is to
study if there are differences in their intrinsic properties, or if all
HSP blazars are similar and could be detected with more sensitive
instruments, such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array. In 2014 we observed
a sample of 38 TeV-detected blazars in optical polarisation using the
RoboPol instrument in Crete and the Nordic Optical Telescope in Spain.
We have compared the optical polarization properties and variability of
these TeV-detected blazars with other non-TeV objects in the RoboPol
sample. In this talk I will review the general variability properties of
these objects in the optical and radio bands when compared to other
types of blazars. I will also present the first results from the optical
polarization study.
Rotations of optical polarisation plane in blazars as seen by RoboPol
Main Colloquium
Dr. D. Blinov
Department of Physics and Institute for Plasma Physics, University of Crete & Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg State Unive
We present our results on polarisation swings in optical emission of
blazars obtained by RoboPol, the first monitoring program of an unbiased
sample of gamma-ray bright blazars specially designed for effective
detection of such events. A possible connection of polarization swing
events with periods of high activity in gamma-rays is investigated using
the data set obtained during the 1st season of operation. We conclude
that: the full set of observed rotations is not a likely outcome of a
random walk of the polarization vector simulated by a multicell model;
furthermore, it is highly unlikely (more than 4 sigma) that none of our
rotations is physically connected to an increase in gamma-ray activity;
the brightest gamma-ray flares tend to be located closer in time to
rotation events, which may be an indication of two separate mechanisms
responsible for the rotations; finally, blazars with detected rotations
during non-rotating periods have significantly larger amplitude and
faster variations of polarization angle in optical than blazars without
RoboPol Reloaded : High sensitivity, large area polarimetry
Main Colloquium
Prof. A. N. Ramaprakash
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India
Ultra-high resolution VLBI studies of the Galactic center
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Rusen Lu
In recent years, significant progress in millimeter VLBI has been made
with the Event Horizon Telescope project, which aims to resolve strong
field General Relativistic (GR) signatures in nearby supermassive black
holes (in particular Sgr A* and M87). The first part of this talk will
deal with the question of whether or not these signatures can be imaged
when the radio emission from Sgr A* exhibits variability on timescales
of minutes, much shorter than the duration of a typical VLBI imaging
experiment. The second part will focus on the first 230 GHz VLBI
observations of Sgr A* with the APEX telescope in 2013. With a
resolution of 3 Schwarzschild radii, these observations reveal
“complex” structures that have never been seen before. With the
expected improvement in array performance, future observations could
lead to direct detection of strong GR signatures, e.g., the black hole
Exploring Strong Gravity in the Galactic Center
Main Colloquium
Dr. Jason Dexter
The Galactic center black hole, Sgr A*, provides a remarkable
opportunity to study strong gravity using either orbiting stars or
accreting gas. Very long baseline interferometry observations at
millimeter wavelengths are now spatially resolving event horizon scales
around Sgr A*, and near-infrared astrometry with the VLTI instrument
GRAVITY will achieve similar resolution in the next few years. In both
cases, interpreting the data requires physical modeling. I will discuss
the construction of relativistic emission models from numerical
simulations of black hole accretion flows and jets, what we've learned
from their comparison with current data, and the prospects for
detecting signatures of strong gravity (e.g., the black hole
in future observations. I will also argue that the recent discovery of
rare magnetar outburst near Sgr A* implies the presence of an unusual
population in the Galactic center.
Do protoplanetary discs have shorter dissipation time than we thought?
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Susanne Pfalzner
The life time of protoplanetary discs is usually determined from the
disc frequencies in young stellar clusters
of different ages. Observational studies seem to show that the disk
frequency decreases rapidly with cluster age with <10% of cluster
stars retaining their disks for longer than 2-6 Myr. This would imply
extremely fast disk dispersal and rapid planet growth. Here we
question the validity of this constraint by demonstrating that the
short disk dissipation times inferred to date might have been heavily
underestimated by selection effects. In fact, the higher disk
fractions in co-moving groups indicate that it is likely that over 30%
of all field stars retain their disks well beyond 10 Myr, leaving
ample time for planet growth.
Structure and Dynamics at the Centre of the Milky Way
Special Colloquium
Dr. Andrew Walsh
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Curtin University, Perth
The Centre of our Galaxy - the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), contains
80% of all dense gas in the Galaxy, but holds only about 5% of
current star formation. The CMZ is hotter, denser and more turbulent
than anywhere else in the Galaxy. It is a truly unique place. It is
also important as the CMZ has analogues in other galaxies that are
used to estimate extragalactic star formation rates. Yet we do not
understand the star formation in the CMZ. I will describe the CMZ and
present recent models to explain the unusual star formation. I will
introduce a way to make a 3 dimensional model of the CMZ with the hope
that this can be used to help us understand how star formation proceeds
under extreme circumstances.
MHD Turbulence within Molecular Clouds
Main Colloquium
Dr. Mark Heyer
University of Massachusetts
Turbulence within star forming regions of the Milky Way is generally
inferred from supersonic velocity dispersions measured in the line
profiles of
molecular line emission, most notably, the millimeter rotational
transitions of 12CO
and 13CO. Our ability to measure and quantify turbulent motions in
clouds has been enhanced in recent years. First, heterodyne focal plane
at millimeter wavelengths on moderate to large telescopes enable
wide-field spectroscopic imaging of molecular line emission. Second,
analysis tools have been developed that exploit the velocity information
resident within the produced data cubes.
In my presentation, I will review these efforts with attention towards
the velocity spectrum of turbulence within well-resolved molecular
clouds. These results are extended to the cloud-to-cloud integrated
size-line width relationship. A fundamental plane for molecular clouds
emerges from the near universality of the turbulence in molecular clouds
and the equipartition
between gravitational and turbulent kinetic energy densities.
While the size-line width relationships offer insights to
phenomenological descriptions of turbulence, these do not identify the
physical origin of cloud motions within molecular clouds. I will present
recent 1mm and 3mm imaging of CO lines in the low column density (Av ~
1) envelope of the Taurus cloud that reveals wave-like motions of
molecular gas responsible for the observed striae aligned along the
local magnetic field direction. Many of the observed features can be
explained by the propagation of magneto-sonic waves across the cloud.
Dwarf Galaxies and Their Role as Building Blocks
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel
Dwarf galaxies are the most common type of galaxy in the Universe and
include the most dark-matter-dominated objects known. They offer
intriguing insights into evolutionary processes at low halo masses
and low metallicities. Moreover, as survivors of a once much more
numerous population of building blocks of larger galaxies, they are
key to understanding very early star formation processes. The Local
Group and particularly the Milky Way's dwarf galaxy entourage offer
us the unique possibility to compare in detail dwarf and Galactic
populations. This is an important step towards quantifying the
magnitude and time scales of dwarf contributions to the build-up of
the Milky Way and allows us to test predictions of cosmological
theories and hierarchical structure formation.
Cosmic magnetism revealed through Faraday rotation
Special Colloquium
Dr. Niels Oppermann
University of Toronto
Magnetic fields are thought to pervade all environments in the
However, they are notoriously hard to understand or even observe. One
observable that is sensitive to magnetic fields is the Faraday rotation
experienced by linearly polarized light. This probes magnetic fields
anywhere on the line of sight between the source and the observer. For
extragalactic sources, this means that we are provided with an
observable that contains, in principle, information on the
of a vast array of environments: the interstellar medium in the Milky
Way and the source galaxies, the intergalactic medium within galaxy
clusters, the low-density medium in large-scale structure filaments,
sheets, and voids. However, all this information is tightly entangled
the observations. I will discuss statistical models that can be used to
disentangle the different contributions and show that these, in
combination with upcoming LOFAR and SKA observations, will enable the
detection of very weak cosmic-scale magnetic fields, thus potentially
shedding light on the origin of cosmic magnetism.
Model-Based Cross-Correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1
Special Colloquium
Dr. John Whelan
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
The low-mass x-ray binary (LMXB) Scorpius X-1 (Sco X-1, presumed to be
consisting of a neutron star which is accreting matter from a low-mass
companion) is
one of the most promising potential sources of gravitational waves
which may be
observed by the generation of GW detectors---such as Advanced LIGO,
Advanced Virgo and
KAGRA---which will begin operation this year with the first Advanced
LIGO observing
run, and Advanced Virgo and KAGRA observations expected to follow in
coming years.
Nonaxisymmetric deformations in the neutron star can give rise to
radiation, most of which is emitted at twice the rotation frequency of
the neutron
star. Such deformations can be maintained by the accretion of matter
onto the neutron
star. It has been conjectured (e.g., by Bildsten in 1998) that the
neutron star's
rotation may be in an approximate equilibrium state, where the spin-up
torque due to
accretion is balanced by the spin-down due to GWs. Scorpius X
-1's high x-ray flux implies a high accretion rate, which makes it
most promising
potential source of observable GWs among known LMXBs.
Since Sco X-1 is not seen as a pulsar, its rotation frequency is
unknown. There is
also residual uncertainty in the orbital parameters which determine the
modulation of the signal, monochromatic in the neutron star's rest
frame, which
reaches the solar-system barycenter. This parameter uncertainty limits
effectiveness of the optimal coherent search for periodic GWs, as the
parameter space
resolution needed for a fully coherent search renders the projected
computing costs
Star Formation amidst Cooling and Heating in Cool-Core Brightest Cluster Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Dr. Rupal Mittal
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
A short gas cooling-time owing to radiative losses at the centers of
galaxy clusters should lead to a massive reservoir of cold molecular
gas and extreme star formation rates. Observations, on the other hand,
are consistent with cooling at only 10% of the expected level. A
globally-stable feedback heating mechanism is essential to prevent the
otherwise massive cooling expected of the intracluster medium. AGN
heating is a viable mechanism capable of ensuring such
stability. Despite AGN heating, however, a number of central galaxy
clusters show evidence of some star formation. These galaxies also
exhibit a multi-phase medium as manifested by the presence of an
intricate network of H-alpha filaments, warm CO, diffuse ionized
far-infrared line emission and continuous dust emission. In the first
half of my talk, I will discuss these observations in light of current
self-regulated feedback theories.
In the second half of my talk, I will discuss the issue of accurate
determination of star formation rates in brightest cluster galaxies
(BCGs) in cool-core systems. I will describe a study (Mittal, Whelan
and Combes 2015) in which we used broad-band imaging data for a sample
of 10 cool-core BCGs and conducted a Bayesian analysis with the help
of stellar population synthesis (SPS) to determine the likely
properties of the constituent stellar populations. Robust
determination of star formation rates in BCGs has a direct impact on
our understanding of cooling of the ICM, star formation and
AGN-regulated feedback. It is important to understand the degeneracies
among the physical properties parameterizing the stellar populations,
in particular, the young stellar population, so that we may better
understand its connection to the gas cooling out of the intracluster
The Orion OMC1 BN/KL outflow and The Origin of Runaway Stars
Special Colloquium
Prof John Bally
Dynamical processes responsible for the ejection of massive stars from
birth-sites as high-velocity runaway stars may be responsible for the
most powerful
protostellar outflows. The OMC1 outflow, located immediately behind the
Orion Nebula,
may have been triggered by the dynamic interaction of a non-hierarchical
system of
massive stars that formed a compact binary, ejected the binary
(suspected to be radio
source I) and the 15 Solar mass BN object, and released ~10^48 ergs of
energy about
500 years ago. Explosive outflows similar to Orion may be associated
with the
ejection of runaway stars, produce IR-flares with luminosities between
novae and
supernovae, and have profound feedback impact on their parent molecular
I will present multi-conjugate adaptive optics imaging with the
Gemini-South 8-meter
telescope at 0.06" resolution images of the 2.12 micro-meter H2 and
1.64 micro-meter
[FeII] emission from the shock-excited fingers and results from or ALMA
Cycle 2
observations of CO, SiO, SO, and the continuum with 1" angular
resolution. I will
also discuss the first results of a Spitzer warm-mission program
(SPIRITS) which is
searching for IR-only transients, acme of which may be similar to the
Orion event, in
~200 nearby galaxies.
Galaxy Cluster Outskirts: New Crossroads of Astrophysics and cosmology
Special Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Daisuke Nagai
Yale University
Galaxy clusters are the largest and most recently formed cosmological
objects in the universe, making them powerful laboratories for
and astrophysics. The current generation of multi-wavelength cluster
surveys have dramatically increased the sample size and the image
of observed galaxy clusters out to high-redshift. However, the
power of these surveys are limited by complex and still poorly
cluster astrophysics that shape their observable properties and
In this talk, I will present recent advances in our understanding of
cluster astrophysics (with highlights on the emerging area in the
outskirts of galaxy clusters) and discuss outstanding challenges and
future prospects for the use of galaxy clusters as a cosmological
Anomalous hydrodynamics kicks neutron stars
Special Colloquium
Dr. Matthias Kaminski
Dept of Physics & Astronomy, University of Alabama
Observations show that, at the beginning of their existence, neutron
stars are accelerated briskly to velocities of up to 1000 km/s. We will
devote a third of this colloquium to a review of the observations,
simulations, and some previous theoretical models. After that, we will
introduce a rather simple theoretical explanation capable of accounting
for these kicks in a systematic effective-field-theory framework.
Anomalies of the Standard Model of particle physics result in chiral
transport terms in this effective (hydrodynamic) description. We will
identify this chiral transport as an explanation for the drastic
acceleration of neutron stars during the first few seconds of their
existence. Finally, we are going to discuss possible implications for
Revealing small-scale magnetised structures in our Milky Way, AGN and everything in between using spectropolarimetry of unresol
Special Colloquium
Craig Anderson
Sydney University
When linearly polarised radiation passes through a magnetised plasma,
Faraday rotation encodes information about its magnetoionic structure as
frequency dependent changes in the complex polarisation vector that
characterizes the radiation. As a result, radio observations of distant
AGN have been used to probe magnetised plasmas throughout the cosmos,
from the inner regions of AGN themselves right through to Earth's
For many years, the physical properties of these plasmas were derived
from 'rotation measures' --- the gradient of a linear fit to the
polarisation angle vs. the square of the observing wavelength. However,
modern observations have revealed that the polarised emission from many
extragalactic sources cannot be well described by a single RM, but
instead exhibits 'Faraday complexity' - complicated changes in
polarisation that betray the presence of complicated magnetoionic
structures along the line of sight to the source.
The idea that measuring and modelling this Faraday complexity might
reveal a great deal more magnetised source structure than rotation
measures alone has been with us since at least the sixties. However, it
has only been recently that telescopes have achieved the wide observing
bands required to make routine use of these insights. In this talk, I
will discuss the result of two broadband polarisation surveys that we
have undertaken with the goal of observing and characterising Faraday
complex polarisation behaviour in discrete radio sources. I will show
how Faraday complexity is readily detected in a substantial proportion
of radio sources, and how this complexity reveals the existence and
properties of complicated magnetised structures in our Milky Way's
interstellar medium, galaxy clusters and the inner regions of AGN
themselves (among other things).
Star Cluster System Dynamics as a Probe into Star Formation
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Genevieve Parmentier
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg
Star clusters constitute a major channel of star formation in the local
Universe. And as groups of largely coeval stars, they can be detected
against the background of their host galaxy, and age-dated. They are
therefore vital tracers of the process of star formation, as well as of
the history of galaxies. As time goes by, however, star clusters
steadily lose their stars and, eventually, get completely dissolved, a
process which depends sensitively on their formation conditions. A
thorough understanding of cluster formation conditions is therefore
urgently needed to reconstruct the star formation history of galaxies
from the encoded record left by their surviving star clusters.
In this presentation, I will show how the properties of star cluster
systems can be exploited to probe into the formation conditions of star
clusters. Specifically, I will build on the evolution with time of the
cluster mass distribution to constrain the mass-radius relation of
clusters at birth, and to explain the limit for massive star formation
observed in the mass-radius space of molecular structures. These
have stimulated the development of a new model for cluster formation.
Not only is this model able to explain the steep relation between the
local surface densities of molecular gas and young stellar objects of
the Solar Neighbourhood, it has also prompted us to reassess the ability
of clusters to survive the expulsion of their residual star-forming gas.
Stellar age spreads in clusters as a function of their mean volume
density will also be discussed.
Are we on the verge of a Maunder like Solar Minimum?
Main Colloquium
Prof. P. Janardhan
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
A study of solar photospheric fields and solar wind micro-turbulence in
the inner heliosphere suggests that we are headed towards a prolonged
period of little/no sunspot activity similar to the well-known Maunder
minimum between 1645 and 1715. Our observations of a steady 20 year
decline of solar high latitude magnetic fields, starting from ~1995,
combined with the fact that cycle 24 is already past its peak, implies
that solar polar magnetic fields will continue to decline until ~2020,
the minimum of cycle 24, and will fall to very low values if the trend
continues into solar cycle 25. In addition, extensive 327 MHz
interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations (1983-2013) from the IPS
network of the Solar Terrestrial Environmental Laboratory (STEL), Japan,
have shown that solar wind micro-turbulence levels in the
inner-heliosphere have also been steadily declining, in sync with the
declining solar photospheric fields. The large scale IPS
signature in the inner heliosphere and the declining solar polar fields
provide a consistent result, indicating the possibility of the onset of
a long period of very low sunspot activity. An assessment of the
possible impact of such a decline on terrestrial ionospheric current
systems suggests that the night time ionospheric cut-off will drop well
below 10 MHz. The period post 2020 would thus be very useful for
undertaking systematic ground-based low-frequency radio astronomy
First results from the XXL survey
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Florian Pacaud
The XXL survey is the largest observing program ever performed with
ESA's XMM-Newton satellite. It aims at mapping 50deg2 of the sky at high
galactic latitudes to study the large-scale-structures of the Universe
through the distribution of galaxy clusters and active galactic nuclei.
The flagship goal of the survey is to use the cluster number density,
mass distribution and two-point correlation function to obtain
competitive constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. In this
presentation, I will briefly present the project and discuss the first
scientific results on galaxy clusters which are about to be released.
The large scale quasar jets: accelerating electrons up to ~100 TeV and competing in radiative output with the blazar core
Main Colloquium
Dr. Markos Georganopoulos
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
The Chandra X-ray observatory has discovered dozens of resolved,
kiloparsec-scale jets associated with powerful quasars in which the
X-ray fluxes are observed to be much higher than the expected level
based on the radio-optical synchrotron spectrum. The most popular
explanation for the anomalously high and hard X-ray fluxes is that these
jets do not decelerate significantly by the kiloparsec scale, but rather
remain highly relativistic (Lorentz factors Gamma ~ 10). By adopting a
small angle to the line-of-sight, the X-rays can thus be explained by
inverse Compton up-scattering of CMB photons (IC/CMB), where the
observed emission is strongly Doppler boosted. Using over six years of
Fermi monitoring data, we show that the expected hard, steady gamma-ray
emission required by the IC/CMB model is not seen in PKS 0637-752, the
prototype jet for which this model was first proposed. IC/CMB emission
is thus ruled out as the source of the X-rays, joining recent results
for the jets in 3C 273 (using the same method; Meyer et al. 2014) and
PKS 1136-135 (using UV polarization; Cara et al., 2013). This limits
the jet maximum speed and suggests that the X-rays are synchrotron
radiation from up to 100 TeV electrons accelerated in situ. These have
interesting implications: the angle-integrated radiation from the large
scale jet may be at a level similar to that of the blazar, making the
large scale jet as lossy as the
base of the jet, and the angle integrated TeV emission produced by a
large scale jet may exceed that of a typical TeV BL Lac, possibly
making large scale jets an important source of TeV photons in the
Fermi and HST constraints on inverse Compton mechanism in AGN
Special Colloquium
Dr. Eileen Meyer
The long operating lifetime of Hubble has resulted in an increasingly
valuable archive of images of AGN jets taken over the last twenty years.
With recent advances in state-of-the-art astrometric methods, we can now
leverage this archive to measure the motions of the relativistic plasma
in these jets in galaxies as distant as 500 Mpc, reaching accuracies of:
10% the speed of light. I will present recent discoveries, including the
unwinding of helical kpc-scale structure in M87, and an internal shock
collision in action in 3C 264 (Meyer et al., 2015, Nature) as well
proper motions and their implications for jet physics for other nearby
radio galaxies. I will discuss the advances in technique which have
enabled even very short exposures (e.g. early WFPC2 “snapshotâ€
images) to be registered using background galaxies, and discuss future
observations which will continue to push the envelope of HST
proper-motions science.
Are All Galaxies the Same? A Synchronized, Uniform Framework for Galaxy and Black Hole Evolution
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Charles Steinhardt
Cal Tech
Initial results from SPLASH, an ultra-deep multi-wavelength
survey, allow a study of star formation out to z~6. Combining these
results with dozens of star formation and supermassive black hole
accretion studies, there is a consistent picture of galactic evolution at
0 < z < 6. These results also create tension with hierarchical merging at
high redshift. We can define a "synchronization timescale" for galaxies as
a measure of the uniformity of an ensemble of galaxies at various cosmic
epochs. If galaxy evolution is dominated by stochastic processes, then
galactic events occurring at high redshift should happen at nearly the
same time across an ensemble of galaxies, while events occurring at low
redshift should be much less synchronous. Surprisingly, this
synchronization timescale is both mass- and time-independent, a constant
1.4 Gyr for all combinations of mass and time. As a result, we are
prompted to consider a framework for galactic evolution along a main
sequence so that star formation, supermassive black hole accretion, and
feedback between the two are dominated by deterministic rather than
stochastic processes.
The new technical division for Digital Signalprocessing
Lunch Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Bernd Klein
Many developments in radio astronomy are increasingly
dependent on digital signal processing. The new founded
department will focus on actual and future trends in
digital hardware, gate- and software to support the
other technical divisions with innovative digital
In my talk I will introduce the new division and report
on the latest generation of broadband FFT spectrometer
as well as the ongoing digital developments for the MeerKAT
Probing the Methanol and CO Snow Lines in the Young Protostar NGC 1333-IRAS4B
SFB Colloquium
Dr. Sibylle Anderl
Grenoble, France
One central question in the context of star formation concerns the
evolution of complex chemistry that could eventually trigger the onset
of life. In the interstellar medium, complex organic molecules seem to
mostly form in reactions happening on the icy surface of dust grains,
such that they are released into the gas phase when the dust is heated.
The resulting "snow lines", marking regions where ices start to
sublimate, play an important role for planet growth and bulk composition
in protoplanetary disks. However, they can already be observed in the
envelopes of the much younger, low-mass Class 0 protostars that are
still in their early phase of heavy accretion. The information on the
sublimation regions of different kinds of ices can be used to understand
the chemistry of the envelope, its temperature and density structure,
and may even hint at the history of the accretion process. Accordingly,
it is a crucial piece of information in order to get the full picture of
how organic chemistry evolves already at the earliest stages of the
formation of sun-like stars. As part of the CALYPSO Large Program (cf.
http:/irfu.cea.fr/Projets/Calypso/), we have obtained observations of
C18O, N2H+ and CH3OH towards the Class 0 protostar NGC 1333-IRAS4B with
the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer at sub-arcsecond resolution. We
observe an anti-correlation of C18O and N2H+, with N2H+ forming a ring
(perturbed by the outflow) around the centrally peaked C18O emission.
This reveals the CO snow line in this protostellar envelope with
unprecedented resolution, with a radius of ~300 AU. In addition, we
observe compact methanol emission, with a radius of ~40 AU. We have
modeled the emission using a chemical model coupled with a radiative
transfer module, using the temperature and density profiles
self-consistently determined by Kristensen et al. (2012). We find that
the CO snow line appears further inwards than expected from the binding
energy of pure CO ices. This may hint at CO being frozen out in H2O or
CO2 dominated ices. Our observations can thereby yield clues on the
widely unknown composition of interstellar ices, being the initial seeds
of complex organic chemistry.
Studying Gamma Ray Burst Physics with Optical Telescopes
Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most violent explosions in the Universe.
After a brief period of gamma ray emission, they are followed in longer
wavelengths by afterglows, which are observable for hours to weeks. I
will review recent results of the international team using the Liverpool
Telescope and the LCOGTN to observe GRBs' optical afterglows to
study their behaviour in the first minutes to hours after the GRB
trigger, thus shedding the light on their physics. Rapid multi-band
photometric observations in combination with high-energy data from
satellites reveal origin of optical flares occurring contemporaneously
with prompt gamma-ray emission and enable statistical studies of GRBs
with and without the reverse shock optical emission. However, one of the
most important questions of GRB physics is the role of the magnetic
field, which can be addressed by measuring linear polarisation of an
early optical afterglow. Using the RINGO 2 polarimeter on the Liverpool
Telescope we showed in the case of the GRB 120308A that large scale
ordered magnetic fields are present in these explosions.
Fast outflows in broad absorption line quasars and their connection with CSS/GPS sources
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Gabriele Bruni
Broad Absorption Line Quasars (BAL QSOs), are objects showing absorption by
relativistic outflows (up to 0.2c) in their UV spectra. During the past
decade, a considerable observational effort has been done in order to
disentangle the two proposed scenarios: the orientation one and the
evolutionary one. A fraction of BAL QSOs has a typical GPS/CSS SED. In other
cases, a restarting activity seems to be present, resulting in an extended
component (tens of Kpc) detected in the MHz range, plus a young component
peaking in the GHz range. VLBI observations has shown a complex morphology
in some cases, that could confirm this scenario. I will review our latest
results about the possible connection between fast outflows and (re)starting
radio activity.
Detection of Galactic Center Source G2 at 3.8 microns during Periapse Passage and the NIR variability of Sgr A*
Special Colloquium
Dr. Gunther Witzel
I report recent observations of Galactic Center sources G2 and Sgr A*
from the W. M. Keck Observatory. Both sources are of great interest and
vary temporally; G2 is the putative gas cloud now passing through
periapse in its orbit around the black hole at the center of the Milky
Way Galaxy and Sgr A* is the emission associated with the central black
hole. At the time of observation, G2 was expected to have been at
closest approach with a separation from Sgr A* of only ~20 mas and,
therefore, to be spatially unresolved from Sgr A*. Nevertheless, the
two can be disentangled spectrally. We conclude that G2, which recently
underwent closest approach, is still intact and compact, in contrast to
predictions for a simple gas cloud hypothesis and therefore most likely
hosts a central star. The variability of Sgr A* itself has been subject
of statistical characterizations in the past. New observations with
Spitzer Space Telescope open an unexpected window to timescales
unobservable with ground based observatories, and help to assess the
question if G2 has changed the variability state of Sgr A*. Furthermore,
I will present an outlook on future astrometric measurements at the GC
and the methods currently developed to improve adaptive optics supported
photometry and astrometry.
X-Ray Spectropolarimetric Observations of Black Holes and Neutron Stars with X-Calibur and PolSTAR
Main Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
X-ray polarimetry promises to give qualitatively new information about
high-energy astrophysical sources such as black holes in X-ray binaries,
mass accreting supermassive black holes. mass accreting neutron stars,
X-ray bright pulsars, magnetars, and gamma-ray bursts. We have developed
a scattering polarimeter (X-Calibur) which can be used in the focal
plane of a grazing incidence X-ray mirror assembly. X-Calibur combines a
low-Z scatterer with an assembly of pixelated Cadmium Zinc Telluride
(CZT) detectors to achieve excellent detection efficiency over the broad
20-70 keV energy range. In this talk I will discuss the design and test
of the polarimeter and the scientific objectives of two upcoming
X-Calibur stratospheric balloon flights (Fall 2016 from Fort Sumner, NM,
and 2018/2019 from McMurdo, Ross Island). Furthermore, I will present
the results of general relativistic ray tracing studies which we carried
through to elucidate the potential of X-ray polarimetric observations
with X-Calibur and with a space-borne version of X-Calibur (called
PolSTAR) to test the theory of general relativity in the strong gravity
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Automatic Colloquia Management
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Henric Krawczynski
Washington University St. Louis / McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
one more abstract
Radio Continuum Studies of Wolf Rayet Galaxies
Special Colloquium
Dr. Shweta Srivastava
Physical Research Laboratory, India
Galaxies containing the signatures of Wolf - Rayet (WR) stars such as a
broad HeII 4686 Å emission feature in their optical spectra are known as
WR galaxies. The presence of WR stars provides a powerful constraint on
the recent star formation in a galaxy. A few galaxies imaged at radio
frequencies > 1 GHz reveal a variety of features and spectral shapes. We
have started a study of the low radio frequency (< 1 GHz) spectrum and
morphology of WR galaxies using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. Our
results indicate that the galaxies exhibit a variety of spectral shapes
at the low frequencies. We have estimated the synchrotron spectral index
alpha to be -0.9 to -0.4 after the separating the thermal free-free
emission. We have been able to do a detailed radio continuum study in
one of our sample galaxies where the diffuse radio synchrotron emission
and compact emission from star forming regions are examined. We find
that the detailed morphology of the radio emission resembles the UV
emission whereas the overall extent is similar to the NIR emission. I
will also talk about combining the radio results with optical IFU which
will help us study the spatial correlation between the interstellar
medium properties, WR stars and supernova remnants.
Quantum sub-structure of black holes
Main Colloquium
Dr. Georgi Dvali
LMU and MPI (Munich) and NYU (New York)
We review the framework in which curved gravitational backgrounds, such
as black holes and cosmological spaces, are described as composite
quantum entities. They are represented as coherent states or
Bose-Einstein condensates of constituent soft gravitons at
self-sustained quantum critical point. We discuss evidence of these
picture and some of its most important theoretical and experimental
consequences. In particular, physics underlying the black hole
information processing, physics of black hole production in high-energy
scattering and some astrophysical and cosmological consequences.
Radio emission from Protostellar Jets
Special Colloquium
Dr. Carlos Carrasco Gonzalez
Centro de Radioastronomia y Astrofisica, CRyA-UNAM, Morelia, Mexico
The Environment of an Unusual Starless Galactic Center Molecular Cloud
Special Colloquium
Dr. Betsy Mills
The giant molecular cloud G0.253+0.016 or “The Brick” is a massive
(M 105 solar masses) cloud in the Galactic center. Its apparent lack of
star formation given its large mass makes it unique in our Galaxy, and
as such it has been the subject of more than a dozen papers in just the
last 3 years. The properties of this cloud are being used to understand
everything from the quiescent initial stages of massive star formation
to the overall evolution and orbit of clouds in the entire Galactic
center. However, its physical conditions and environment are still
poorly constrained. I will present recent VLA observations of this cloud
that provide new measurements of its temperature structure and
kinematics. The results of these observations also include the detection
of an unprecedented number of shock-excited methanol masers, and the
first detection of weak, extended continuum emission, apparently due to
the external ionization of the cloud. Despite the detection of both
masers and continuum emission, we find no new evidence for ongoing star
formation in this cloud. However, we do find tantalizing evidence for an
overlooked interaction between this cloud and a nearby supernova remnant
from the cloud’s morphology, kinematics, and the inhomogeneous
distribution of the shock-excited masers. I will conclude with a
discussion of how it may be possible to distinguish between scenarios
for quiescent and interaction-driven evolution of this and other clouds
in the Galactic center.
Feeding and feedback in the multi-phase interstellar medium
Main Colloquium
Dr. Alex Hill
Haverford College
The interstellar medium is the intermediary between star formation,
stellar feedback, and galaxy evolution. Our understanding of the ISM has
evolved from a static three-phase model into one in which turbulence and
magnetic fields regulate a much more complex, dynamic medium. I will
present magnetohydrodynamic simulations of this turbulent, multi-phase
ISM and compare them to Halpha and radio continuum observations.
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Miguel Requena Torres
The star formation law of nearby galaxies
Main Colloquium
Dr. Yong Shi
Nanjing University
Star formation is a key physical process of baryonic matters, and plays
crucial roles in driving galaxy formation and evolution. The observed
relationship between star formation rates and gas masses, star formation
law, offers a powerful empirical way in understanding star formation and
is widely invoked in numerical simulations of galaxy formation and
evolution. In the past decade, the rich multi-wavelength data of nearby
galaxies have enabled well characterizations of this gas-SFR
relationship. I will talk about our recent works about star formation
law, and show that in addition to the gas density, other factors may
also regulate star formation such as existing stars, metallicities etc.
This challenges the traditional SFR-gas relationship, implying that
different physical mechanisms may play roles in driving star formation
during galaxy evolution.
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Rusen Lu
Lunch Colloquium
Three-dimensional evolution of planet-disc systems
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Meng Xiang-Grüss
Planet formation and evolution has been studied in the past decades with
detailed analytical calculations as well as high-resolutional numerical
simulations and observations. The observational discovery of exoplanets
in the past two decades has provided us with important information about
the orbital properties of the planets which led to several significant
theoretical improvements. For example, in this context, conditions for
planet formation as well as planet-disc interactions have be found.
Since the fist discovery of so-called misaligned Hot Jupiters, there has
been a complex debate about the origin and evolution of planets on
misaligned orbits. In my talk I will present the most promising theories
for the formation of misaligned planets and the current attempts to put
planet-disc systems into their natural birth environments - the stellar
Galactic magnets along the line of sight
Main Colloquium
Dr. Jamie Farnes
Sydney University/CAASTRO
Magnetism is one of the fundamental forces of nature, and the Earth’s
magnetic field alone influences the behaviour of numerous animals, and
possibly allowed life to have evolved here. Magnetism is important in
the development of almost all astrophysical systems, on all scales from
planets to the cosmic web. However, we still do not understand how
magnetic fields first originated, or how they were amplified to their
current strength. Understanding cosmic magnetism requires converting the
polarisation properties of extragalactic radio sources into the
rest-frame in which the corresponding polarised emission or Faraday
rotation is produced. Motivated by this requirement, I present a
catalogue of multiwavelength linear polarisation and total intensity
radio data for polarised sources from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS).
Sources were cross-matched with a number of complementary measurements
combining data from major radio polarisation and total intensity surveys
such as AT20G, B3-VLA, GB6, NORTH6CM, Texas, and WENSS, together with
other polarisation data published over the last 50 years. I present a
new technique to cross-match such catalogs, taking into account their
fundamentally different resolutions and allowing for estimation of the
false-detection rate. For 1000 sources, I present physically-modelled
spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in both fractional polarisation and
total intensity, containing measurements from 400 MHz to 100 GHz. For a
superset of 25,649 sources I provide the total intensity spectral index.
This sample shows that objects with steep- versus flat- total intensity
spectra have different polarisation SEDs. These two sub-populations
suggest the run of polarised fraction with wavelength is predominantly
affected by the local source environment, rather than by unrelated
foreground magnetoionic material. This has important consequences for
the physical interpretation of future broadband polarimetric surveys
such as those to be carried out with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
and its pathfinders and precursors, such as MeerKAT and ASKAP. In
addition, the catalogue has also been cross-matched with the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey in order to find 599 polarised sources that have a
known number of intervening magnesium-absorbing systems. These MgII
absorbers are a proxy for normal star-forming galaxies located somewhere
along the line of sight. We find the strongest statistical evidence to
date that these MgII absorbers are unambiguously associated with higher
Faraday rotation. This increase in magnetic field along the line of
sight and which is associated with the normal galaxies rules out
previously-proposed models of “partial coverage”. Furthermore, the
redshift distribution of our sample suggests that magnetic fields have
remained essentially constant over the last seven billion years -
providing significant implications for dynamo models. I shall briefly
discuss the campaign we are now undertaking with the Karl G. Jansky Very
Large Array in order to further understand these intervening systems,
and how our understanding of cosmic magnetism will be completely
revolutionised by next-generation facilities leading up to the SKA.
Multi-wavelength Properties of AGN with Relativistically Beamed Jets and the Blazar Divide
Special Colloquium
Dr. Prajval Shastri
We investigate the systematics of the properties of highly relativistic
jets at multiple frequencies, including gamma-ray data from the Fermi
telescope and MOJAVE radio imaging on parsec scales. We test the
hypothesis that the blazar divide constitutes a dichotomy. We also
explore possible measures of the Doppler factor for these highly
Doppler-beamed active galactic nuclei.
Exploring Distant Star Formation with ALMA
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Jens Kauffmann
Star formation in molecular clouds constitutes the foundation for the
growth of galaxies and the birth of extrasolar planets. In the last few
years several “star formation relations" were developed to
quantitatively describe how star formation proceeds in these clouds. For
example, these relations form the basis for our understanding of the
growth of galaxies in the early universe.
Using ALMA and other interferometers we are now examining the Central
Molecular Zone of the Milky Way (CMZ; i.e., central 100 pc) as an
extreme nearby star formation environment. We find that many star
formation relations found to hold near Sun break down in the CMZ. For
example, this calls our grasp of the galaxy formation process into
ALMA and NOEMA now give us a chance to explore our galactic backyard
even better as done so far. These instruments also allow us to resolve
parsec–scale structure in nearby galaxies. I describe some of the
expected discoveries and some of the hurdles we need to overcome on this
Recent Advances & Future Prospects in Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Douglas Applegate
Observations of galaxy clusters not only test the basic parameters of
the Lambda-CDM universe, but also test new physics such as non-zero
neutrino masses, evolving dark energy, and departures from General
Relativity on large scales. In this talk, I will first motivate why
clusters are so useful for cosmology and why we are confident that these
measurements are robust. In particular, I will describe how
gravitational lensing measurements have been essential to recent
advances. After showcasing recent results, I will then describe ongoing
efforts with the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev Zel’dovich cluster survey
that will significantly improve cosmological constraints from clusters
in the next few years
Single pulses: a step further to investigate timing limit and emission process of millisecond pulsars
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Kuo Liu
Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are demonstrated to be nature’s most precise
clocks. This feature is attributed to both their regular rotations and
stable integrated pulse profiles in radio band. However, recent studies
has begun to reveal the irregular nature of their radio signals whose
mechanism is unknown. Though MSPs have been mostly studied based on
integrated profiles due to their low flux densities, the brightest few
of them may still provide enough signal for studies in single-rotation
domain. In this talk, I will present an up-to-now overview of
investigations into single pulses of MSPs. I will focus on the results
from the brightest few sources (J0437-4715, B1937+21, J1713+0747, and
J1022+1001), which includes the properties of single pulses and the
impact of their variability on timing precision. I will also show that
study of single pulses sheds more light on radiation process of MSPs, by
e.g. enabling search for coherent emission and distinguishing orthogonal
emission modes.
Anatomy of the Molecular Gas
Special Colloquium
Dr. Dario Colombo
University Alberta
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Andrei P. Lobanov
A rapidly evolving region around our supermassive black hole: sculpting the Galactic center
Special Colloquium
Dr. Pau Amaro-Seoane
AEI, Hannover
Observations of the innermost parsec surrounding Sgr A* - the
supermassive black hole in the center of our Galaxy - have revealed a
diversity of structures whose existence and characteristics apparently
defy the fundamental principles of dynamics. I wil review the challenges
to the dynamics theories that have been brought forth in the past two
decades by the observations of the Galactic Center. I will highlight the
role of the recently discovered sub-parsec stellar disk in determining
the dynamics and resolving the inconsistencies.
Radio--Far infrared correlation in "blue cloud" galaxies upto z~1.2
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Aritra Basu
One of the tightest known correlation in astrophysics, radio–far
infrared (FIR) correlation of star-forming galaxies, is primarily driven
by star-formation and the interplay between various physical parameters
of the interstellar medium (ISM). The redshift evolution of the
correlation can shed meaningful insights into cosmic evolution of
We have studied the radio–FIR correlation in “blue cloud” galaxies
chosen from the PRism MUltiobject Survey (PRIMUS) up to redshift (z) of
1.2 in the XMM-LSS field. We employ the technique of image stacking to
detect blue star-forming galaxies up to z 1.2, that are otherwise
impossible to directly detect with current technology. The stacking
analysis allows us to probe the radio–FIR correlation for galaxies that
are up to 2 orders of magnitude fainter than the ones detected directly
in the FIR bands. The correlation is found to hold good spanning over 5
orders of magnitude in luminosity and widely different galaxy types.
For our sample, we find the slope of the correlation to be
systematically steeper than unity. The non-linear slope brings to light
the ambiguity in using the parameter q[=log(LFIR/Lradio)] as an
indicator of evolution of the correlation. Within the uncertainties of
our measurement and the limitations of our flux-limited and
color-selected sample, we do not find any evolution of the radio–FIR
correlation with redshift.
Contribution of geodesy to monitoring natural hazards and global change
Main Colloquium
Dr. Harald Schuh
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
The definition and realization of precise and stable reference frames
play an important role in modern geodesy, as they are required when we
want to monitor changes on the Earth such as plate tectonics or global
sea level rise. An overview of the various natural hazards and global
change phenomena that can be observed by geodetic techniques will be
given. Depending on the spatial scale, various types of measurements can
be used, from space geodetic techniques such as GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite Systems), SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging), VLBI (Very Long
Baseline Interferometry), and DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and
Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite), to local measurements by
geodetic surveying instruments. All these techniques are combined in
GGOS, the Global Geodetic Observing System of the IAG (International
Association of Geodesy), and the concept of this integrative enterprise
will be described. Case studies will be presented that document the
essential role of precise geodetic data, accurate analysis methods, and
realistic mathematical and physical models.
Lunch Colloquium
How to make astrophysical jets
Main Colloquium
Dr. Christian Fendt
MPIA Heidelberg
I will present recent MHD simulations investigating the launching of
astrophysical jets. Our simulations treat the time-dependent evolution
of the accretion-ejection structure and the subsequent collimation of
the disk wind into a high-velocity jet. Our setup considers various
approaches for a physical magnetic diffusivity that is essential for
loading the accretion material onto the outflow. We find relatively high
mass fluxes in the outflow, of the order of 20-40 also consider
simulations treating jet launching in a truly bipolar setup, thereby
investigating the origin of an intrinsic jet-counter jet asymmetry. Most
recent simulations include a mean-field accretion disk dynamo and the
launching of outflows by a self-generated disk magnetic field.
Exploring Distant Star Formation with ALMA
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Jens Kauffmann
Star formation in molecular clouds constitutes the foundation for the
growth of galaxies and the birth of extrasolar planets. In the last few
years several “star formation relations" were developed to
quantitatively describe how star formation proceeds in these clouds. For
example, these relations form the basis for our understanding of the
growth of galaxies in the early universe.
Using ALMA and other interferometers we are now examining the Central
Molecular Zone of the Milky Way (CMZ; i.e., central 100 pc) as an
extreme nearby star formation environment. We find that many star
formation relations found to hold near Sun break down in the CMZ. For
example, this calls our grasp of the galaxy formation process into
ALMA and NOEMA now give us a chance to explore our galactic backyard
even better as done so far. These instruments also allow us to resolve
parsec–scale structure in nearby galaxies. I describe some of the
expected discoveries and some of the hurdles we need to overcome on this
The Search for Gravitational Waves
Main Colloquium
Dr. Bruce Allen
AEI, Hannover
In 1916, Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational radiation, a
fundamental consequence of his general theory of relativity. By the end
of this decade, we expect to make the first direct observations of
gravitational waves, using ground-based instruments (LIGO in the USA,
VIRGO in Italy, KAGRA in Japan, LIGO in India). I describe the status
and capabilities of the detectors, and discuss the different types of
astrophysical sources which we hope to detect. We expect that the first
direct detections of gravitational waves (perhaps as early as 2017) will
be from the coalescence and merger of binary neutron star pairs. Such
events may also be accompanied by electromagnetic signals (gamma-ray,
optical and radio). I’ll also talk about the longer-term perspectives,
and describe how some of the new data analysis methods and technology
developed for the gravitational wave search have benefited more
conventional electromagnetic astronomy. For example in the past four
years the volunteer distributed computing project Einstein@Home has
discovered over fifty new radio and gamma-ray pulsars.
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Michael Lam
Fermi-LAT and multi-wavelength studies of AGN jets
Special Colloquium
Dr. Yasuyuki Tanaka
Hiroshima University
Since the successful launch of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope in 2008,
the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard Fermi has been monitoring the
MeV/GeV gamma-ray sky. Thanks to the large field-of-view (2.4 str),
Fermi-LAT scans the all-sky every 3 hours and can detect flaring blazars
from all sky. This allows to trigger multi-wavelength follow-up
observation for the flaring blazar. In this talk, I present Fermi-LAT
and multi-wavelength results of (1) TeV-emitting Flat Spectrum Radio
Quasar 4C 21.35 (Tanaka et al. 2011), extremely hard TeV blazar
(so-called extreme blazar) 1ES 0347-121 (Tanaka et al. 2014), and (3)
Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 120 (Tanaka et al. 2015). We also performed
optical polarimetric follow-up observations for flaring Fermi blazars
using Kanata telescope, and highlights of Kanata results are presented
(e.g., Itoh et al. 2013). Based on these results, we discuss the
location of gamma-ray emission region, gamma-ray emission mechanism,
energetics and magnetic field structure of AGN jets.
New international X-ray satellite Astro-H (Takahashi et al. 2012) is
scheduled to be launched this year. New instrument HONIR (Hiroshima
optical and near-infrared camera) was attached to Kanata telescope in
2014, and optical and near-infrared simultaneous polarimetric
observation is now feasible (Akitaya et al. 2014). We also discuss how
these new instruments will provide new insights into AGN jet physics.
Cosmic Rays in Clusters of Galaxies and their Non-thermal Imprint
Main Colloquium
Dr. Fabio Zandanel
GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam
I will briefly review the current picture of cosmic rays in clusters of
galaxies. Cosmic-ray protons are confined in galaxy clusters and can
accumulate there for cosmological times. Hadronic interactions of cosmic
rays with the cluster ambient gas generate secondary electrons,
gamma-rays and neutrinos possibly resulting in non-thermal emission from
radio to ultra-high energies. Are we detecting these secondaries? Will
we ever detect them? I will present my work aiming to answer these
The Cooling of the Cassiopeia A Neutron Star; Evidence for a Superfluid Phase Transition?
Main Colloquium
Dr. Craig Heinke
University of Alberta
The thermal radiation from the surfaces of neutron stars can inform us
about their interior physics. The cooling of neutron stars, which is
dominated by neutrino emission from the neutron stars core, tells us
about the nature and interactions of the particles in the core. A
subject of particular interest is superfluidity a quantum state of
certain fluids allowing frictionless flow, identified on Earth only in
two isotopes of helium at extremely low temperatures. Both protons and
neutrons inside neutron stars are thought to become superfluid, but the
properties of this superfluid are hard to study. The supernova remnant
Cassiopeia A contains the youngest ( 330 years) known neutron star,
which can strongly constrain cooling models. We recently found evidence
that it is cooling rapidly, leading to the interpretation that the
neutrons in the Cas A neutron star are currently undergoing a superfluid
phase transition. If so, this constrains the interactions of matter at
very high densities, and the nature of neutron stars.
Clustering Properties of High Redshift Sources in a Herschel Field
Lunch Colloquium
Ana Mikler
We study the galaxy clustering properties of the AKARI Deep Field South
(ADFS), between redshifts 0 and 3, using the Herschel Multi-tiered
Extragalactic Survey, HerMES. The data were taken by the SPIRE
instrument at 250 um, and these infrared observations allow us to obtain
information on the star-formation properties and the dust content of the
galaxies. We obtain the angular separation and estimate the angular
correlation function, to ultimately constrain the spatial correlation
length. The ADFS region has been poorly studied until now, and our
clustering analysis moves us one step further in the understanding of
the cosmological environment and the density field of the galaxies in
it. Our work shows that the clustering properties of the high-redshift
galaxies selected at long wavelengths to be not substantially different
from objects selected with completely different methods, like for
example optical selection.
Turbulence and its impact on Class 0 stage protostellar disk formation
Special Colloquium
Dr. Daniel Seifried
University of Cologne
Turbulence was shown to overcome the longstanding problem of
catastrophic magnetic braking which prevents the formation of early type
Class 0 stage protostellar disks. I will present numerical simulations
of protostellar disk formation investigating its impact on the formation
of disks. Turbulence allows Keplerian disks to form at an early stage
already and leads to a highly anisotropic and episodic accretion flow
through a few, very narrow accretion channels. This is in strong
contrast to a non-turbulent environment, where accretion is much more
well ordered. I will show how such an anisotropic accretion flow
naturally leads to the formation of rotationally supported, Class 0
stage protostellar disks and how it affects the magnetic field
structure. Finally I give some examples how such simulated protostellar
disks and outflows appear in synthetic observations, e.g. with ALMA.
Probing the Galactic Magnetic Field using the Gum Nebula
Special Colloquium
Dr. Cormac Purcell
The Gum Nebula is 36 degree wide shell-like emission nebula at a
distance of only 450 pc. It has been hypothesised to be an old supernova
remnant, fossil HII region, wind-blown bubble, or combination of
multiple objects. Here we investigate the magneto-ionic properties of
the nebula and its impact on the ISM using data from recent surveys:
radio-continuum data from the NRAO VLA and S-band Parkes All Sky
Surveys, and H-alpha data from the Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas. By
analysing rotation measures through the nebula and by fitting a simple
model, we are able to measure the geometry and strength of the local
ordered magnetic field. The fitted compression factor at the edge of the
nebula strongly constrains its likely origin for the first time. The
nebula is also useful as a probe of the magnetic field on parsec scales
and the fitted value of local magnetic pitch-angle represents a
significant deviation from the median orientation on kiloparsec scales.
I discuss the implications for Galactic structure and plans for expanded
analysis in the era of the SKA.
Probing interstellar scattering towards the Galactic centre with pulsar VLBI
Lunch Colloquium
Dr. Olaf Wucknitz
Temporal scatter-broadening can seriously affect our ability to find
pulsars orbiting the central mass in our Galaxy. Many of these
invaluable probes of geometry around the black hole are expected, but
none have been found in close orbits so far, possibly as result of
strong scattering. The magnetar PSR J1745-2900 discovered in 2013 at a
separation of < 3 arcsec is not the optimal type of pulsar for studies
of general relativity, but it can be used to investigate the scattering
properties so that search strategies can be adapted accordingly. In this
talk I present an observation of PSR J1745-2900 using short baselines
between VLBI stations in Europe in a non-standard interferometry mode.
The most important goal is determining the distance of the scattering
screen, or the distribution of scattering material if not confined to
one screen. The analysis is based on phase-binned visibilities that
allow measuring the shape of the scattering disk and how it grows with
increasing delay over the scattering tail of the pulse profile. Narrow
rings growing with the square root of delay are expected for a single
thin scattering screen and the preliminary results are indeed consistent
with this expectation. This means that most of the angular and temporal
broadening is caused by the same and relatively thin scattering screen
and that, in contrast to standard models of the interstellar scattering
behaviour near the Galactic centre, this screen is located about halfway
between the centre and us.